SNAP Library 3.0, Developer Reference
2016-07-20 17:56:49
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
This is the complete list of members for TUrl, including all inherited members.
BaseUrlStr | TUrl | private |
ChangeHttpRqStr(const TStr &SrcStr, const TStr &DstStr) | TUrl | inline |
CRef | TUrl | private |
DecodeUrlStr(const TStr &UrlStr) | TUrl | static |
DefFinalUrl(const TStr &_FinalHostNm) | TUrl | |
DefUrlAsFinal() | TUrl | inline |
EncodeUrlStr(const TStr &Str) | TUrl | inlinestatic |
FinalHostNm | TUrl | private |
FinalUrlStr | TUrl | private |
FragIdStr | TUrl | private |
GetAbs(const TStr &AbsUrlStr) | TUrl | private |
GetAbsFromBase(const TStr &RelUrlStr, const TStr &BaseUrlStr) | TUrl | private |
GetAsFinalHostNm() const | TUrl | inline |
GetAsFinalUrlStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetBaseUrlStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetDmNm(const int &MxDmSegs=-1) const | TUrl | |
GetDocStrFromUrlStr(const TStr &UrlStr, const int &Copies=1) | TUrl | static |
GetFinalHostNm() const | TUrl | inline |
GetFinalUrlStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetFragIdStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetHostNm() const | TUrl | inline |
GetHttpRqStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetIpNum() const | TUrl | inline |
GetIpNumOrHostNm() const | TUrl | inline |
GetPathSeg(const int &PathSegN) const | TUrl | inline |
GetPathSegs() const | TUrl | inline |
GetPathStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetPortN() const | TUrl | inline |
GetPortStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetRelUrlStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetScheme() | TUrl | inline |
GetSchemeNm() const | TUrl | inline |
GetSearchStr() const | TUrl | inline |
GetTopDownDocNm(const TStr &UrlStr, const int &MxLen=-1, const bool &HostOnlyP=false) | TUrl | static |
GetUrlFromShortcut(const TStr &ShortcutUrlStr, const TStr &DfHostNmPrefix, const TStr &DfHostNmSufix) | TUrl | static |
GetUrlSearchStr(const TStr &Str) | TUrl | static |
GetUrlStr() const | TUrl | inline |
HostNm | TUrl | private |
HttpRqStr | TUrl | private |
IpNum | TUrl | private |
IsAbs(const TStr &UrlStr) | TUrl | static |
IsBaseUrl() | TUrl | inline |
IsDefFinalUrl() const | TUrl | inline |
IsHttpRqStr() const | TUrl | inline |
IsInHost(const TStr &_HostNm) const | TUrl | inline |
IsInPath(const TStr &_PathStr) const | TUrl | inline |
IsIpNum() const | TUrl | inline |
IsOk(const TUrlScheme _Scheme=usUndef) const | TUrl | inline |
IsPortOk() const | TUrl | inline |
IsScript(const TStr &UrlStr) | TUrl | static |
IsSite(const TStr &UrlStr) | TUrl | static |
Load(TSIn &) | TUrl | inlinestatic |
New(const TStr &RelUrlStr, const TStr &BaseUrlStr=TStr()) | TUrl | inlinestatic |
PathSegV | TUrl | private |
PathStr | TUrl | private |
PortN | TUrl | private |
PortStr | TUrl | private |
PutHttpRqStr(const TStr &_HttpRqStr) | TUrl | inline |
PutIpNum(const TStr &_IpNum) | TUrl | inline |
RelUrlStr | TUrl | private |
Save(TSOut &) | TUrl | inline |
Scheme | TUrl | private |
SchemeNm | TUrl | private |
SearchStr | TUrl | private |
ToLcPath() | TUrl | |
TPt< TUrl > class | TUrl | friend |
TUrl(const TStr &_RelUrlStr, const TStr &_BaseUrlStr=TStr()) | TUrl | |
TUrl(TSIn &) | TUrl | inline |
UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TUrl) | TUrl | private |
UrlHttpAbsPrefixStr | TUrl | privatestatic |
UrlHttpPrefixStr | TUrl | privatestatic |
UrlStr | TUrl | private |
~TUrl() | TUrl | inline |