SNAP Library 4.1, Developer Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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alg.h File Reference
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struct  TSnap::TSnapDetail::TDelSelfEdges< PGraph, IsMultiGraph >
struct  TSnap::TSnapDetail::TDelSelfEdges< PGraph, true >


 Main namespace for all the Snap global entities.


template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntInDegNodes (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NodeInDeg)
 Returns the number of nodes with in-degree NodeInDeg. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntOutDegNodes (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NodeOutDeg)
 Returns the number of nodes with out-degree NodeOutDeg. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntDegNodes (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NodeDeg)
 Returns the number of nodes with degree NodeDeg. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntNonZNodes (const PGraph &Graph)
 Returns the number of nodes with degree greater than 0. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntEdgesToSet (const PGraph &Graph, const int &NId, const TIntSet &NodeSet)
 Returns the number of nodes in NodeSet that have an edge to the node NId. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::GetMxDegNId (const PGraph &Graph)
 Returns a randomly chosen node from all the nodes with the maximum degree. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::GetMxInDegNId (const PGraph &Graph)
 Returns a randomly chosen node from all the nodes with the maximum in-degree. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::GetMxOutDegNId (const PGraph &Graph)
 Returns a randomly chosen node from all the nodes with the maximum out-degree. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetInDegCnt (const PGraph &Graph, TIntPrV &DegToCntV)
 Returns an in-degree histogram: a set of pairs (in-degree, number of nodes of such in-degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetInDegCnt (const PGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &DegToCntV)
 Returns an in-degree histogram: a set of pairs (in-degree, number of nodes of such in-degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetOutDegCnt (const PGraph &Graph, TIntPrV &DegToCntV)
 Returns an out-degree histogram: a set of pairs (out-degree, number of nodes of such out-degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetOutDegCnt (const PGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &DegToCntV)
 Returns an out-degree histogram: a set of pairs (out-degree, number of nodes of such out-degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetDegCnt (const PGraph &Graph, TIntPrV &DegToCntV)
 Returns a degree histogram: a set of pairs (degree, number of nodes of such degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetDegCnt (const PGraph &Graph, TFltPrV &DegToCntV)
 Returns a degree histogram: a set of pairs (degree, number of nodes of such degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetDegSeqV (const PGraph &Graph, TIntV &DegV)
 Returns a degree sequence vector. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetDegSeqV (const PGraph &Graph, TIntV &InDegV, TIntV &OutDegV)
 Returns an in- and out-degree sequence vectors. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetNodeInDegV (const PGraph &Graph, TIntPrV &NIdInDegV)
 Returns a vector of pairs (node id, node in-degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetNodeOutDegV (const PGraph &Graph, TIntPrV &NIdOutDegV)
 Returns a vector of pairs (node id, node out-degree) More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntUniqUndirEdges (const PGraph &Graph)
 Counts unique undirected edges in the graph Graph. Nodes (u,v) (where u!=v) are connected via an undirected edge if there exists an edge in either direction (u,v) or (v,u). More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntUniqDirEdges (const PGraph &Graph)
 Counts unique directed edges in the graph Graph. Nodes (u,v) (where u!=v) are connected via a directed edge if there exists a directed edge from node u to node v. More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntUniqBiDirEdges (const PGraph &Graph)
 Counts unique bidirectional edges in the graph Graph. Edge is bidirectional if there exist directed edges in both directions: (u,v) and (v,u) More...
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::CntSelfEdges (const PGraph &Graph)
 Counts the number of self-edges in a graph. Edge (u,u) is a self-edge. More...
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::GetUnDir (const PGraph &Graph)
 Returs an undirected version of the graph. For every edge (u,v) an edge (v,u) is added (if it does not yet exist). More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::MakeUnDir (const PGraph &Graph)
 Makes the graph undirected. For every edge (u,v) an edge (v,u) is added (if it does not yet exist). More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::AddSelfEdges (const PGraph &Graph)
 Adds a self-edge to every node in the graph. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::DelSelfEdges (const PGraph &Graph)
 Removes all the self-edges from the graph. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::DelNodes (PGraph &Graph, const TIntV &NIdV)
 Removes nodes with ids stored in NIdV from the graph. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::DelZeroDegNodes (PGraph &Graph)
 Removes all the zero-degree nodes, that isolated nodes, from the graph. More...
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::DelDegKNodes (PGraph &Graph, const int &OutDegK, const int &InDegK)
 Removes all the node of out-degree OutDegK and all the nodes of in-degree InDegK from the graph. More...
template<class PGraph >
bool TSnap::IsTree (const PGraph &Graph, int &RootNIdX)
template<class PGraph >
int TSnap::GetTreeRootNId (const PGraph &Graph)
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetTreeSig (const PGraph &Graph, const int &RootNId, TIntV &Sig)
template<class PGraph >
void TSnap::GetTreeSig (const PGraph &Graph, const int &RootNId, TIntV &Sig, TIntPrV &NodeMap)