SNAP Library 3.0, Developer Reference
2016-07-20 17:56:49
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
This is the complete list of members for TAGMFit, including all inherited members.
AddBaseCmty() | TAGMFit | |
BaseCID | TAGMFit | private |
CalcPNoComByCmtyVV(const int &SamplePairs=-1) | TAGMFit | |
CIDNSetV | TAGMFit | private |
ComEdgesV | TAGMFit | private |
EdgeComVH | TAGMFit | private |
G | TAGMFit | private |
GetCmtyVV(TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVV, const double QMax=2.0) | TAGMFit | |
GetCmtyVV(TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVV, TFltV &QV, const double QMax=2.0) | TAGMFit | |
GetEdgeJointCom() | TAGMFit | |
GetLambdaV(TFltV &OutV) | TAGMFit | inline |
GetPNoCom() | TAGMFit | inline |
GetQV(TFltV &OutV) | TAGMFit | |
GetStepSizeByLineSearchForLambda(const TFltV &DeltaV, const TFltV &GradV, const double &Alpha, const double &Beta) | TAGMFit | |
GradLogLForLambda(TFltV &GradV) | TAGMFit | |
InitNodeData() | TAGMFit | |
JoinCom(const int &NID, const int &JoinCID) | TAGMFit | |
LambdaV | TAGMFit | private |
LeaveCom(const int &NID, const int &CID) | TAGMFit | |
Likelihood() | TAGMFit | |
Likelihood(const TFltV &NewLambdaV) | TAGMFit | inline |
Likelihood(const TFltV &NewLambdaV, double &LEdges, double &LNoEdges) | TAGMFit | |
Load(TSIn &SIn, const int &RndSeed=0) | TAGMFit | |
MaxLambda | TAGMFit | private |
MinLambda | TAGMFit | private |
MLEGradAscentGivenCAG(const double &Thres=0.001, const int &MaxIter=10000, const TStr PlotNm=TStr()) | TAGMFit | |
NeighborComInit(const int InitComs) | TAGMFit | |
NIDCIDPrH | TAGMFit | private |
NIDCIDPrS | TAGMFit | private |
NIDComVH | TAGMFit | private |
PNoCom | TAGMFit | private |
PrintSummary() | TAGMFit | |
RandomInit(const int &MaxK) | TAGMFit | |
RandomInitCmtyVV(const int InitComs, const double ComSzAlpha=1.3, const double MemAlpha=1.8, const int MinComSz=8, const int MaxComSz=200, const int MinMem=1, const int MaxMem=10) | TAGMFit | |
RegCoef | TAGMFit | private |
RemoveEmptyCom() | TAGMFit | |
Rnd | TAGMFit | private |
RunMCMC(const int &MaxIter, const int &EvalLambdaIter, const TStr &PlotFPrx=TStr()) | TAGMFit | |
SampleTransition(int &NID, int &JoinCID, int &LeaveCID, double &DeltaL) | TAGMFit | |
Save(TSOut &SOut) | TAGMFit | |
SeekJoin(const int &UID, const int &CID) | TAGMFit | |
SeekLeave(const int &UID, const int &CID) | TAGMFit | |
SeekSwitch(const int &UID, const int &CurCID, const int &NewCID) | TAGMFit | |
SelectLambdaSum(const TIntSet &ComK) | TAGMFit | |
SelectLambdaSum(const TFltV &NewLambdaV, const TIntSet &ComK) | TAGMFit | |
SetCmtyVV(const TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVV) | TAGMFit | |
SetDefaultPNoCom() | TAGMFit | |
SetLambdaV(const TFltV &LambdaPt) | TAGMFit | inline |
SetPNoCom(const double &Epsilon) | TAGMFit | inline |
SetRegCoef(const double Val) | TAGMFit | inline |
TAGMFit() | TAGMFit | inline |
TAGMFit(const PUNGraph &GraphPt, const TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVPt, const int RndSeed=0) | TAGMFit | inline |
TAGMFit(const PUNGraph &GraphPt, const int InitComs, const int RndSeed=0) | TAGMFit | inline |
TAGMFit(const PUNGraph &GraphPt, const TVec< TIntV > &CmtyVVPt, const TRnd &RndPt) | TAGMFit | inline |
~TAGMFit() | TAGMFit | inline |