SNAP Library 2.0, User Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00004 class TUNGraph;
00005 class TBPGraph;
00006 //TODO:class TUNEGraph; -- undirected multigraph
00009 typedef TPt<TUNGraph> PUNGraph;
00011 typedef TPt<TBPGraph> PBPGraph;
00014 // Directed graphs
00015 class TNGraph;
00016 class TNEGraph;
00019 typedef TPt<TNGraph> PNGraph;
00021 typedef TPt<TNEGraph> PNEGraph;
00023 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00032 class TUNGraph {
00033 public:
00034   typedef TUNGraph TNet;
00035   typedef TPt<TUNGraph> PNet;
00036 public:
00037   class TNode {
00038   private:
00039     TInt Id;
00040     TIntV NIdV;
00041   public:
00042     TNode() : Id(-1), NIdV() { }
00043     TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), NIdV() { }
00044     TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), NIdV(Node.NIdV) { }
00045     TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), NIdV(SIn) { }
00046     void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); NIdV.Save(SOut); }
00047     int GetId() const { return Id; }
00048     int GetDeg() const { return NIdV.Len(); }
00049     int GetInDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
00050     int GetOutDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
00051     int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00052     int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00053     int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NIdV[NodeN]; }
00054     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return NIdV.SearchBin(NId)!=-1; }
00055     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
00056     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
00057     void PackOutNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
00058     void PackNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
00059     friend class TUNGraph;
00060     friend class TUNGraphMtx;
00061   };
00063   class TNodeI {
00064   private:
00065     typedef THash<TInt, TNode>::TIter THashIter;
00066     THashIter NodeHI;
00067   public:
00068     TNodeI() : NodeHI() { }
00069     TNodeI(const THashIter& NodeHIter) : NodeHI(NodeHIter) { }
00070     TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : NodeHI(NodeI.NodeHI) { }
00071     TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { NodeHI = NodeI.NodeHI; return *this; }
00074     TNodeI& operator++ (int) { NodeHI++; return *this; }
00076     bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI < NodeI.NodeHI; }
00077     bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI == NodeI.NodeHI; }
00080     int GetId() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
00082     int GetDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetDeg(); }
00084     int GetInDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
00086     int GetOutDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
00091     int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInNId(NodeN); }
00096     int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutNId(NodeN); }
00101     int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00103     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsInNId(NId); }
00105     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsOutNId(NId); }
00107     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsNbrNId(NId); }
00108     friend class TUNGraph;
00109   };
00111   class TEdgeI {
00112   private:
00113     TNodeI CurNode, EndNode;
00114     int CurEdge;
00115   public:
00116     TEdgeI() : CurNode(), EndNode(), CurEdge(0) { }
00117     TEdgeI(const TNodeI& NodeI, const TNodeI& EndNodeI, const int& EdgeN=0) : CurNode(NodeI), EndNode(EndNodeI), CurEdge(EdgeN) { }
00118     TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : CurNode(EdgeI.CurNode), EndNode(EdgeI.EndNode), CurEdge(EdgeI.CurEdge) { }
00119     TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { CurNode=EdgeI.CurNode; EndNode=EdgeI.EndNode; CurEdge=EdgeI.CurEdge; } return *this; }
00121     TEdgeI& operator++ (int) { do { CurEdge++; if (CurEdge >= CurNode.GetOutDeg()) { CurEdge=0; CurNode++; while (CurNode < EndNode && CurNode.GetOutDeg()==0) { CurNode++; } } } while (CurNode < EndNode && GetSrcNId()>GetDstNId()); return *this; }
00122     bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode<EdgeI.CurNode || (CurNode==EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge<EdgeI.CurEdge); }
00123     bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode == EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge == EdgeI.CurEdge; }
00125     int GetId() const { return -1; }
00127     int GetSrcNId() const { return CurNode.GetId(); }
00129     int GetDstNId() const { return CurNode.GetOutNId(CurEdge); }
00130     friend class TUNGraph;
00131   };
00132 private:
00133   TCRef CRef;
00134   TInt MxNId, NEdges;
00135   THash<TInt, TNode> NodeH;
00136 private:
00137   TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00138   const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00139 public:
00140   TUNGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), NEdges(0), NodeH() { }
00142   explicit TUNGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : MxNId(0), NEdges(0) { Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
00143   TUNGraph(const TUNGraph& Graph) : MxNId(Graph.MxNId), NEdges(Graph.NEdges), NodeH(Graph.NodeH) { }
00145   TUNGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), NEdges(SIn), NodeH(SIn) { }
00147   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); NEdges.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); }
00149   static PUNGraph New() { return new TUNGraph(); }
00153   static PUNGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return new TUNGraph(Nodes, Edges); }
00155   static PUNGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PUNGraph(new TUNGraph(SIn)); }
00157   bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
00158   TUNGraph& operator = (const TUNGraph& Graph) {
00159     if (this!=&Graph) { MxNId=Graph.MxNId; NEdges=Graph.NEdges; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; } return *this; }
00162   int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); }
00168   int AddNode(int NId = -1);
00170   int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeI) { return AddNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
00181   int AddNode(const int& NId, const TIntV& NbrNIdV);
00191   int AddNode(const int& NId, const TVecPool<TInt>& Pool, const int& NIdVId);
00195   void DelNode(const int& NId);
00197   void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
00199   bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
00201   TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI()); }
00203   TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI()); }
00205   TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId)); }
00207   int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
00210   int GetEdges() const;
00216   int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId);
00218   int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId()); }
00223   void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId);
00225   bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
00227   TEdgeI BegEI() const { TNodeI NI = BegNI(); TEdgeI EI(NI, EndNI(), 0); if (GetNodes() != 0 && (NI.GetOutDeg()==0 || NI.GetId()>NI.GetOutNId(0))) { EI++; } return EI; }
00229   TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
00231   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const;
00235   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
00238   int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
00240   TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
00242   void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
00245   bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
00247   void Clr() { MxNId=0; NEdges=0; NodeH.Clr(); }
00249   void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { if (Nodes>0) NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); }
00251   void ReserveNIdDeg(const int& NId, const int& Deg) { GetNode(NId).NIdV.Reserve(Deg); }
00257   void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
00261   bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
00263   void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
00271   static PUNGraph GetSmallGraph();
00273   friend class TUNGraphMtx;
00274   friend class TPt<TUNGraph>;
00275 };
00278 // Directed Node Graph
00295 class TNGraph {
00296 public:
00297   typedef TNGraph TNet;
00298   typedef TPt<TNGraph> PNet;
00299 public:
00300   class TNode {
00301   private:
00302     TInt Id;
00303     TIntV InNIdV, OutNIdV;
00304   public:
00305     TNode() : Id(-1), InNIdV(), OutNIdV() { }
00306     TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), InNIdV(), OutNIdV() { }
00307     TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), InNIdV(Node.InNIdV), OutNIdV(Node.OutNIdV) { }
00308     TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), InNIdV(SIn), OutNIdV(SIn) { }
00309     void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); InNIdV.Save(SOut); OutNIdV.Save(SOut); }
00310     int GetId() const { return Id; }
00311     int GetDeg() const { return GetInDeg() + GetOutDeg(); }
00312     int GetInDeg() const { return InNIdV.Len(); }
00313     int GetOutDeg() const { return OutNIdV.Len(); }
00314     int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return InNIdV[NodeN]; }
00315     int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return OutNIdV[NodeN]; }
00316     int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeN<GetOutDeg()?GetOutNId(NodeN):GetInNId(NodeN-GetOutDeg()); }
00317     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return InNIdV.SearchBin(NId) != -1; }
00318     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return OutNIdV.SearchBin(NId) != -1; }
00319     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return IsOutNId(NId) || IsInNId(NId); }
00320     void PackOutNIdV() { OutNIdV.Pack(); }
00321     void PackNIdV() { InNIdV.Pack(); }
00322     friend class TNGraph;
00323     friend class TNGraphMtx;
00324   };
00326   class TNodeI {
00327   private:
00328     typedef THash<TInt, TNode>::TIter THashIter;
00329     THashIter NodeHI;
00330   public:
00331     TNodeI() : NodeHI() { }
00332     TNodeI(const THashIter& NodeHIter) : NodeHI(NodeHIter) { }
00333     TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : NodeHI(NodeI.NodeHI) { }
00334     TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { NodeHI = NodeI.NodeHI; return *this; }
00336     TNodeI& operator++ (int) { NodeHI++; return *this; }
00337     bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI < NodeI.NodeHI; }
00338     bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI == NodeI.NodeHI; }
00340     int GetId() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
00342     int GetDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetDeg(); }
00344     int GetInDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
00346     int GetOutDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
00350     int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInNId(NodeN); }
00354     int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutNId(NodeN); }
00358     int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00360     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsInNId(NId); }
00362     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsOutNId(NId); }
00364     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return IsOutNId(NId) || IsInNId(NId); }
00365     friend class TNGraph;
00366   };
00368   class TEdgeI {
00369   private:
00370     TNodeI CurNode, EndNode;
00371     int CurEdge;
00372   public:
00373     TEdgeI() : CurNode(), EndNode(), CurEdge(0) { }
00374     TEdgeI(const TNodeI& NodeI, const TNodeI& EndNodeI, const int& EdgeN=0) : CurNode(NodeI), EndNode(EndNodeI), CurEdge(EdgeN) { }
00375     TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : CurNode(EdgeI.CurNode), EndNode(EdgeI.EndNode), CurEdge(EdgeI.CurEdge) { }
00376     TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { CurNode=EdgeI.CurNode; EndNode=EdgeI.EndNode; CurEdge=EdgeI.CurEdge; }  return *this; }
00378     TEdgeI& operator++ (int) { CurEdge++; if (CurEdge >= CurNode.GetOutDeg()) { CurEdge=0; CurNode++;
00379       while (CurNode < EndNode && CurNode.GetOutDeg()==0) { CurNode++; } }  return *this; }
00380     bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode<EdgeI.CurNode || (CurNode==EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge<EdgeI.CurEdge); }
00381     bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode == EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge == EdgeI.CurEdge; }
00383     int GetId() const { return -1; }
00385     int GetSrcNId() const { return CurNode.GetId(); }
00387     int GetDstNId() const { return CurNode.GetOutNId(CurEdge); }
00388     friend class TNGraph;
00389   };
00390 private:
00391   TCRef CRef;
00392   TInt MxNId;
00393   THash<TInt, TNode> NodeH;
00394 private:
00395   TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00396   const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00397 public:
00398   TNGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), NodeH() { }
00400   explicit TNGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : MxNId(0) { Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
00401   TNGraph(const TNGraph& Graph) : MxNId(Graph.MxNId), NodeH(Graph.NodeH) { }
00403   TNGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), NodeH(SIn) { }
00405   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); }
00407   static PNGraph New() { return new TNGraph(); }
00411   static PNGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return new TNGraph(Nodes, Edges); }
00413   static PNGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PNGraph(new TNGraph(SIn)); }
00415   bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
00416   TNGraph& operator = (const TNGraph& Graph) {
00417     if (this!=&Graph) { MxNId=Graph.MxNId; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; }  return *this; }
00420   int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); }
00426   int AddNode(int NId = -1);
00428   int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeId) { return AddNode(NodeId.GetId()); }
00439   int AddNode(const int& NId, const TIntV& InNIdV, const TIntV& OutNIdV);
00449   int AddNode(const int& NId, const TVecPool<TInt>& Pool, const int& SrcVId, const int& DstVId);
00453   void DelNode(const int& NId);
00455   void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
00457   bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
00459   TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI()); }
00461   TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI()); }
00463   TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId)); }
00464   // GetNodeC() has been commented out. It was a quick shortcut, do not use.
00465   //const TNode& GetNodeC(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00467   int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
00470   int GetEdges() const;
00478   int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId);
00480   int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId()); }
00486   void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true);
00488   bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true) const;
00490   TEdgeI BegEI() const { TNodeI NI=BegNI(); while(NI<EndNI() && NI.GetOutDeg()==0){NI++;} return TEdgeI(NI, EndNI()); }
00492   TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
00494   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const; // not supported
00496   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
00499   int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
00501   TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
00503   void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
00506   bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
00508   void Clr() { MxNId=0; NodeH.Clr(); }
00510   void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { if (Nodes>0) { NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); } }
00512   void ReserveNIdInDeg(const int& NId, const int& InDeg) { GetNode(NId).InNIdV.Reserve(InDeg); }
00514   void ReserveNIdOutDeg(const int& NId, const int& OutDeg) { GetNode(NId).OutNIdV.Reserve(OutDeg); }
00521   void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
00526   bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
00528   void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
00534   static PNGraph GetSmallGraph();
00535   friend class TPt<TNGraph>;
00536   friend class TNGraphMtx;
00537 };
00539 // set flags
00540 namespace TSnap {
00541 template <> struct IsDirected<TNGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
00542 }
00545 // Node Edge Graph
00547 // TODO TNEGraph describe time complexity for basic operations
00556 class TNEGraph {
00557 public:
00558   typedef TNEGraph TNet;
00559   typedef TPt<TNEGraph> PNet;
00560 public:
00561   class TNode {
00562   private:
00563     TInt Id;
00564     TIntV InEIdV, OutEIdV;
00565   public:
00566     TNode() : Id(-1), InEIdV(), OutEIdV() { }
00567     TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), InEIdV(), OutEIdV() { }
00568     TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), InEIdV(Node.InEIdV), OutEIdV(Node.OutEIdV) { }
00569     TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), InEIdV(SIn), OutEIdV(SIn) { }
00570     void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); InEIdV.Save(SOut); OutEIdV.Save(SOut); }
00571     int GetId() const { return Id; }
00572     int GetDeg() const { return GetInDeg() + GetOutDeg(); }
00573     int GetInDeg() const { return InEIdV.Len(); }
00574     int GetOutDeg() const { return OutEIdV.Len(); }
00575     int GetInEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return InEIdV[EdgeN]; }
00576     int GetOutEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return OutEIdV[EdgeN]; }
00577     int GetNbrEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return EdgeN<GetOutDeg()?GetOutEId(EdgeN):GetInEId(EdgeN-GetOutDeg()); }
00578     bool IsInEId(const int& EId) const { return InEIdV.SearchBin(EId) != -1; }
00579     bool IsOutEId(const int& EId) const { return OutEIdV.SearchBin(EId) != -1; }
00580     friend class TNEGraph;
00581   };
00582   class TEdge {
00583   private:
00584     TInt Id, SrcNId, DstNId;
00585   public:
00586     TEdge() : Id(-1), SrcNId(-1), DstNId(-1) { }
00587     TEdge(const int& EId, const int& SourceNId, const int& DestNId) : Id(EId), SrcNId(SourceNId), DstNId(DestNId) { }
00588     TEdge(const TEdge& Edge) : Id(Edge.Id), SrcNId(Edge.SrcNId), DstNId(Edge.DstNId) { }
00589     TEdge(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), SrcNId(SIn), DstNId(SIn) { }
00590     void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); SrcNId.Save(SOut); DstNId.Save(SOut); }
00591     int GetId() const { return Id; }
00592     int GetSrcNId() const { return SrcNId; }
00593     int GetDstNId() const { return DstNId; }
00594     friend class TNEGraph;
00595   };
00597   class TNodeI {
00598   private:
00599     typedef THash<TInt, TNode>::TIter THashIter;
00600     THashIter NodeHI;
00601     const TNEGraph *Graph;
00602   public:
00603     TNodeI() : NodeHI(), Graph(NULL) { }
00604     TNodeI(const THashIter& NodeHIter, const TNEGraph* GraphPt) : NodeHI(NodeHIter), Graph(GraphPt) { }
00605     TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : NodeHI(NodeI.NodeHI), Graph(NodeI.Graph) { }
00606     TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { NodeHI = NodeI.NodeHI; Graph=NodeI.Graph; return *this; }
00608     TNodeI& operator++ (int) { NodeHI++; return *this; }
00609     bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI < NodeI.NodeHI; }
00610     bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI == NodeI.NodeHI; }
00612     int GetId() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
00614     int GetDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetDeg(); }
00616     int GetInDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
00618     int GetOutDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
00622     int GetInNId(const int& EdgeN) const { return Graph->GetEdge(NodeHI.GetDat().GetInEId(EdgeN)).GetSrcNId(); }
00626     int GetOutNId(const int& EdgeN) const { return Graph->GetEdge(NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutEId(EdgeN)).GetDstNId(); }
00630     int GetNbrNId(const int& EdgeN) const { const TEdge& E = Graph->GetEdge(NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrEId(EdgeN));
00631       return GetId()==E.GetSrcNId() ? E.GetDstNId():E.GetSrcNId(); }
00633     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const;
00635     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const;
00637     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return IsOutNId(NId) || IsInNId(NId); }
00638     // edges
00640     int GetInEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInEId(EdgeN); }
00642     int GetOutEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutEId(EdgeN); }
00644     int GetNbrEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrEId(EdgeN); }
00646     bool IsInEId(const int& EId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsInEId(EId); }
00648     bool IsOutEId(const int& EId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsOutEId(EId); }
00650     bool IsNbrEId(const int& EId) const { return IsInEId(EId) || IsOutEId(EId); }
00651     friend class TNEGraph;
00652   };
00654   class TEdgeI {
00655   private:
00656     typedef THash<TInt, TEdge>::TIter THashIter;
00657     THashIter EdgeHI;
00658     const TNEGraph *Graph;
00659   public:
00660     TEdgeI() : EdgeHI(), Graph(NULL) { }
00661     TEdgeI(const THashIter& EdgeHIter, const TNEGraph *GraphPt) : EdgeHI(EdgeHIter), Graph(GraphPt) { }
00662     TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : EdgeHI(EdgeI.EdgeHI), Graph(EdgeI.Graph) { }
00663     TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { EdgeHI=EdgeI.EdgeHI; Graph=EdgeI.Graph; }  return *this; }
00665     TEdgeI& operator++ (int) { EdgeHI++; return *this; }
00666     bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return EdgeHI < EdgeI.EdgeHI; }
00667     bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return EdgeHI == EdgeI.EdgeHI; }
00669     int GetId() const { return EdgeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
00671     int GetSrcNId() const { return EdgeHI.GetDat().GetSrcNId(); }
00673     int GetDstNId() const { return EdgeHI.GetDat().GetDstNId(); }
00674     friend class TNEGraph;
00675   };
00677 private:
00678   TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00679   const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00680   TEdge& GetEdge(const int& EId) { return EdgeH.GetDat(EId); }
00681   const TEdge& GetEdge(const int& EId) const { return EdgeH.GetDat(EId); }
00682 private:
00683   TCRef CRef;
00684   TInt MxNId, MxEId;
00685   THash<TInt, TNode> NodeH;
00686   THash<TInt, TEdge> EdgeH;
00687 public:
00688   TNEGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), MxEId(0) { }
00690   explicit TNEGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : CRef(), MxNId(0), MxEId(0) { Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
00691   TNEGraph(const TNEGraph& Graph) : MxNId(Graph.MxNId), MxEId(Graph.MxEId), NodeH(Graph.NodeH), EdgeH(Graph.EdgeH) { }
00693   TNEGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), MxEId(SIn), NodeH(SIn), EdgeH(SIn) { }
00695   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); MxEId.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); EdgeH.Save(SOut); }
00697   static PNEGraph New() { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph()); }
00701   static PNEGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph(Nodes, Edges)); }
00703   static PNEGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph(SIn)); }
00705   bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
00706   TNEGraph& operator = (const TNEGraph& Graph) { if (this!=&Graph) {
00707     MxNId=Graph.MxNId; MxEId=Graph.MxEId; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; EdgeH=Graph.EdgeH; }  return *this; }
00710   int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); }
00716   int AddNode(int NId = -1);
00718   int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeId) { return AddNode(NodeId.GetId()); }
00722   void DelNode(const int& NId);
00724   void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
00726   bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
00728   TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI(), this); }
00730   TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI(), this); }
00732   TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId), this); }
00734   int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
00737   int GetEdges() const { return EdgeH.Len(); }
00744   int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, int EId  = -1);
00746   int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId(), EdgeI.GetId()); }
00748   void DelEdge(const int& EId);
00754   void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true);
00756   bool IsEdge(const int& EId) const { return EdgeH.IsKey(EId); }
00758   bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true) const { int EId; return IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, EId, IsDir); }
00760   bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, int& EId, const bool& IsDir = true) const;
00762   int GetEId(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const { int EId; return IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, EId)?EId:-1; }
00764   TEdgeI BegEI() const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.BegI(), this); }
00766   TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.EndI(), this); }
00767   // TODO document TNEGraph::GetEI()
00768   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.GetI(EId), this); }
00769   // TODO document TNEGraph::GetEI()
00770   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const { return GetEI(GetEId(SrcNId, DstNId)); }
00773   int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
00775   TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
00777   int GetRndEId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return EdgeH.GetKey(EdgeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
00779   TEdgeI GetRndEI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetEI(GetRndEId(Rnd)); }
00781   void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
00783   void GetEIdV(TIntV& EIdV) const;
00786   bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
00788   void Clr() { MxNId=0; MxEId=0; NodeH.Clr(); EdgeH.Clr(); }
00790   void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) {
00791     if (Nodes>0) { NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); } if (Edges>0) { EdgeH.Gen(Edges/2); } }
00798   void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
00803   bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
00805   void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
00806   // TODO implement and document TNEGraph::GetSmallGraph()
00807   static PNEGraph GetSmallGraph();
00808   friend class TPt<TNEGraph>;
00809 };
00811 // set flags
00812 namespace TSnap {
00813 template <> struct IsMultiGraph<TNEGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
00814 template <> struct IsDirected<TNEGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
00815 }
00817 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00820 class TBPGraph {
00821 public:
00822   typedef TBPGraph TNet;
00823   typedef TPt<TBPGraph> PNet;
00824   typedef enum { bgsUndef, bgsLeft, bgsRight, bgsBoth } TNodeTy; // left or right hand side node
00825 public:
00826   class TNode {
00827   private:
00828     TInt Id;
00829     TIntV NIdV;
00830     TNodeTy NodeTy; // remove
00831   public:
00832     TNode() : Id(-1), NIdV(), NodeTy(bgsUndef) { }
00833     TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), NIdV(), NodeTy(true?bgsLeft:bgsRight) { }
00834     TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), NIdV(Node.NIdV), NodeTy(Node.NodeTy) { }
00835     TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), NIdV(SIn), NodeTy(bgsUndef) { TInt Ty(SIn); NodeTy=(TNodeTy)Ty.Val; }
00836     void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); NIdV.Save(SOut); TInt(NodeTy).Save(SOut); }
00837     int GetId() const { return Id; }
00838     int GetDeg() const { return NIdV.Len(); }
00839     int GetInDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
00840     int GetOutDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
00841     int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00842     int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00843     int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NIdV[NodeN]; }
00844     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return NIdV.SearchBin(NId)!=-1; }
00845     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
00846     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
00847     void PackOutNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
00848     void PackNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
00849     friend class TBPGraph;
00850   };
00852   class TNodeI {
00853   private:
00854     typedef THash<TInt, TNode>::TIter THashIter;
00855     THashIter LeftHI, RightHI; // iterator over left and right hand-side nodes
00856   private:
00857     inline THashIter HI() const { return ! LeftHI.IsEnd()?LeftHI:RightHI; }
00858   public:
00859     TNodeI() : LeftHI(), RightHI() { }
00860     TNodeI(const THashIter& LeftHIter, const THashIter& RightHIter) : LeftHI(LeftHIter), RightHI(RightHIter) { }
00861     TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : LeftHI(NodeI.LeftHI), RightHI(NodeI.RightHI) { }
00862     TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { LeftHI = NodeI.LeftHI; RightHI=NodeI.RightHI; return *this; }
00864     TNodeI& operator++ (int) { 
00865       if (! LeftHI.IsEnd()) { 
00866         LeftHI++; } 
00867       else if (! RightHI.IsEnd()) { 
00868         RightHI++; } 
00869       return *this; }
00870     bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return LeftHI < NodeI.LeftHI || (LeftHI==NodeI.LeftHI && RightHI < NodeI.RightHI); }
00871     bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return LeftHI==NodeI.LeftHI && RightHI==NodeI.RightHI; }
00873     int GetId() const { return HI().GetDat().GetId(); }
00875     bool IsLeft() const { return ! LeftHI.IsEnd(); }
00877     bool IsRight() const { return ! IsLeft(); }
00879     int GetDeg() const { return HI().GetDat().GetDeg(); }
00881     int GetInDeg() const { return HI().GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
00883     int GetOutDeg() const { return HI().GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
00886     int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return HI().GetDat().GetInNId(NodeN); }
00889     int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return HI().GetDat().GetOutNId(NodeN); }
00892     int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return HI().GetDat().GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
00894     bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return HI().GetDat().IsInNId(NId); }
00896     bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return HI().GetDat().IsOutNId(NId); }
00898     bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return HI().GetDat().IsNbrNId(NId); }
00899     friend class TBPGraph;
00900   };
00902   class TEdgeI {
00903   private:
00904     TNodeI CurNode, EndNode; // end node on the 'left'
00905     int CurEdge;
00906   public:
00907     TEdgeI() : CurNode(), EndNode(), CurEdge(0) { }
00908     TEdgeI(const TNodeI& NodeI, const TNodeI& EndNodeI, const int& EdgeN=0) : CurNode(NodeI), EndNode(EndNodeI), CurEdge(EdgeN) { }
00909     TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : CurNode(EdgeI.CurNode), EndNode(EdgeI.EndNode), CurEdge(EdgeI.CurEdge) { }
00910     TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { CurNode=EdgeI.CurNode; EndNode=EdgeI.EndNode; CurEdge=EdgeI.CurEdge; }  return *this; }
00912     TEdgeI& operator++ (int) { CurEdge++; if (CurEdge >= CurNode.GetOutDeg()) { CurEdge=0; CurNode++;
00913       while (CurNode < EndNode && CurNode.GetOutDeg()==0) { CurNode++; } }  return *this; }
00914     bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode<EdgeI.CurNode || (CurNode==EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge<EdgeI.CurEdge); }
00915     bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode == EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge == EdgeI.CurEdge; }
00917     int GetId() const { return -1; }
00919     int GetSrcNId() const { return CurNode.GetId(); }
00921     int GetDstNId() const { return CurNode.GetOutNId(CurEdge); }
00923     int GetLNId() const { return GetSrcNId(); }
00925     int GetRNId() const { return GetDstNId(); }
00926     friend class TBPGraph;
00927   };
00928 private:
00929   TCRef CRef;
00930   TInt MxNId;                 // maximum node id in the graph
00931   THash<TInt, TNode> LeftH;   // 'left' nodes
00932   THash<TInt, TNode> RightH;  // 'right' nodes
00933 private:
00934   //TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00935   //const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
00936 public:
00937   TBPGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), LeftH(), RightH() { }
00939   explicit TBPGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : MxNId(0) { } 
00940   TBPGraph(const TBPGraph& BPGraph) : MxNId(BPGraph.MxNId), LeftH(BPGraph.LeftH), RightH(BPGraph.RightH) { }
00942   TBPGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), LeftH(SIn), RightH(SIn) { }
00944   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); LeftH.Save(SOut); RightH.Save(SOut); }
00946   static PBPGraph New() { return new TBPGraph(); }
00949   static PBPGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return new TBPGraph(Nodes, Edges); }
00951   static PBPGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PBPGraph(new TBPGraph(SIn)); }
00953   bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
00954   TBPGraph& operator = (const TBPGraph& BPGraph) {
00955     if (this!=&BPGraph) { MxNId=BPGraph.MxNId; LeftH=BPGraph.LeftH; RightH=BPGraph.RightH; }  return *this; }
00958   int GetNodes() const { return GetLNodes() + GetRNodes(); }
00960   int GetLNodes() const { return LeftH.Len(); }
00962   int GetRNodes() const { return RightH.Len(); }
00965   int AddNode(int NId = -1, const bool& LeftNode=true);
00967   int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeI) { return AddNode(NodeI.GetId(), NodeI.IsLeft()); }
00970   void DelNode(const int& NId);
00972   void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
00974   bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return IsLNode(NId) || IsRNode(NId); }
00976   bool IsLNode(const int& NId) const { return LeftH.IsKey(NId); }
00978   bool IsRNode(const int& NId) const { return RightH.IsKey(NId); }
00980   int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
00983   TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.BegI(), RightH.BegI()); }
00985   TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.EndI(), RightH.EndI()); }
00987   TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return IsLNode(NId) ? TNodeI(LeftH.GetI(NId), RightH.EndI()) : TNodeI(LeftH.EndI(), RightH.GetI(NId)); }
00989   TNodeI BegLNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.BegI(), RightH.EndI()); }
00991   TNodeI EndLNI() const { return EndNI(); }
00993   TNodeI BegRNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.EndI(), RightH.BegI()); }
00995   TNodeI EndRNI() const { return EndNI(); }
00998   int GetEdges() const;
01001   int AddEdge(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId);
01003   int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId()); }
01006   void DelEdge(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId);
01008   bool IsEdge(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId) const;
01010   TEdgeI BegEI() const { TNodeI NI=BegLNI(); while (NI<EndLNI() && (NI.GetOutDeg()==0 || NI.GetId()>NI.GetOutNId(0))) { NI++; } return TEdgeI(NI, EndLNI()); }
01012   TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
01014   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const;
01017   TEdgeI GetEI(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId) const;
01020   int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
01022   int GetRndLNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
01024   int GetRndRNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
01026   TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
01028   void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
01030   void GetLNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
01032   void GetRNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
01035   bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
01037   void Clr() { MxNId=0; LeftH.Clr(); RightH.Clr(); }
01039   void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges);
01042   void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
01045   bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
01047   void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
01050   static PBPGraph GetSmallGraph();
01052   friend class TPt<TBPGraph>;
01053 };
01055 // set flags
01056 namespace TSnap {
01057 template <> struct IsBipart<TBPGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
01058 }