SNAP Library 2.0, User Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
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TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > Class Template Reference

Vector Pool. More...

#include <ds.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef TPt< TVecPool< TVal,
TSizeTy > > 
typedef TVec< TVal, TSizeTy > TValV

Public Member Functions

 TVecPool (const TSize &ExpectVals=0, const TSize &_GrowBy=1000000, const bool &_FastCopy=false, const TVal &_EmptyVal=TVal())
 Vector pool constructor.
 TVecPool (const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > &Pool)
 TVecPool (TSIn &SIn)
 ~TVecPool ()
void Save (TSOut &SOut) const
TVecPooloperator= (const TVecPool &Pool)
int GetVecs () const
 Returns the total number of vectors stored in the vector pool.
TSize GetVals () const
 Returns the total number of values stored in the vector pool.
bool IsVId (const int &VId) const
 Tests whether vector of id VId is in the pool.
uint64 Reserved () const
 Returns the total capacity of the pool.
void Reserve (const TSize &MxVals)
 Reserves enough capacity for the pool to store MxVals elements.
const TVal & GetEmptyVal () const
 Returns the reference to an empty value.
void SetEmptyVal (const TVal &_EmptyVal)
 Sets the empty value.
uint64 GetMemUsed () const
 Returns the total memory footprint (in bytes) of the pool.
int AddV (const TValV &ValV)
 Adds vector ValV to the pool and returns its id.
int AddEmptyV (const int &ValVLen)
 Adds a vector of length ValVLen to the pool and returns its id.
int GetVLen (const int &VId) const
 Returns the number of elements in the vector with id VId.
TVal * GetValVPt (const int &VId) const
 Returns pointer to the first element of the vector with id VId.
void GetV (const int &VId, TValV &ValV) const
 Returns ValV which is a reference (not a copy) to vector with id VId.
void PutV (const int &VId, const TValV &ValV)
 Sets the values of vector VId with those in ValV.
void CompactPool (const TVal &DelVal)
 Deletes all elements of value DelVal from all vectors.
void ShuffleAll (TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
 Shuffles the order of all elements in the pool.
void Clr (bool DoDel=true)
 Clears the contents of the pool.
void PutAll (const TVal &Val)
 Sets the values of all elements in the pool to Val.

Static Public Member Functions

static PVecPool New (const TSize &ExpectVals=0, const TSize &GrowBy=1000000, const bool &FastCopy=false)
static PVecPool Load (TSIn &SIn)
static PVecPool Load (const TStr &FNm)

Private Member Functions

void Resize (const TSize &_MxVals)

Private Attributes

TCRef CRef
TBool FastCopy
TSize GrowBy
TSize MxVals
TSize Vals
TVal EmptyVal
TVal * ValBf
TVec< uint64, int > IdToOffV


class TPt< TVecPool< TVal > >

Detailed Description

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
class TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >

Vector Pool.

Used for storing a large number of small vectors. The pool can store up to 2G different vectors, each with up to 2G elements. Each vector in the pool gets a consecutive integer ID. IDs range 0...GetVecs(). Once a vector is added to the pool, the vector can modify the values of its elements (e.g., be sorted), but the vector is not allowed to change its length --- it cannot grow or shrink.

Definition at line 2536 of file ds.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
typedef TPt<TVecPool<TVal, TSizeTy> > TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::PVecPool

Definition at line 2538 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
typedef TVec<TVal, TSizeTy> TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::TValV

Definition at line 2539 of file ds.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy >
TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::TVecPool ( const TSize ExpectVals = 0,
const TSize _GrowBy = 1000000,
const bool &  _FastCopy = false,
const TVal &  _EmptyVal = TVal() 

Vector pool constructor.

ExpectValsAt creation the pool allocates enough memory for storing the total of ExpectVals elements (not vectors).
_GrowByWhenever the size of the pool needs to be expanded, it will be expanded to be able to store additional _GrowBy elements.
_FastCopyIf true, then vectors are copied using memcpy(), otherwise the assignment operator is used for copying. This option is slower but useful for complex objects where assignment operator is non-trivial.
_EmptyValEmpty (not yet used) elements in the pool are assigned to this value. By default _EmptyVal = TVal().

Definition at line 2662 of file ds.h.

                                                                                                                             : GrowBy(_GrowBy), MxVals(0), Vals(0), EmptyVal(_EmptyVal), ValBf(NULL) {
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy>
TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::TVecPool ( const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > &  Pool)

Definition at line 2668 of file ds.h.

                                                      : FastCopy(Pool.FastCopy), GrowBy(Pool.GrowBy), MxVals(Pool.MxVals), Vals(Pool.Vals), EmptyVal(Pool.EmptyVal), IdToOffV(Pool.IdToOffV) {
  try {
    ValBf = new TVal [MxVals]; }
  catch (std::exception Ex) {
    FailR(TStr::Fmt("TVecPool::TVecPool: %s, MxVals: %s. [Program failed to allocate memory. Solution: Get a bigger machine and a 64-bit compiler.]", Ex.what(), TInt::GetStr(uint64(MxVals)).CStr()).CStr()); }
  IAssert(ValBf != NULL);
  if (FastCopy) {
    memcpy(ValBf, Pool.ValBf, MxVals*sizeof(TVal)); }
  else {
    for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < MxVals; ValN++){ ValBf[ValN] = Pool.ValBf[ValN]; } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy>
TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::TVecPool ( TSIn SIn)

Definition at line 2681 of file ds.h.

                                           : FastCopy(SIn) {
  uint64 _GrowBy, _MxVals, _Vals;
  SIn.Load(_GrowBy); SIn.Load(_MxVals);  SIn.Load(_Vals);
  IAssertR(_GrowBy<TSizeMx && _MxVals<TSizeMx && _Vals<TSizeMx, "This is a 64-bit vector pool. Use a 64-bit compiler.");
  GrowBy=TSize(_GrowBy);  MxVals=TSize(_Vals);  Vals=TSize(_Vals); //note MxVals==Vals
  EmptyVal = TVal(SIn);
  if (MxVals==0) { ValBf = NULL; } else { ValBf = new TVal [MxVals]; }
  for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) { ValBf[ValN] = TVal(SIn); }
  { TInt MxVals(SIn), Vals(SIn);
    for (int ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) {
      uint64 Offset;  SIn.Load(Offset);  IAssert(Offset < TSizeMx);
    } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::~TVecPool ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 2559 of file ds.h.

{ if (ValBf != NULL) { delete [] ValBf; } ValBf=NULL; }

Member Function Documentation

template<class TVal , class TSizeTy >
int TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::AddEmptyV ( const int &  ValVLen)

Adds a vector of length ValVLen to the pool and returns its id.

Elements of the vector are initialized to EmptyVal.

Definition at line 2744 of file ds.h.

  if (ValVLen==0){return 0;}
  if (MxVals < Vals+ValVLen){Resize(Vals+max(TSize(ValVLen), GrowBy)); }
  Vals+=ValVLen; IdToOffV.Add(Vals);
  return IdToOffV.Len()-1;
template<class TVal , class TSizeTy >
int TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::AddV ( const TValV ValV)

Adds vector ValV to the pool and returns its id.

Definition at line 2733 of file ds.h.

  const TSizeTy ValVLen = ValV.Len();
  if (ValVLen == 0) { return 0; }
  if (MxVals < Vals+ValVLen) { Resize(Vals+max(ValVLen, GrowBy)); }
  if (FastCopy) { memcpy(ValBf+Vals, ValV.BegI(), sizeof(TVal)*ValV.Len()); }
  else { for (uint ValN=0; ValN < ValVLen; ValN++) { ValBf[Vals+ValN]=ValV[ValN]; } }
  Vals+=ValVLen;  IdToOffV.Add(Vals);
  return IdToOffV.Len()-1;
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Clr ( bool  DoDel = true) [inline]

Clears the contents of the pool.

If DoDel=true memory is freed, otherwise all vectors are deleted and all element values in the pool are set to EmptyVal.

Definition at line 2623 of file ds.h.

    IdToOffV.Clr(DoDel);  MxVals=0;  Vals=0;
    if (DoDel && ValBf!=NULL) { delete [] ValBf; ValBf=NULL;}
    if (! DoDel) { PutAll(EmptyVal); } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy >
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::CompactPool ( const TVal &  DelVal)

Deletes all elements of value DelVal from all vectors.

Empty space is left at the end of the pool.

Definition at line 2753 of file ds.h.

  ::TSize TotalDel=0, NDel=0;
  // printf("Compacting %d vectors\n", IdToOffV.Len());
  for (int vid = 1; vid < IdToOffV.Len(); vid++) {
    // if (vid % 10000000 == 0) { printf(" %dm", vid/1000000);  fflush(stdout); }
    const uint Len = GetVLen(vid);
    TVal* ValV = GetValVPt(vid);
    if (TotalDel > 0) { IdToOffV[vid-1] -= TotalDel; } // update end of vector
    if (Len == 0) { continue; }
    NDel = 0;
    for (TVal* v = ValV; v < ValV+Len-NDel; v++) {
      if (*v == DelVal) {
        TVal* Beg = v;
        while (*v == DelVal && v < ValV+Len) { v++; NDel++; }
        memcpy(Beg, v, sizeof(TVal)*int(Len - ::TSize(v - ValV)));
        v -= NDel;
    memcpy(ValV-TotalDel, ValV, sizeof(TVal)*Len);  // move data
    TotalDel += NDel;
  IdToOffV.Last() -= TotalDel;
  for (::TSize i = Vals-TotalDel; i < Vals; i++) { ValBf[i] = EmptyVal; }
  Vals -= TotalDel;
  // printf("  deleted %llu elements from the pool\n", TotalDel);
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
const TVal& TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetEmptyVal ( ) const [inline]

Returns the reference to an empty value.

Definition at line 2578 of file ds.h.

{ return EmptyVal; }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
uint64 TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetMemUsed ( ) const [inline]

Returns the total memory footprint (in bytes) of the pool.

Definition at line 2582 of file ds.h.

    return sizeof(TCRef)+sizeof(TBool)+3*sizeof(TSize)+sizeof(TVal*)+MxVals*sizeof(TVal);}
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetV ( const int &  VId,
TValV ValV 
) const [inline]

Returns ValV which is a reference (not a copy) to vector with id VId.

No data is copied. Elements of the vector ValV can be modified but the vector cannot change its size.

Definition at line 2600 of file ds.h.

    if (GetVLen(VId)==0){ValV.Clr();}
    else { ValV.GenExt(GetValVPt(VId), GetVLen(VId)); } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TSize TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetVals ( ) const [inline]

Returns the total number of values stored in the vector pool.

Definition at line 2570 of file ds.h.

{ return Vals; }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TVal* TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetValVPt ( const int &  VId) const [inline]

Returns pointer to the first element of the vector with id VId.

Definition at line 2594 of file ds.h.

    if (GetVLen(VId)==0){return (TVal*)&EmptyVal;}
    else {return ValBf+IdToOffV[VId-1];}}
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
int TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetVecs ( ) const [inline]

Returns the total number of vectors stored in the vector pool.

Definition at line 2568 of file ds.h.

{ return IdToOffV.Len(); }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
int TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetVLen ( const int &  VId) const [inline]

Returns the number of elements in the vector with id VId.

Definition at line 2592 of file ds.h.

{ if (VId==0){return 0;} else {return int(IdToOffV[VId]-IdToOffV[VId-1]);}}
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
bool TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::IsVId ( const int &  VId) const [inline]

Tests whether vector of id VId is in the pool.

Definition at line 2572 of file ds.h.

{ return (0 <= VId) && (VId < IdToOffV.Len()); }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
static PVecPool TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Load ( TSIn SIn) [inline, static]

Definition at line 2562 of file ds.h.

{ return new TVecPool(SIn); }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
static PVecPool TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Load ( const TStr FNm) [inline, static]

Definition at line 2563 of file ds.h.

{ TFIn FIn(FNm); return Load(FIn); }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
static PVecPool TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::New ( const TSize ExpectVals = 0,
const TSize GrowBy = 1000000,
const bool &  FastCopy = false 
) [inline, static]

Definition at line 2560 of file ds.h.

    return new TVecPool(ExpectVals, GrowBy, FastCopy); }
template<class TVal , class TSizeTy >
TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > & TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::operator= ( const TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy > &  Pool)

Definition at line 2711 of file ds.h.

  if (this!=&Pool) {
    FastCopy = Pool.FastCopy;
    GrowBy = Pool.GrowBy;
    MxVals = Pool.MxVals;
    Vals = Pool.Vals;
    EmptyVal = Pool.EmptyVal;
    try {
      ValBf = new TVal [MxVals]; }
    catch (std::exception Ex) {
      FailR(TStr::Fmt("TVecPool::operator=: %s, MxVals: %s. [Program failed to allocate memory. Solution: Get a bigger machine and a 64-bit compiler.]", Ex.what(), TInt::GetStr(uint64(MxVals)).CStr()).CStr()); }
    IAssert(ValBf != NULL);
    if (FastCopy) {
      memcpy(ValBf, Pool.ValBf, Vals*sizeof(TVal)); }
    else {
      for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++){ ValBf[ValN] = Pool.ValBf[ValN]; } }
  return *this;
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::PutAll ( const TVal &  Val) [inline]

Sets the values of all elements in the pool to Val.

Definition at line 2628 of file ds.h.

    for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < MxVals; ValN++) { ValBf[ValN]=Val; } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::PutV ( const int &  VId,
const TValV ValV 
) [inline]

Sets the values of vector VId with those in ValV.

Definition at line 2604 of file ds.h.

    IAssert(IsVId(VId) && GetVLen(VId) == ValV.Len());
    if (FastCopy) {
      memcpy(GetValVPt(VId), ValV.BegI(), sizeof(TVal)*ValV.Len()); }
    else { TVal* ValPt = GetValVPt(VId);
      for (::TSize ValN=0; ValN < ::TSize(ValV.Len()); ValN++, ValPt++) { *ValPt=ValV[ValN]; }
    } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Reserve ( const TSize MxVals) [inline]

Reserves enough capacity for the pool to store MxVals elements.

Definition at line 2576 of file ds.h.

{ Resize(MxVals); }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
uint64 TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Reserved ( ) const [inline]

Returns the total capacity of the pool.

Definition at line 2574 of file ds.h.

{ return MxVals; }
template<class TVal , class TSizeTy >
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Resize ( const TSize _MxVals) [private]

Definition at line 2634 of file ds.h.

  if (_MxVals <= MxVals){ return; } else { MxVals = _MxVals; }
  if (ValBf == NULL) {
    try { ValBf = new TVal [MxVals]; }
    catch (std::exception Ex) {
      FailR(TStr::Fmt("TVecPool::Resize 1: %s, MxVals: %s. [Program failed to allocate more memory. Solution: Get a bigger machine and a 64-bit compiler.]", Ex.what(), TInt::GetStr(uint64(_MxVals)).CStr()).CStr()); }
    IAssert(ValBf != NULL);
    if (EmptyVal != TVal()) { PutAll(EmptyVal); }
  } else {
    // printf("*** Resize vector pool: %llu -> %llu\n", uint64(Vals), uint64(MxVals));
    TVal* NewValBf = NULL;
    try { NewValBf = new TVal [MxVals]; }
    catch (std::exception Ex) {
      FailR(TStr::Fmt("TVecPool::Resize 1: %s, MxVals: %s. [Program failed to allocate more memory. Solution: Get a bigger machine and a 64-bit compiler.]", Ex.what(), TInt::GetStr(uint64(_MxVals)).CStr()).CStr()); }
    IAssert(NewValBf != NULL);
    if (FastCopy) {
      memcpy(NewValBf, ValBf, Vals*sizeof(TVal)); }
    else {
      for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++){ NewValBf[ValN] = ValBf[ValN]; } }
    if (EmptyVal != TVal()) { // init empty values
      for (TSize ValN = Vals; ValN < MxVals; ValN++) { NewValBf[ValN] = EmptyVal; }
    delete [] ValBf;
    ValBf = NewValBf;
template<class TVal , class TSizeTy >
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Save ( TSOut SOut) const

Definition at line 2698 of file ds.h.

  uint64 _GrowBy=GrowBy, _MxVals=MxVals, _Vals=Vals;
  SOut.Save(_GrowBy); SOut.Save(_MxVals);  SOut.Save(_Vals);
  for (TSize ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) { ValBf[ValN].Save(SOut); }
  { SOut.Save(IdToOffV.Len());  SOut.Save(IdToOffV.Len());
    for (int ValN = 0; ValN < IdToOffV.Len(); ValN++) {
      const uint64 Offset=IdToOffV[ValN];  SOut.Save(Offset);
    } }
template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::SetEmptyVal ( const TVal &  _EmptyVal) [inline]

Sets the empty value.

Definition at line 2580 of file ds.h.

{ EmptyVal = _EmptyVal; }
template<class TVal , class TSizeTy >
void TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::ShuffleAll ( TRnd Rnd = TInt::Rnd)

Shuffles the order of all elements in the pool.

It does not respect vector boundaries!

Definition at line 2782 of file ds.h.

  for (::TSize n = Vals-1; n > 0; n--) {
    const ::TSize k = ::TSize(((uint64(Rnd.GetUniDevInt())<<32) | uint64(Rnd.GetUniDevInt())) % (n+1));
    const TVal Tmp = ValBf[n];
    ValBf[n] = ValBf[k];
    ValBf[k] = Tmp;

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
friend class TPt< TVecPool< TVal > > [friend]

Definition at line 2630 of file ds.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TCRef TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::CRef [private]

Definition at line 2541 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TVal TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::EmptyVal [private]

Definition at line 2544 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TBool TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::FastCopy [private]

Definition at line 2542 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TSize TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::GrowBy [private]

Definition at line 2543 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TVec<uint64, int> TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::IdToOffV [private]

Definition at line 2546 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TSize TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::MxVals [private]

Definition at line 2543 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TVal* TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::ValBf [private]

Definition at line 2545 of file ds.h.

template<class TVal, class TSizeTy = int>
TSize TVecPool< TVal, TSizeTy >::Vals [private]

Definition at line 2543 of file ds.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: