SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #pragma once
00003 #include "stdafx.h"
00005 class TGraphAttributes {
00006 public:
00011   TGraphAttributes(PUNGraph G, const char* nodeFeaturePath, const char* groundtruthPath);
00012   ~TGraphAttributes() {
00013   }
00015   PUNGraph G;
00016   TInt NFeatures;
00018   THash<TInt, TIntIntH> NodeFeatures;
00019   THash<TIntPr, TIntIntH> EdgeFeatures;
00020   TVec<TInt> NodeIDs;
00021   TCRef CRef;
00023   TVec<TIntSet> GroundTruth; // Groundtruth communities
00024 };
00026 typedef TPt<TGraphAttributes> PGraphAttributes;
00028 class TCluster {
00029 public:
00035   TCluster(PGraphAttributes GraphAttributes, TInt K, TFlt Lambda) :
00036     GraphAttributes(GraphAttributes), K(K), Lambda(Lambda) {
00037     Theta = new TFlt[K * GraphAttributes->NFeatures];
00038     Derivative = new TFlt[K * GraphAttributes->NFeatures];
00039     for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
00040       for (int f = 0; f < GraphAttributes->NFeatures; f++) {
00041         Theta[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures + f] = 0;
00042         Derivative[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures + f] = 0;
00043       }
00045       // Clusters are initially empty.
00046       CHat.Add(TIntSet());
00047     }
00048   }
00049   ~TCluster() {
00050     delete[] Theta;
00051     delete[] Derivative;
00052   }
00059   void Train(TInt OuterReps, TInt GradientReps, TInt MCMCReps);
00064   TVec<TIntSet> GetCircles(void) {
00065     return CHat;
00066   }
00067   TCRef CRef;
00069 private:
00070   TFlt* Theta; // Community parameters
00071   TFlt* Derivative; // Partial derivatives
00073   TVec<TIntSet> CHat; // Latent community memberships
00074   PGraphAttributes GraphAttributes; // Graph with attributes
00076   TInt K;
00077   TFlt Lambda;
00082   TFlt LogLikelihood();
00089   TIntSet MCMC(TInt k, TInt MCMCReps);
00090   void Gradient();
00091 };
00093 typedef TPt<TCluster> PCluster;
00095 enum lossType
00096 {
00097   zeroOne = 0,
00098   balancedError = 1,
00099   fScore = 2
00100 };
00103 TFlt Loss(TIntSet& l, TIntSet lHat, int N, int Which)
00104 {
00105   if (l.Len() == 0) {
00106     if (lHat.Len() == 0) {
00107       return 0;
00108     }
00109     return 1.0;
00110   }
00111   if (lHat.Len() == 0) {
00112     if (l.Len() == 0) {
00113       return 0;
00114     }
00115     return 1.0;
00116   }
00117   TInt TruePositives = 0;
00118   TInt FalsePositives = 0;
00119   TInt FalseNegatives = 0;
00121   TFlt LabelLoss = 0;
00122   for (THashSetKeyI<TInt> it = l.BegI(); it != l.EndI(); it ++) {
00123     int c = it.GetKey();
00124     if (not lHat.IsKey(c)) {
00125       // false negative
00126       FalseNegatives ++;
00127       if (Which == zeroOne) {
00128         LabelLoss += 1.0/N;
00129       }
00130       else if (Which == balancedError) {
00131         LabelLoss += 0.5/l.Len();
00132       }
00133     }
00134   }
00136   for (THashSetKeyI<TInt> it = lHat.BegI(); it != lHat.EndI(); it ++) {
00137     int c = it.GetKey();
00138     if (not l.IsKey(c)) {
00139       // false positive
00140       FalsePositives ++;
00141       if (Which == zeroOne) {
00142         LabelLoss += 1.0/N;
00143       }
00144       else if (Which == balancedError) {
00145         LabelLoss += 0.5/(N - l.Len());
00146       }
00147     }
00148     else {
00149       TruePositives ++;
00150     }
00151   }
00153   if ((lHat.Len() == 0 or TruePositives == 0) and Which == fScore) {
00154     return 1.0;
00155   }
00156   TFlt precision = (1.0*TruePositives)/lHat.Len();
00157   TFlt recall = (1.0*TruePositives)/l.Len();
00158   if (Which == fScore) {
00159     return 1 - 2 * (precision*recall) / (precision + recall);
00160   }
00162   return LabelLoss;
00163 }
00165 /*
00167 // Requires code for the munkres algorithm, available at
00168 TFlt TotalLoss(TVec<TIntSet>& Clusters, TVec<TIntSet>& CHat, int N, int Which)
00169 {
00170   Matrix<double> matrix(Clusters.Len(), CHat.Len());
00172   for (int i = 0; i < (int) Clusters.Len(); i ++) {
00173     for (int j = 0; j < (int) CHat.Len(); j ++) {
00174       matrix(i,j) = Loss(Clusters[i], CHat[j], N, Which);
00175     }
00176   }
00178   Munkres m;
00179   m.solve(matrix);
00181   TFlt l = 0;
00182   for (int i = 0; i < (int) Clusters.Len(); i ++) {
00183     for (int j = 0; j < (int) CHat.Len(); j ++) {
00184       if (matrix(i,j) == 0) {
00185         l += Loss(Clusters[i], CHat[j], N, Which);
00186       }
00187     }
00188   }
00190   return l / (Clusters.Len() < CHat.Len() ? Clusters.Len() : CHat.Len());
00191 }
00192 */
00194 TGraphAttributes::TGraphAttributes(PUNGraph G, const char* NodeFeaturePath,
00195                                    const char* GroundTruthPath) :
00196   G(G) {
00197   // Read node Features for the graph
00198   FILE* f = fopen(NodeFeaturePath, "r");
00199   int NNodes;
00200   int nF;
00201   fscanf(f, "%d %d", &NNodes, &nF);
00202   NFeatures = nF;
00204   for (int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
00205     int nid;
00206     fscanf(f, "%d", &nid);
00208     if (not G->IsNode(nid)) {
00209       printf("Warning: %d is not a node in G.\n", nid);
00210     }
00211     TInt kv = NodeFeatures.AddKey(nid);
00212     for (int x = 0; x < nF; x++) {
00213       int z = 0;
00214       fscanf(f, "%d", &z);
00215       if (z) {
00216         NodeFeatures[kv].AddDat(x) = z;
00217       }
00218     }
00219     if (G->IsNode(nid)) {
00220       NodeIDs.Add(nid);
00221     }
00222   }
00223   fclose(f);
00225   f = fopen(GroundTruthPath, "r");
00226   if (f == NULL) {
00227     printf("Groundtruth file %s not found.\n", GroundTruthPath);
00228   }
00229   else {
00230     char* CircleName = new char [1000];
00231     while (fscanf(f, "%s", CircleName) == 1)
00232     {
00233       TIntSet Circle;
00234       while (true) {
00235         int nid;
00236         fscanf(f, "%d", &nid);
00237         Circle.AddKey(nid);
00238         char c;
00239         while (true) {          
00240           c = fgetc(f);
00241           if (c == '\n') break;
00242           if (c >= '0' and c <= '9') {
00243             fseek(f, -1, SEEK_CUR);
00244             break;
00245           }
00246         }
00247         if (c == '\n') break;
00248       }
00249       GroundTruth.Add(Circle);
00250     }
00251     delete [] CircleName;
00252   }
00253   fclose(f);
00255   // Construct the Features encoding the difference between node attributes.
00256   for (int i = 0; i < NodeIDs.Len(); i++) {
00257     TInt ni = NodeIDs[i];
00258     for (int j = i + 1; j < NodeIDs.Len(); j++) {
00259       TInt nj = NodeIDs[j];
00260       TInt kv = EdgeFeatures.AddKey(TIntPr(ni, nj));
00261       for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> it = NodeFeatures.GetDat(ni).BegI();
00262            not it.IsEnd(); it++) {
00263         TInt k = it.GetKey();
00264         TInt diff = 0;
00265         if (NodeFeatures.GetDat(nj).IsKey(k)) {
00266           diff = abs(it.GetDat() - NodeFeatures.GetDat(nj).GetDat(k));
00267         } else {
00268           diff = abs(it.GetDat());
00269         }
00270         if (diff) {
00271           EdgeFeatures[kv].AddDat(k) = diff;
00272         }
00273       }
00274       for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> it = NodeFeatures.GetDat(nj).BegI();
00275            not it.IsEnd(); it++) {
00276         TInt k = it.GetKey();
00277         TInt diff = 0;
00278         if (NodeFeatures.GetDat(ni).IsKey(k)) {
00279           diff = abs(it.GetDat() - NodeFeatures.GetDat(ni).GetDat(k));
00280         } else {
00281           diff = abs(it.GetDat());
00282         }
00283         if (diff) {
00284           EdgeFeatures[kv].AddDat(k) = diff;
00285         }
00286       }
00287     }
00288   }
00289 }
00292 void TCluster::Train(TInt OuterReps, TInt GradientReps, TInt MCMCReps) {
00293   // Learning rate
00294   TFlt Increment = 1.0 / (1.0 * GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len() * GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len());
00295   TRnd t;
00297   for (int OuterRep = 0; OuterRep < OuterReps; OuterRep++) {
00298     // If it's the first iteration or the solution is degenerate,
00299     // randomly initialize the weights and Clusters
00300     for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
00301       if (OuterRep == 0 or CHat[k].Empty() or CHat[k].Len()
00302           == GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len()) {
00303         CHat[k].Clr();
00304         for (int i = 0; i < GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len(); i++) {
00305           if (t.GetUniDevInt(2) == 0) {
00306             CHat[k].AddKey(GraphAttributes->NodeIDs[i]);
00307           }
00308         }
00309         for (int i = 0; i < GraphAttributes->NFeatures; i++) {
00310           Theta[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures + i] = 0;
00311         }
00312         // Just set a single Feature to 1 as a random initialization.
00313         Theta[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures + t.GetUniDevInt(GraphAttributes->NFeatures)] = 1.0;
00314         Theta[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures] = 1;
00315       }
00316     }
00318     for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
00319       CHat[k] = MCMC(k, MCMCReps);
00320     }
00321     TFlt llPrevious = LogLikelihood();
00323     // Perform gradient ascent
00324     TFlt ll = 0;
00325     for (int gradientRep = 0; gradientRep < GradientReps; gradientRep++) {
00326       Gradient();
00327       for (int i = 0; i < K * GraphAttributes->NFeatures; i++) {
00328         Theta[i] += Increment * Derivative[i];
00329       }
00330       printf(".");
00331       fflush( stdout);
00332       ll = LogLikelihood();
00334       // If we reduced the objective, undo the update and stop.
00335       if (ll < llPrevious) {
00336         for (int i = 0; i < K * GraphAttributes->NFeatures; i++) {
00337           Theta[i] -= Increment * Derivative[i];
00338         }
00339         ll = llPrevious;
00340         break;
00341       }
00342       llPrevious = ll;
00343     }
00344     printf("\nIteration %d, ll = %f\n", OuterRep + 1, (double) ll);
00345   }
00346 }
00349 TFlt Inner(TIntIntH& Feature, TFlt* Parameter) {
00350   TFlt res = 0;
00351   for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> it = Feature.BegI(); not it.IsEnd(); it++) {
00352     res += it.GetDat() * Parameter[it.GetKey()];
00353   }
00354   return res;
00355 }
00358 TIntSet TCluster::MCMC(TInt k, TInt MCMCReps) {
00359   TRnd t;
00361   THash<TInt, TFlt> CostNotIncludeHash;
00362   THash<TInt, TFlt> CostIncludeHash;
00364   TVec<TInt> NewLabel;
00365   int csize = 0;
00366   for (int i = 0; i < GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len(); i++) {
00367     if (CHat[k].IsKey(GraphAttributes->NodeIDs[i])) {
00368       NewLabel.Add(0);
00369     } else {
00370       NewLabel.Add(1);
00371     }
00372     if (CHat[k].IsKey(GraphAttributes->NodeIDs[i])) {
00373       csize++;
00374     }
00375   }
00376   // Compute edge log-probabilities.
00377   for (THashKeyDatI<TIntPr, TIntIntH> it = GraphAttributes->EdgeFeatures.BegI();
00378        not it.IsEnd(); it++) {
00379     TIntPr e = it.GetKey();
00380     TInt kv = GraphAttributes->EdgeFeatures.GetKeyId(e);
00381     TInt Src = e.Val1;
00382     TInt Dst = e.Val2;
00384     TBool Exists = GraphAttributes->G->IsEdge(Src, Dst);
00385     TFlt InnerProduct = Inner(it.GetDat(), Theta + k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures);
00386     TFlt Other = 0;
00387     for (int l = 0; l < K; l++) {
00388       if (l == k) {
00389         continue;
00390       }
00391       TFlt d = (CHat[l].IsKey(Src) and CHat[l].IsKey(Dst)) ? 1 : -1;
00392       Other += d * Inner(it.GetDat(), Theta + l * GraphAttributes->NFeatures);
00393     }
00395     TFlt CostNotInclude;
00396     TFlt CostInclude;
00398     if (Exists) {
00399       CostNotInclude = -Other + InnerProduct + log(1 + exp(Other - InnerProduct));
00400       CostInclude = -Other - InnerProduct + log(1 + exp(Other + InnerProduct));
00401     } else {
00402       CostNotInclude = log(1 + exp(Other - InnerProduct));
00403       CostInclude = log(1 + exp(Other + InnerProduct));
00404     }
00406     CostNotIncludeHash.AddDat(kv) = -CostNotInclude;
00407     CostIncludeHash.AddDat(kv) = -CostInclude;
00408   }
00410   // Run MCMC using precomputed probabilities
00411   TFlt InitialTemperature = 1.0; // Initial temperature
00412   for (int r = 2; r < MCMCReps + 2; r++) {
00413     TFlt Temperature = InitialTemperature / log(r);
00414     for (int n = 0; n < GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len(); n++) {
00415       TFlt l0 = 0;
00416       TFlt l1 = 0;
00417       for (int np = 0; np < GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len(); np++) {
00418         if (n == np) {
00419           continue;
00420         }
00421         TIntPr ed(GraphAttributes->NodeIDs[n], GraphAttributes->NodeIDs[np]);
00422         if (ed.Val1 > ed.Val2) {
00423           ed = TIntPr(ed.Val2, ed.Val1);
00424         }
00425         TInt kv = GraphAttributes->EdgeFeatures.GetKeyId(ed);
00426         TFlt m0 = CostNotIncludeHash.GetDat(kv);
00427         if (NewLabel[np] == 0) {
00428           l0 += m0;
00429           l1 += m0;
00430         } else {
00431           l0 += m0;
00432           l1 += CostIncludeHash.GetDat(kv);
00433         }
00434       }
00435       TFlt LogLikelihoodDiff = exp(l1 - l0);
00436       TFlt AcceptProb = pow(LogLikelihoodDiff, 1.0 / Temperature);
00437       if (t.GetUniDev() < AcceptProb) {
00438         NewLabel[n] = 1;
00439       } else {
00440         NewLabel[n] = 0;
00441       }
00442     }
00443   }
00445   TIntSet Result;
00446   for (int i = 0; i < GraphAttributes->NodeIDs.Len(); i++) {
00447     if (NewLabel[i]) {
00448       Result.AddKey(GraphAttributes->NodeIDs[i]);
00449     }
00450   }
00452   return Result;
00453 }
00456 void TCluster::Gradient(void) {
00457   for (int i = 0; i < K * GraphAttributes->NFeatures; i++) {
00458     if (Theta[i] > 0) {
00459       Derivative[i] = -Lambda * Theta[i];
00460     } else {
00461       Derivative[i] = Lambda * Theta[i];
00462     }
00463   }
00465   for (THashKeyDatI<TIntPr, TIntIntH> it = GraphAttributes->EdgeFeatures.BegI();
00466        not it.IsEnd(); it++) {
00467     TFlt InnerProduct = 0;
00468     TIntPr Edge = it.GetKey();
00469     TInt Src = Edge.Val1;
00470     TInt Dst = Edge.Val2;
00471     TBool Exists = GraphAttributes->G->IsEdge(Src, Dst);
00472     for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
00473       TFlt d = CHat[k].IsKey(Src) and CHat[k].IsKey(Dst) ? 1 : -1;
00474       InnerProduct += d * Inner(it.GetDat(), Theta + k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures);
00475     }
00476     TFlt expinp = exp(InnerProduct);
00477     TFlt q = expinp / (1 + expinp);
00478     if (q != q) {
00479       q = 1; // Test for nan in case of overflow.
00480     }
00482     for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
00483       TBool d_ = CHat[k].IsKey(Src) and CHat[k].IsKey(Dst);
00484       TFlt d = d_ ? 1 : -1;
00485       for (THashKeyDatI<TInt, TInt> itf = it.GetDat().BegI();
00486            not itf.IsEnd(); itf++) {
00487         TInt i = itf.GetKey();
00488         TInt f = itf.GetDat();
00489         if (Exists) {
00490           Derivative[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures + i] += d * f;
00491         }
00492         Derivative[k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures + i] += -d * f * q;
00493       }
00494     }
00495   }
00496 }
00499 TFlt TCluster::LogLikelihood(void) {
00500   TFlt ll = 0;
00501   for (THashKeyDatI<TIntPr, TIntIntH> it = GraphAttributes->EdgeFeatures.BegI();
00502        not it.IsEnd(); it++) {
00503     TFlt InnerProduct = 0;
00504     TIntPr Edge = it.GetKey();
00505     TInt Src = Edge.Val1;
00506     TInt Dst = Edge.Val2;
00507     TBool Exists = GraphAttributes->G->IsEdge(Src, Dst);
00509     for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
00510       TFlt d = CHat[k].IsKey(Src) and CHat[k].IsKey(Dst) ? 1 : -1;
00511       InnerProduct += d * Inner(it.GetDat(), Theta + k * GraphAttributes->NFeatures);
00512     }
00513     if (Exists) {
00514       ll += InnerProduct;
00515     }
00516     TFlt ll_ = log(1 + exp(InnerProduct));
00517     ll += -ll_;
00518   }
00520   if (ll != ll) {
00521     printf("ll isnan\n");
00522     exit(1);
00523   }
00524   return ll;
00525 }