SNAP Library 2.3, User Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
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THashSet< TKey, THashFunc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >, including all inherited members.

AddKey(const TKey &Key)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
AddKeyV(const TVec< TKey > &KeyV)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
AutoSizePTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
BegI() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
Defrag()THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
DelIfKey(const TKey &Key)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
DelKey(const TKey &Key)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
DelKeyId(const int &KeyId)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
DelKeyIdV(const TIntV &KeyIdV)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
Empty() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
EndI() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
FFirstKeyId() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
FFreeKeyIdTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
FNextKeyId(int &KeyId) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
FreeKeysTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
Gen(const int &ExpectVals)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetI(const TKey &Key) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetKey(const int &KeyId) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetKeyId(const TKey &Key) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
GetKeyV(TVec< TKey > &KeyV) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
GetMemUsed() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetMxKeyIds() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetNextPrime(const uint &Val) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
GetPorts() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetReservedKeyIds() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetRndKeyId(TRnd &Rnd) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
GetSet(const TKey &Key1)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3, const TKey &Key4)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3, const TKey &Key4, const TKey &Key5)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3, const TKey &Key4, const TKey &Key5, const TKey &Key6)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3, const TKey &Key4, const TKey &Key5, const TKey &Key6, const TKey &Key7)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3, const TKey &Key4, const TKey &Key5, const TKey &Key6, const TKey &Key7, const TKey &Key8)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSet(const TKey &Key1, const TKey &Key2, const TKey &Key3, const TKey &Key4, const TKey &Key5, const TKey &Key6, const TKey &Key7, const TKey &Key8, const TKey &Key9)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlinestatic
GetSetKey(const int &KeyId)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlineprivate
GetSetKey(const int &KeyId) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlineprivate
IsAutoSize() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
IsKey(const TKey &Key) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
IsKey(const TKey &Key, int &KeyId) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
IsKeyId(const int &KeyId) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
IsKeyIdEqKeyN() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
KeyVTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
Len() const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
Load(TSIn &SIn)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
LoadXml(const PXmlTok &XmlTok, const TStr &Nm="")THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
MarkDelKey(const TKey &Key)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
MarkDelKeyId(const int &KeyId)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
operator=(const THashSet &Set)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
operator==(const THashSet &Set) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
operator[](const int &KeyId) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
operator[](const int &KeyId)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
Pack()THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
PortVTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
Resize()THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private
Save(TSOut &SOut) const THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
SaveXml(TSOut &SOut, const TStr &Nm)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
Swap(THashSet &Set)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
THashSet()THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
THashSet(const THashSet &Set)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inline
THashSet(const int &ExpectVals, const bool &_AutoSizeP=false)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
THashSet(const TVec< TKey > &KeyV)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >explicit
THashSet(TSIn &SIn)THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >inlineexplicit
TIter typedefTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >
TSetKey typedefTHashSet< TKey, THashFunc >private