SNAP Library 2.3, User Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
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TLxSymStr Class Reference

#include <lx.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static TStr GetSymStr (const TLxSym &Sym)
static TLxSym GetSSym (const TStr &Str)
static bool IsSep (const TLxSym &PrevSym, const TLxSym &Sym)

Static Public Attributes

static const TStr UndefStr ="<undefined>"
static const TStr LnStr ="<line>"
static const TStr TabStr ="<tab>"
static const TStr BoolStr
static const TStr IntStr ="<integer>"
static const TStr FltStr ="<float>"
static const TStr StrStr ="<string>"
static const TStr IdStrStr ="<id-string>"
static const TStr QStrStr ="<q-string>"
static const TStr PeriodStr ="."
static const TStr DPeriodStr =".."
static const TStr CommaStr =","
static const TStr ColonStr =":"
static const TStr DColonStr ="::"
static const TStr SemicolonStr =";"
static const TStr PlusStr ="+"
static const TStr MinusStr ="-"
static const TStr AsteriskStr ="*"
static const TStr SlashStr ="/"
static const TStr PercentStr ="%"
static const TStr ExclamationStr ="!"
static const TStr VBarStr ="|"
static const TStr AmpersandStr ="&"
static const TStr QuestionStr ="?"
static const TStr HashStr ="#"
static const TStr EqStr ="="
static const TStr NEqStr ="<>"
static const TStr LssStr ="<"
static const TStr GtrStr =">"
static const TStr LEqStr ="<="
static const TStr GEqStr =">="
static const TStr LParenStr ="("
static const TStr RParenStr =")"
static const TStr LBracketStr ="["
static const TStr RBracketStr ="]"
static const TStr LBraceStr ="{"
static const TStr RBraceStr ="}"
static const TStr EolnStr ="<end-of-line>"
static const TStr EofStr ="<end-of-file>"

Detailed Description

Definition at line 56 of file lx.h.

Member Function Documentation

TLxSym TLxSymStr::GetSSym ( const TStr Str)

Definition at line 186 of file lx.cpp.

186  {
187  static TStrIntH StrToLxSymH(100);
188  if (StrToLxSymH.Len()==0){
189  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(PeriodStr, syPeriod);
190  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(DPeriodStr, syDPeriod);
191  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(CommaStr, syComma);
192  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(ColonStr, syColon);
193  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(DColonStr, syDColon);
194  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(SemicolonStr, sySemicolon);
195  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(PlusStr, syPlus);
196  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(MinusStr, syMinus);
197  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(AsteriskStr, syAsterisk);
198  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(SlashStr, sySlash);
199  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(PercentStr, syPercent);
200  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(ExclamationStr, syExclamation);
201  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(VBarStr, syVBar);
202  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(AmpersandStr, syAmpersand);
203  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(QuestionStr, syQuestion);
204  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(HashStr, syHash);
205  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(EqStr, syEq);
206  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(NEqStr, syNEq);
207  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LssStr, syLss);
208  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(GtrStr, syGtr);
209  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LEqStr, syLEq);
210  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(GEqStr, syGEq);
211  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LParenStr, syLParen);
212  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(RParenStr, syRParen);
213  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LBracketStr, syLBracket);
214  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(RBracketStr, syRBracket);
215  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LBraceStr, syLBrace);
216  StrToLxSymH.AddDat(RBraceStr, syRBrace);
217  }
218  int KeyId=StrToLxSymH.GetKeyId(Str);
219  if (KeyId==-1){
220  return syUndef;
221  } else {
222  return TLxSym(int(StrToLxSymH[KeyId]));
223  }
224 }
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr QuestionStr
Definition: lx.h:81
static const TStr CommaStr
Definition: lx.h:69
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:48
static const TStr DPeriodStr
Definition: lx.h:68
Definition: lx.h:46
static const TStr ColonStr
Definition: lx.h:70
Definition: lx.h:44
Definition: lx.h:48
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:49
static const TStr PercentStr
Definition: lx.h:77
static const TStr PlusStr
Definition: lx.h:73
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr HashStr
Definition: lx.h:82
static const TStr VBarStr
Definition: lx.h:79
Definition: lx.h:45
static const TStr EqStr
Definition: lx.h:83
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:49
static const TStr SlashStr
Definition: lx.h:76
static const TStr LssStr
Definition: lx.h:85
static const TStr ExclamationStr
Definition: lx.h:78
static const TStr RBraceStr
Definition: lx.h:94
static const TStr GtrStr
Definition: lx.h:86
static const TStr LBracketStr
Definition: lx.h:91
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr AsteriskStr
Definition: lx.h:75
Definition: lx.h:49
static const TStr LBraceStr
Definition: lx.h:93
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:48
static const TStr SemicolonStr
Definition: lx.h:72
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr NEqStr
Definition: lx.h:84
static const TStr DColonStr
Definition: lx.h:71
static const TStr LEqStr
Definition: lx.h:87
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:46
static const TStr PeriodStr
Definition: lx.h:67
static const TStr MinusStr
Definition: lx.h:74
static const TStr GEqStr
Definition: lx.h:88
static const TStr RBracketStr
Definition: lx.h:92
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:48
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr LParenStr
Definition: lx.h:89
static const TStr RParenStr
Definition: lx.h:90
static const TStr AmpersandStr
Definition: lx.h:80
TStr TLxSymStr::GetSymStr ( const TLxSym Sym)

Definition at line 142 of file lx.cpp.

142  {
143  switch (Sym){
144  case syUndef: return UndefStr;
145  case syLn: return LnStr;
146  case syTab: return TabStr;
147  case syInt: return IntStr;
148  case syFlt: return FltStr;
149  case syStr: return StrStr;
150  case syIdStr: return IdStrStr;
151  case syQStr: return QStrStr;
152  case syPeriod: return PeriodStr;
153  case syDPeriod: return DPeriodStr;
154  case syComma: return CommaStr;
155  case syColon: return ColonStr;
156  case syDColon: return DColonStr;
157  case sySemicolon: return SemicolonStr;
158  case syPlus: return PlusStr;
159  case syMinus: return MinusStr;
160  case syAsterisk: return AsteriskStr;
161  case sySlash: return SlashStr;
162  case syPercent: return PercentStr;
163  case syExclamation: return ExclamationStr;
164  case syVBar: return VBarStr;
165  case syAmpersand: return AmpersandStr;
166  case syQuestion: return QuestionStr;
167  case syHash: return HashStr;
168  case syEq: return EqStr;
169  case syNEq: return NEqStr;
170  case syLss: return LssStr;
171  case syGtr: return GtrStr;
172  case syLEq: return LEqStr;
173  case syGEq: return GEqStr;
174  case syLParen: return LParenStr;
175  case syRParen: return RParenStr;
176  case syLBracket: return LBracketStr;
177  case syRBracket: return RBracketStr;
178  case syLBrace: return LBraceStr;
179  case syRBrace: return RBraceStr;
180  case syEoln: return EolnStr;
181  case syEof: return EofStr;
182  default: Fail; return TStr();
183  }
184 }
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr QuestionStr
Definition: lx.h:81
static const TStr CommaStr
Definition: lx.h:69
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:45
Definition: lx.h:48
static const TStr DPeriodStr
Definition: lx.h:68
Definition: lx.h:46
#define Fail
Definition: bd.h:238
static const TStr EofStr
Definition: lx.h:96
static const TStr ColonStr
Definition: lx.h:70
Definition: lx.h:45
Definition: lx.h:48
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:51
Definition: lx.h:45
Definition: lx.h:45
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:49
static const TStr PercentStr
Definition: lx.h:77
static const TStr PlusStr
Definition: lx.h:73
static const TStr IntStr
Definition: lx.h:62
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr HashStr
Definition: lx.h:82
static const TStr QStrStr
Definition: lx.h:66
static const TStr VBarStr
Definition: lx.h:79
Definition: lx.h:45
static const TStr EqStr
Definition: lx.h:83
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:51
static const TStr SlashStr
Definition: lx.h:76
static const TStr LssStr
Definition: lx.h:85
static const TStr ExclamationStr
Definition: lx.h:78
static const TStr RBraceStr
Definition: lx.h:94
static const TStr GtrStr
Definition: lx.h:86
static const TStr LBracketStr
Definition: lx.h:91
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr AsteriskStr
Definition: lx.h:75
static const TStr FltStr
Definition: lx.h:63
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:45
static const TStr LBraceStr
Definition: lx.h:93
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:48
static const TStr EolnStr
Definition: lx.h:95
static const TStr SemicolonStr
Definition: lx.h:72
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr UndefStr
Definition: lx.h:58
Definition: dt.h:412
static const TStr NEqStr
Definition: lx.h:84
static const TStr DColonStr
Definition: lx.h:71
static const TStr LEqStr
Definition: lx.h:87
Definition: lx.h:46
static const TStr LnStr
Definition: lx.h:59
static const TStr StrStr
Definition: lx.h:64
static const TStr IdStrStr
Definition: lx.h:65
Definition: lx.h:47
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:45
static const TStr PeriodStr
Definition: lx.h:67
static const TStr MinusStr
Definition: lx.h:74
static const TStr GEqStr
Definition: lx.h:88
static const TStr RBracketStr
Definition: lx.h:92
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:45
static const TStr TabStr
Definition: lx.h:60
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:48
Definition: lx.h:50
static const TStr LParenStr
Definition: lx.h:89
static const TStr RParenStr
Definition: lx.h:90
static const TStr AmpersandStr
Definition: lx.h:80
bool TLxSymStr::IsSep ( const TLxSym PrevSym,
const TLxSym Sym 

Definition at line 226 of file lx.cpp.

226  {
227  static TFSet SepPrevSymSet=TFSet()|
230  syEoln|syEof;
232  static TFSet SepSymSet=TFSet()|
234  syEq|
237  syEoln|syEof;
239  return !SepPrevSymSet.In(PrevSym) && !SepSymSet.In(Sym);
240 }
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: bits.h:119
Definition: lx.h:51
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:45
Definition: lx.h:51
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:50
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:46
Definition: lx.h:48
Definition: lx.h:50
bool In(const int &FlagN) const
Definition: bits.h:156

Member Data Documentation

const TStr TLxSymStr::AmpersandStr ="&"

Definition at line 80 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::AsteriskStr ="*"

Definition at line 75 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::BoolStr

Definition at line 61 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::ColonStr =":"

Definition at line 70 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::CommaStr =","

Definition at line 69 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::DColonStr ="::"

Definition at line 71 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::DPeriodStr =".."

Definition at line 68 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::EofStr ="<end-of-file>"

Definition at line 96 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::EolnStr ="<end-of-line>"

Definition at line 95 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::EqStr ="="

Definition at line 83 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::ExclamationStr ="!"

Definition at line 78 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::FltStr ="<float>"

Definition at line 63 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::GEqStr =">="

Definition at line 88 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::GtrStr =">"

Definition at line 86 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::HashStr ="#"

Definition at line 82 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::IdStrStr ="<id-string>"

Definition at line 65 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::IntStr ="<integer>"

Definition at line 62 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::LBraceStr ="{"

Definition at line 93 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::LBracketStr ="["

Definition at line 91 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::LEqStr ="<="

Definition at line 87 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::LnStr ="<line>"

Definition at line 59 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::LParenStr ="("

Definition at line 89 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::LssStr ="<"

Definition at line 85 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::MinusStr ="-"

Definition at line 74 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::NEqStr ="<>"

Definition at line 84 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::PercentStr ="%"

Definition at line 77 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::PeriodStr ="."

Definition at line 67 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::PlusStr ="+"

Definition at line 73 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::QStrStr ="<q-string>"

Definition at line 66 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::QuestionStr ="?"

Definition at line 81 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::RBraceStr ="}"

Definition at line 94 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::RBracketStr ="]"

Definition at line 92 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::RParenStr =")"

Definition at line 90 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::SemicolonStr =";"

Definition at line 72 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::SlashStr ="/"

Definition at line 76 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::StrStr ="<string>"

Definition at line 64 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::TabStr ="<tab>"

Definition at line 60 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::UndefStr ="<undefined>"

Definition at line 58 of file lx.h.

const TStr TLxSymStr::VBarStr ="|"

Definition at line 79 of file lx.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: