SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
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00001 #ifndef gnuplot_h
00002 #define gnuplot_h
00005 // GNU-Plot-Chart
00006 typedef enum {
00007   gpsNoAuto, gpsAuto, gpsLog, gpsLog2X, gpsLog2Y, gpsLog2XY, gpsLog10X,
00008   gpsLog10Y, gpsLog10XY
00009 } TGpScaleTy;
00011 typedef enum {
00012   gpwUndef, gpwLines, gpwPoints, gpwLinesPoints, gpwImpulses, gpwDots,
00013   gpwSteps, gpwFSteps, gpwHiSteps, gpwBoxes, gpwErrBars, gpwFilledCurves, gpwMax
00014 } TGpSeriesTy;
00016 class TGnuPlot {
00017 public:
00019   static TStr GnuPlotPath;
00021   static TStr GnuPlotFNm;
00022   static TStr DefPlotFNm;
00023   static TStr DefDataFNm;
00024 private:
00025   class TGpSeries {
00026   public:
00027     TGpSeriesTy SeriesTy;
00028     TFltKdV XYValV;
00029     TFltV ZValV; // error bar and 3d plots
00030     TStr Label, WithStyle, DataFNm;
00031     int XCol, YCol, ZCol;
00032   public:
00033     TGpSeries() : SeriesTy(gpwLines), XYValV(), ZValV(), Label(), WithStyle(), DataFNm(), XCol(0), YCol(0), ZCol(0) { }
00034     TGpSeries(const TGpSeries& Gps);
00035     TGpSeries& operator = (const TGpSeries& Gps);
00036     bool operator < (const TGpSeries& Gps) const;
00037     bool SaveXVals() const { return (YCol-XCol)==1; }
00038   };
00039   class TGpSeriesCmp {
00040   private:
00041     const TVec<TGpSeries>& SeriesV;
00042   public:
00043     TGpSeriesCmp(const TVec<TGpSeries>& _SeriesV) : SeriesV(_SeriesV) { }
00044     bool operator () (const int& Left, const int& Right) const {
00045       return SeriesV[Left] > SeriesV[Right]; }
00046   };
00047 private:
00048   static int Tics42;        // 1 - "set ticks", 0 - "set ticscale", -1 - unknown
00049   TStr DataFNm, PlotFNm;
00050   TStr Title, LblX, LblY;
00051   TGpScaleTy ScaleTy;
00052   TFltPr YRange, XRange;
00053   bool SetGrid, SetPause;
00054   TVec<TGpSeries> SeriesV;
00055   TStrV MoreCmds;
00056 public:
00057   static int GetTics42();
00058 public:
00059   TStr GetSeriesPlotStr(const int& PlotN);
00060   int IsSameXCol(const int& CurId, const int& PrevId) const;
00061   void CreatePlotFile(const TStr& Comment = TStr());
00062   void RunGnuPlot() const;
00063 public:
00064   TGnuPlot(const TStr& FileNm="gplot", const TStr& PlotTitle=TStr(), const bool& Grid=true);
00065   TGnuPlot(const TStr& DataFileNm, const TStr& PlotFileNm, const TStr& PlotTitle, const bool& Grid);
00066   TGnuPlot(const TGnuPlot& GnuPlot);
00067   TGnuPlot& operator = (const TGnuPlot& GnuPlot);
00069   void SetTitle(const TStr& PlotTitle) { Title = PlotTitle; }
00070   void SetXLabel(const TStr& XLabel) { LblX = XLabel; }
00071   void SetYLabel(const TStr& YLabel) { LblY = YLabel; }
00072   void SetXYLabel(const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel) { LblX = XLabel;  LblY = YLabel; }
00073   void SetDataPlotFNm(const TStr& DatFNm, const TStr& PltFNm) { DataFNm = DatFNm;  PlotFNm = PltFNm; }
00075   void ShowGrid(const bool& Show) { SetGrid = Show; }
00076   void Pause(const bool& DoPause) { SetPause = DoPause; }
00077   void SetScale(const TGpScaleTy& GpScaleTy) { ScaleTy = GpScaleTy;}
00078   void SetXRange(const double& Min, const double& Max) { XRange = TFltPr(Min, Max); }
00079   void SetYRange(const double& Min, const double& Max) { YRange = TFltPr(Min, Max); }
00080   void AddCmd(const TStr& Cmd) { MoreCmds.Add(Cmd); }
00081   TStr GetLineStyle(const int& PlotId) const { return SeriesV[PlotId].WithStyle; }
00082   void SetLineStyle(const int& PlotId, const TStr& StyleStr) { SeriesV[PlotId].WithStyle = StyleStr; }
00084   int AddFunc(const TStr& FuncStr, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00085   int AddPlot(const TIntV& YValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00086   int AddPlot(const TFltV& YValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00087   int AddPlot(const TFltV& XValV, const TFltV& YValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00088   int AddPlot(const TIntPrV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00089   int AddPlot(const TFltPrV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00090   int AddPlot(const TIntKdV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00091   int AddPlot(const TFltKdV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00092   int AddPlot(const TIntFltKdV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00093   int AddPlot(const TIntFltPrV& XYValV, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00094   int AddPlot(const TStr& DataFNm, const int& ColY, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00095   int AddPlot(const TStr& DataFNm, const int& ColX, const int& ColY, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr());
00096   template<class TKey, class TDat, class THashFunc>
00097   int AddPlot(const THash<TKey, TDat, THashFunc>& XYValH, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr(), const bool& ExpBucket = false);
00098   template<class TKey, class THashFunc>
00099   int AddPlot(const THash<TKey, TMom, THashFunc>& ValMomH, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& Label=TStr(), const TStr& Style=TStr(),
00100     bool PlotAvg=true, bool PlotMed=true, bool PlotMin=false, bool PlotMax=false, bool PlotSDev=false, bool PlotStdErr=false, const bool& ExpBucket=false);
00102   int AddErrBar(const TFltTrV& XYDValV, const TStr& Label=TStr());
00103   int AddErrBar(const TFltTrV& XYDValV, const TStr& DatLabel, const TStr& ErrLabel);
00104   int AddErrBar(const TFltV& YValV, const TFltV& DeltaYV, const TStr& Label=TStr());
00105   int AddErrBar(const TFltV& XValV, const TFltV& YValV, const TFltV& DeltaYV, const TStr& Label=TStr());
00106   int AddErrBar(const TFltPrV& XYValV, const TFltV& DeltaYV, const TStr& Label=TStr());
00107   int AddErrBar(const TFltKdV& XYValV, const TFltV& DeltaYV, const TStr& Label=TStr());
00108   int AddErrBar(const TFltPrV& XYValV, const TFltV& DeltaYV, const TStr& DatLabel, const TStr& ErrLabel);
00110   int AddLinFit(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00111   int AddPwrFit(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00112   int AddPwrFit1(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00113   int AddPwrFit2(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const double& MinX=-1.0, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00114   int AddPwrFit3(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const double& MinX=-1.0, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00115   int AddPwrFit3(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const double& MinX, const TStr& Style, double& Intercept, double& Slope, double& R2);
00116   int AddLogFit(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00117   int AddExpFit(const int& PlotId, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLines, const double& FitXOffset=0.0, const TStr& Style=TStr());
00119   void SavePng(const int& SizeX=1000, const int& SizeY=800, const TStr& Comment=TStr()) {
00120     SavePng(PlotFNm.GetFPath()+PlotFNm.GetFMid()+".png", SizeX, SizeY, Comment); }
00121   void SavePng(const TStr& FNm, const int& SizeX=1000, const int& SizeY=800, const TStr& Comment=TStr(), const TStr& Terminal=TStr());
00122   void SaveEps(const int& FontSz=30, const TStr& Comment=TStr()) {
00123     SaveEps(PlotFNm.GetFPath()+PlotFNm.GetFMid()+".eps", FontSz, Comment); }
00124   void SaveEps(const TStr& FNm, const int& FontSz=30, const TStr& Comment=TStr());
00125   void Plot(const TStr& Comment=TStr()) { CreatePlotFile(Comment);  RunGnuPlot(); }
00127   static void MakeExpBins(const TFltPrV& XYValV, TFltPrV& ExpXYValV,
00128     const double& BinFactor = 2, const double& MinYVal = 1);
00129   static void MakeExpBins(const TFltKdV& XYValV, TFltKdV& ExpXYValV,
00130     const double& BinFactor = 2, const double& MinYVal = 1);
00131   static void LoadTs(const TStr& FNm, TStrV& ColNmV, TVec<TFltKdV>& ColV);
00133   static TStr GetScaleStr(const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy);
00134   static TStr GetSeriesTyStr(const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy);
00136   // save tab separated
00137   static void SaveTs(const TIntKdV& KdV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn = TStr());
00138   static void SaveTs(const TIntFltKdV& KdV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn = TStr());
00139   template <class TVal1, class TVal2>
00140   static void SaveTs(const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn = TStr());
00141   template <class TVal1, class TVal2, class TVal3>
00142   static void SaveTs(const TVec<TTriple<TVal1, TVal2, TVal3> >& ValV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn = TStr());
00143   template <class TVal, int Vals>
00144   static void SaveTs(const TVec<TTuple<TVal, Vals> >& ValV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn = TStr());
00145   static void Test();
00147   // plot value-count tables, and pair vectors
00148   template <class TVal1, class TVal2>
00149   static void PlotValV(const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00150    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool& PowerFit=false, 
00151    const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints);
00152   template <class TVal1, class TVal2, class TVal3>
00153   static void PlotValV(const TVec<TTriple<TVal1, TVal2, TVal3> >& ValV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00154    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool& PowerFit=false,
00155    const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const TStr& ErrBarStr = "");
00156   template <class TVal1, class TVal2>
00157   static void PlotValV(const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV1, const TStr& Name1,
00158     const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV2, const TStr& Name2, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00159    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool& PowerFit=false, 
00160    const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints);
00161   template <class TVal1>
00162   static void PlotValV(const TVec<TVal1>& ValV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00163    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool& PowerFit=false, 
00164    const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints);
00165   template <class TKey, class TVal, class THashFunc>
00166   static void PlotValCntH(const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00167    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const bool& PowerFit=false, 
00168    const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints, const bool& PlotNCDF=false, const bool& ExpBucket=false);
00169   template <class TKey, class TVal, class THashFunc>
00170   static void PlotValCntH(const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH1, const TStr& Label1, 
00171     const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH2, const TStr& Label2, 
00172     const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, 
00173     const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints);
00174   template <class TKey, class TVal, class THashFunc>
00175   static void PlotValCntH(const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH1, const TStr& Label1, 
00176     const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH2, const TStr& Label2, 
00177     const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH3, const TStr& Label3, 
00178     const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, 
00179     const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints);
00180   template <class TVal1>
00181   static void PlotValMomH(const THash<TVal1, TMom>& ValMomH, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00182    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints,
00183    bool PlotAvg=true, bool PlotMed=true, bool PlotMin=false, bool PlotMax=false, bool PlotSDev=false, bool PlotStdErr=true, bool PlotScatter=false);
00184   template <class TVal1>
00185   static void PlotValMomH(const THash<TVal1, TMom>& ValMomH1, const TStr& Label1, const THash<TVal1, TMom>& ValMomH2, const TStr& Label2,
00186    const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc="",
00187    const TStr& XLabel="", const TStr& YLabel="", const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy=gpsAuto, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy=gpwLinesPoints,
00188    bool PlotAvg=true, bool PlotMed=true, bool PlotMin=false, bool PlotMax=false, bool PlotSDev=false, bool PlotStdErr=true, bool PlotScatter=false);
00189 };
00191 //---------------------------------------------------------
00192 // useful commands
00193 // set terminal png small size 800,600
00194 // set terminal postscript enhanced eps 22
00195 // set output 'hopsasa.png'
00196 // set size 1,0.5
00197 // set pointsize 0.9
00198 // set key right bottom Left
00199 // set style fill solid 0.2
00200 // set ticscale 3 1   # longer axis tics
00201 // plot ... with points pointtype 6 pointsize 1
00202 // 1   +           7  (f) circle
00203 // 2  cross        8  (o) triangle
00204 // 3  *            9  (f) triangle
00205 // 4  (o) square  10  (o) inverse-triangle
00206 // 5  (f) square  11  (f) inverse-triangle
00207 // 6  (o) circle  12  (o) diamond
00208 //                13  (f) diamond
00209 // set label "Text" at 23,47000
00210 // set arrow from 28,45000 to 28,31000 lw 3
00211 // axes x1y2:
00213 template <class TVal1, class TVal2>
00214 void TGnuPlot::SaveTs(const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn) {
00215   FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
00216   EAssert(F);
00217   if (! HeadLn.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr()); }
00218   for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
00219     fprintf(F, "%g\t%g\n", double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2)); }
00220   fclose(F);
00221 }
00223 template <class TVal1, class TVal2, class TVal3>
00224 void TGnuPlot::SaveTs(const TVec<TTriple<TVal1, TVal2, TVal3> >& ValV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn) {
00225   FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
00226   EAssert(F);
00227   if (! HeadLn.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr()); }
00228   for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
00229     fprintf(F, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2), double(ValV[i].Val3)); }
00230   fclose(F);
00231 }
00233 template <class TVal, int Vals>
00234 void TGnuPlot::SaveTs(const TVec<TTuple<TVal, Vals> >& ValV, const TStr& FNm, const TStr& HeadLn) {
00235   FILE *F = fopen(FNm.CStr(), "wt");
00236   EAssert(F);
00237   if (! HeadLn.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", HeadLn.CStr()); }
00238   for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
00239     fprintf(F, "%g", double(ValV[i][0]));
00240     for (int v = 1; v < Vals; v++) {
00241       fprintf(F, "\t%g", double(ValV[i][v])); }
00242     fprintf(F, "\n");
00243   }
00244   fclose(F);
00245 }
00247 template<class TKey, class TDat, class THashFunc>
00248 int TGnuPlot::AddPlot(const THash<TKey, TDat, THashFunc>& XYValH, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const TStr& Label, const TStr& Style, const bool& ExpBucket) {
00249   TFltPrV XYFltValV(XYValH.Len(), 0);  
00250   for (int k = XYValH.FFirstKeyId();  XYValH.FNextKeyId(k); ) { 
00251     XYFltValV.Add(TFltPr(TFlt(XYValH.GetKey(k)), TFlt(XYValH[k]))); 
00252   }  
00253   XYFltValV.Sort();
00254   if (ExpBucket) {
00255     TFltPrV BucketV;
00256     TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(XYFltValV, BucketV);
00257     BucketV.Swap(XYFltValV);
00258   }
00259   return AddPlot(XYFltValV, SeriesTy, Label, Style); 
00260 }
00262 template<class TKey, class THashFunc>
00263 int TGnuPlot::AddPlot(const THash<TKey, TMom, THashFunc>& ValMomH, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const TStr& Label, const TStr& Style, bool PlotAvg, bool PlotMed, bool PlotMin, bool PlotMax, bool PlotSDev, bool PlotStdErr, const bool& ExpBucket) {
00264   TFltTrV AvgV, StdErrV;
00265   TFltPrV AvgV2, MedV, MinV, MaxV, BucketV;
00266   for (int i = ValMomH.FFirstKeyId(); ValMomH.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00267     TMom Mom(ValMomH[i]);
00268     if (! Mom.IsDef()) { Mom.Def(); }
00269     const double x = ValMomH.GetKey(i);
00270     if (PlotAvg) { 
00271       if (PlotSDev) { 
00272         AvgV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev())); } // std deviation
00273       else if (PlotStdErr) {
00274         StdErrV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev()/sqrt((double)Mom.GetVals()))); 
00275       } else {
00276         AvgV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMean()));
00277       }
00278     }
00279     if (PlotMed) { MedV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMedian())); }
00280     if (PlotMin) { MinV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMn())); }
00281     if (PlotMax) { MaxV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMx())); }
00282   }
00283   AvgV.Sort();  AvgV2.Sort();
00284   MedV.Sort();  MinV.Sort();  MaxV.Sort(); 
00285   int PlotId=0;
00286   // exponential bucketing
00287   if (ExpBucket) {
00288     if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(AvgV2, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(AvgV2); }
00289     if (! MedV.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(MedV, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(MedV); }
00290     if (! MinV.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(MinV, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(MinV); }
00291     if (! MaxV.Empty()) { TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(MaxV, BucketV);  BucketV.Swap(MaxV); }
00292   }
00293   // plot
00294   if (! AvgV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddErrBar(AvgV, Label+" Average", Label+" StdDev"); }
00295   if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(AvgV2, SeriesTy, Label+" Average", Style); }
00296   if (! MedV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(MedV, SeriesTy, Label+" Median", Style); }
00297   if (! MinV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(MinV, SeriesTy, Label+" Min", Style); }
00298   if (! MaxV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddPlot(MaxV, SeriesTy, Label+" Max", Style); }
00299   if (! StdErrV.Empty()) { PlotId = AddErrBar(StdErrV, Label+" Average", Label+" StdErr"); }
00300   return PlotId;
00301 }
00303 // plot value-count tables, and pair vectors
00304 template <class TKey, class TVal, class THashFunc>
00305 void TGnuPlot::PlotValCntH(const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc,
00306  const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const bool& PowerFit, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, 
00307  const bool& PlotNCDF, const bool& ExpBucket) {
00308   TFltPrV IdCntV(ValCntH.Len(), 0), BucketV;
00309   for (int i = ValCntH.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00310     IdCntV.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH[i]))); }
00311   IdCntV.Sort();
00312   if (ExpBucket) { 
00313     TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(IdCntV, BucketV);
00314     BucketV.Swap(IdCntV);
00315   }
00316   if (PlotNCDF) { 
00317     TFltPrV NCdfV = IdCntV;
00318     for (int i = NCdfV.Len()-2; i >= 0; i--) {
00319       NCdfV[i].Val2 = NCdfV[i].Val2 + NCdfV[i+1].Val2; 
00320     }
00321     PlotValV(NCdfV, OutFNmPref, Desc, "NCDF "+XLabel, "NCDF "+YLabel, ScaleTy, PowerFit, SeriesTy);
00322   } else {
00323     PlotValV(IdCntV, OutFNmPref, Desc, XLabel, YLabel, ScaleTy, PowerFit, SeriesTy); 
00324   }
00325 }
00327 template <class TKey, class TVal, class THashFunc>
00328 void TGnuPlot::PlotValCntH(const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH1, const TStr& Label1, 
00329                            const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH2, const TStr& Label2, 
00330                            const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, 
00331                            const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy) {
00332   PlotValCntH(ValCntH1, Label1, ValCntH2, Label2, THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>(), "", OutFNmPref, Desc, XLabel, YLabel,
00333     ScaleTy, SeriesTy);
00334 }
00336 template <class TKey, class TVal, class THashFunc>
00337 void TGnuPlot::PlotValCntH(const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH1, const TStr& Label1, 
00338                            const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH2, const TStr& Label2, 
00339                            const THash<TKey, TVal, THashFunc>& ValCntH3, const TStr& Label3, 
00340                            const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, 
00341                            const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy) {
00342   TFltPrV IdCntV1(ValCntH1.Len(), 0), IdCntV2(ValCntH2.Len(), 0), IdCntV3(ValCntH3.Len(), 0);
00343   for (int i = ValCntH1.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH1.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00344     IdCntV1.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH1.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH1[i]))); }
00345   for (int i = ValCntH2.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH2.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00346     IdCntV2.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH2.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH2[i]))); }
00347   for (int i = ValCntH3.FFirstKeyId(); ValCntH3.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00348     IdCntV3.Add(TFltPr(double(ValCntH3.GetKey(i)), double(ValCntH3[i]))); }
00349   IdCntV1.Sort();
00350   IdCntV2.Sort();
00351   IdCntV3.Sort();
00352   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00353   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00354   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00355   if (! IdCntV1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(IdCntV1, SeriesTy, Label1); }
00356   if (! IdCntV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(IdCntV2, SeriesTy, Label2); }
00357   if (! IdCntV3.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(IdCntV3, SeriesTy, Label3); }
00358   GP.SavePng();
00359 }
00361 template <class TVal1, class TVal2>
00362 void TGnuPlot::PlotValV(const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc,
00363  const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const bool& PowerFit, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy) {
00364   TFltKdV IdCntV(ValV.Len(), 0);
00365   for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
00366     IdCntV.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2))); }
00367   if (IdCntV.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
00368   IdCntV.Sort();
00369   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00370   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00371   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00372   const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV, SeriesTy);
00373   if (PowerFit) { 
00374     GP.AddPwrFit3(Id);
00375     double MaxY = IdCntV.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV[0].Dat;
00376     if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
00377     //GP.SetYRange(MinY, pow(10.0, floor(log10(MaxY))+1.0));
00378     GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
00379   }
00380   GP.SavePng();
00381 }
00383 template <class TVal1, class TVal2, class TVal3>
00384 void TGnuPlot::PlotValV(const TVec<TTriple<TVal1, TVal2, TVal3> >& ValV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc,
00385  const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const bool& PowerFit, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy, const TStr& ErrBarStr) {
00386   TFltKdV IdCntV(ValV.Len(), 0);
00387   TFltV DeltaYV(ValV.Len(), 0);
00388   for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
00389     IdCntV.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV[i].Val1), double(ValV[i].Val2)));
00390     DeltaYV.Add(double(ValV[i].Val3));
00391   }
00392   if (IdCntV.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
00393   IdCntV.Sort();
00394   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00395   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00396   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00397   const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV, SeriesTy);
00398   GP.AddErrBar(IdCntV, DeltaYV, ErrBarStr);
00399   if (PowerFit) {
00400     GP.AddPwrFit3(Id);
00401     double MaxY = IdCntV.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV[0].Dat;
00402     if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
00403     //GP.SetYRange(MinY, pow(10.0, floor(log10(MaxY))+1.0));
00404     GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
00405   }
00406   GP.SavePng();
00407 }
00410 template <class TVal1, class TVal2>
00411 void TGnuPlot::PlotValV(const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV1, const TStr& Name1, 
00412  const TVec<TPair<TVal1, TVal2> >& ValV2, const TStr& Name2, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc,
00413  const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const bool& PowerFit, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy) {
00414   TFltKdV IdCntV1(ValV1.Len(), 0), IdCntV2(ValV2.Len(), 0);
00415   for (int i = 0; i < ValV1.Len(); i++) {
00416     IdCntV1.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV1[i].Val1), double(ValV1[i].Val2))); }
00417   for (int i = 0; i < ValV2.Len(); i++) {
00418     IdCntV2.Add(TFltKd(double(ValV2[i].Val1), double(ValV2[i].Val2))); }
00419   if (IdCntV1.Empty() || IdCntV2.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
00420   IdCntV1.Sort();
00421   IdCntV2.Sort();
00422   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00423   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00424   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00425   { const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV1, SeriesTy, Name1);
00426   if (PowerFit) { 
00427     GP.AddPwrFit3(Id);
00428     double MaxY = IdCntV1.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV1[0].Dat;
00429     if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
00430     GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
00431   } }
00432   { const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV2, SeriesTy, Name2);
00433   if (PowerFit) { 
00434     GP.AddPwrFit3(Id);
00435     double MaxY = IdCntV2.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV2[0].Dat;
00436     if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
00437     GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
00438   } }
00439   GP.SavePng();
00440 }
00444 template <class TVal1>
00445 void TGnuPlot::PlotValV(const TVec<TVal1>& ValV, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc,
00446  const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const bool& PowerFit, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy) {
00447   TFltKdV IdCntV(ValV.Len(), 0);
00448   for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
00449     IdCntV.Add(TFltKd(double(i+1), double(ValV[i]))); }
00450   if (IdCntV.Empty()) { printf("*** Empty plot %s\n", OutFNmPref.CStr());  return; }
00451   IdCntV.Sort();
00452   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00453   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00454   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00455   const int Id = GP.AddPlot(IdCntV, SeriesTy);
00456   if (PowerFit) { 
00457     GP.AddPwrFit3(Id);
00458     double MaxY = IdCntV.Last().Dat, MinY = IdCntV[0].Dat;
00459     if (MaxY < MinY) { Swap(MaxY, MinY); }
00460     //GP.SetYRange(MinY, pow(10.0, floor(log10(MaxY))+1.0));
00461     GP.AddCmd(TStr::Fmt("set yrange[%f:]", MinY));
00462   }
00463   GP.SavePng();
00464 }
00466 template <class TVal1>
00467 void TGnuPlot::PlotValMomH(const THash<TVal1, TMom>& ValMomH, const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc,
00468  const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy,
00469  bool PlotAvg, bool PlotMed, bool PlotMin, bool PlotMax, bool PlotSDev, bool PlotStdErr, bool PlotScatter) {
00470   TFltTrV AvgV, StdErrV;
00471   TFltPrV AvgV2, MedV, MinV, MaxV;
00472   TFltPrV ScatterV;
00473   for (int i = ValMomH.FFirstKeyId(); ValMomH.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00474     TMom Mom(ValMomH[i]);
00475     if (! Mom.IsDef()) { Mom.Def(); }
00476     const double x = ValMomH.GetKey(i);
00477     if (PlotAvg) { 
00478       if (PlotSDev) { 
00479         AvgV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev())); } // std deviation
00480       else { 
00481         AvgV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMean())); 
00482       }
00483       if (PlotStdErr) {
00484         StdErrV.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev()/sqrt((double)Mom.GetVals()))); 
00485       }
00486     }
00487     if (PlotMed) { MedV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMedian())); }
00488     if (PlotMin) { MinV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMn())); }
00489     if (PlotMax) { MaxV.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMx())); }
00490     if (PlotScatter) {
00491       THashSet<TFlt> PointSet;
00492       for (int xi = 0; xi < ValMomH[i].GetVals(); xi++) {
00493         PointSet.AddKey(ValMomH[i].GetVal(xi)); }
00494         //ScatterV.Add(TFltPr(x, ValMomH[i].GetVal(xi)));  }
00495       for (int xi = 0; xi < PointSet.Len(); xi++) {
00496         ScatterV.Add(TFltPr(x, PointSet[xi]));  }
00497       //printf("S%d %d %d.", ValMomH[i].GetVals(), PointSet.Len(), ScatterV.Len());
00498     }
00499   }
00500   AvgV.Sort();  AvgV2.Sort();
00501   MedV.Sort();  MinV.Sort();  MaxV.Sort();  StdErrV.Sort();
00502   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00503   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00504   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00505   if (! ScatterV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(ScatterV, gpwPoints, "Scatter"); }
00506   if (! AvgV.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(AvgV, "Average", "StdDev"); }
00507   if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(AvgV2, SeriesTy, "Average"); }
00508   if (! MedV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MedV, SeriesTy, "Median"); }
00509   if (! MinV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MinV, SeriesTy, "Min"); }
00510   if (! MaxV.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MaxV, SeriesTy, "Max"); }
00511   if (! StdErrV.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(StdErrV, "Standard error"); }
00512   GP.SavePng();
00513 }
00515 template <class TVal1>
00516 void TGnuPlot::PlotValMomH(const THash<TVal1, TMom>& ValMomH1, const TStr& Label1, const THash<TVal1, TMom>& ValMomH2, const TStr& Label2,
00517  const TStr& OutFNmPref, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& XLabel, const TStr& YLabel, const TGpScaleTy& ScaleTy, const TGpSeriesTy& SeriesTy,
00518  bool PlotAvg, bool PlotMed, bool PlotMin, bool PlotMax, bool PlotSDev, bool PlotStdErr, bool PlotScatter) {
00519   TFltTrV AvgV1, AvgV2, StdErrV1, StdErrV2;
00520   TFltPrV AvgVM1, MedV1, MinV1, MaxV1;
00521   TFltPrV AvgVM2, MedV2, MinV2, MaxV2;
00522   TFltPrV ScatterV1, ScatterV2;
00523   // ValMom1
00524   for (int i = ValMomH1.FFirstKeyId(); ValMomH1.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00525     TMom Mom(ValMomH1[i]);
00526     if (! Mom.IsDef()) { Mom.Def(); }
00527     const double x = ValMomH1.GetKey(i);
00528     if (PlotAvg) {
00529       if (PlotSDev) {
00530         AvgV1.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev())); } // std deviation
00531       else {
00532         AvgVM1.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMean()));
00533       }
00534       if (PlotStdErr) {
00535         StdErrV1.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev()/sqrt((double)Mom.GetVals())));
00536       }
00537     }
00538     if (PlotMed) { MedV1.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMedian())); }
00539     if (PlotMin) { MinV1.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMn())); }
00540     if (PlotMax) { MaxV1.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMx())); }
00541     if (PlotScatter) {
00542       THashSet<TFlt> PointSet;
00543       for (int xi = 0; xi < ValMomH1[i].GetVals(); xi++) {
00544         PointSet.AddKey(ValMomH1[i].GetVal(xi)); }
00545       for (int xi = 0; xi < PointSet.Len(); xi++) {
00546         ScatterV1.Add(TFltPr(x, PointSet[xi]));  }
00547     }
00548   }
00549   AvgV1.Sort();  AvgVM1.Sort(); MedV1.Sort();  MinV1.Sort();  MaxV1.Sort();  StdErrV1.Sort();
00550   // ValMom2
00551   for (int i = ValMomH2.FFirstKeyId(); ValMomH2.FNextKeyId(i); ) {
00552     TMom Mom(ValMomH2[i]);
00553     if (! Mom.IsDef()) { Mom.Def(); }
00554     const double x = ValMomH2.GetKey(i);
00555     if (PlotAvg) {
00556       if (PlotSDev) {
00557         AvgV2.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev())); } // std deviation
00558       else {
00559         AvgVM2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMean()));
00560       }
00561       if (PlotStdErr) {
00562         StdErrV2.Add(TFltTr(x, Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev()/sqrt((double)Mom.GetVals())));
00563       }
00564     }
00565     if (PlotMed) { MedV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMedian())); }
00566     if (PlotMin) { MinV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMn())); }
00567     if (PlotMax) { MaxV2.Add(TFltPr(x, Mom.GetMx())); }
00568     if (PlotScatter) {
00569       THashSet<TFlt> PointSet;
00570       for (int xi = 0; xi < ValMomH2[i].GetVals(); xi++) {
00571         PointSet.AddKey(ValMomH2[i].GetVal(xi)); }
00572       for (int xi = 0; xi < PointSet.Len(); xi++) {
00573         ScatterV2.Add(TFltPr(x, PointSet[xi]));  }
00574     }
00575   }
00576   AvgV2.Sort();  AvgVM2.Sort(); MedV2.Sort();  MinV2.Sort();  MaxV2.Sort();  StdErrV2.Sort();
00577   // plot
00578   TGnuPlot GP(OutFNmPref, Desc);
00579   GP.SetScale(ScaleTy);
00580   GP.SetXYLabel(XLabel, YLabel);
00581   // ValMom1
00582   if (! ScatterV1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(ScatterV1, gpwPoints, Label1+": Scatter"); }
00583   if (! AvgV1.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(AvgV1, Label1+": Average", Label1+": StdDev"); }
00584   if (! AvgVM1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(AvgVM1, SeriesTy, Label1+": Average"); }
00585   if (! MedV1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MedV1, SeriesTy, Label1+": Median"); }
00586   if (! MinV1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MinV1, SeriesTy, Label1+": Min"); }
00587   if (! MaxV1.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MaxV1, SeriesTy, Label1+": Max"); }
00588   if (! StdErrV1.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(StdErrV1, Label1+": Std error"); }
00589   // ValMom2
00590   if (! ScatterV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(ScatterV2, gpwPoints, Label2+": Scatter"); }
00591   if (! AvgV2.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(AvgV2, Label2+": Average", Label2+": StdDev"); }
00592   if (! AvgVM2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(AvgVM2, SeriesTy, Label2+": Average"); }
00593   if (! MedV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MedV2, SeriesTy, Label2+": Median"); }
00594   if (! MinV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MinV2, SeriesTy, Label2+": Min"); }
00595   if (! MaxV2.Empty()) { GP.AddPlot(MaxV2, SeriesTy, Label2+": Max"); }
00596   if (! StdErrV2.Empty()) { GP.AddErrBar(StdErrV2, Label2+": Std error"); }
00597   GP.SavePng();
00598 }
00600 #endif