SNAP Library 2.1, User Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00004 // Blob-Pointer
00005 ClassTVQ(TBlobPt, TBlobPtV, TBlobPtQ)//{
00006 public:
00007   static const int MnBlobBfL;
00008   static const int Flags;
00009   uchar Seg;
00010   uint Addr;
00011   TB8Set FSet1, FSet2, FSet3;
00012 public:
00013   TBlobPt():
00014     Seg(0), Addr(TUInt::Mx), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){}
00015   TBlobPt(const TBlobPt& Pt):
00016     Seg(Pt.Seg), Addr(Pt.Addr),
00017     FSet1(Pt.FSet1), FSet2(Pt.FSet2), FSet3(Pt.FSet3){}
00018   TBlobPt(const uchar& _Seg, const uint& _Addr,
00019    const TB8Set& _FSet1, const TB8Set& _FSet2, const TB8Set& _FSet3):
00020     Seg(_Seg), Addr(_Addr), FSet1(_FSet1), FSet2(_FSet2), FSet3(_FSet3){}
00021   TBlobPt(const uchar& _Seg, const uint& _Addr):
00022     Seg(_Seg), Addr(_Addr), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){}
00023   TBlobPt(const uint& _Addr):
00024     Seg(0), Addr(_Addr), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){}
00025   TBlobPt(const int& _Addr):
00026     Seg(0), Addr(uint(_Addr)), FSet1(), FSet2(), FSet3(){IAssert(_Addr>=0);}
00027   ~TBlobPt(){}
00028   TBlobPt(TSIn& SIn){
00029     SIn.Load(Seg); SIn.Load(Addr);
00030     FSet1=TB8Set(SIn); FSet2=TB8Set(SIn); FSet3=TB8Set(SIn);}
00031   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {
00032     SOut.Save(Seg); SOut.Save(Addr);
00033     FSet1.Save(SOut); FSet2.Save(SOut); FSet3.Save(SOut);}
00035   TBlobPt& operator=(const TBlobPt& Pt){
00036     if (this!=&Pt){
00037       Seg=Pt.Seg; Addr=Pt.Addr;
00038       FSet1=Pt.FSet1; FSet2=Pt.FSet2; FSet3=Pt.FSet3;}
00039     return *this;}
00040   bool operator==(const TBlobPt& Pt) const {
00041     return (Seg==Pt.Seg)&&(Addr==Pt.Addr);}
00042   bool operator<(const TBlobPt& Pt) const {
00043     return (Seg<Pt.Seg)||((Seg==Pt.Seg)&&(Addr<Pt.Addr));}
00044   int GetMemUsed() const {return sizeof(TBlobPt);}
00046   int GetPrimHashCd() const {return abs(int(Addr));}
00047   int GetSecHashCd() const {return (abs(int(Addr))+int(Seg)*0x10);}
00049   bool Empty() const {return Addr==TUInt::Mx;}
00050   void Clr(){Seg=0; Addr=TUInt::Mx;}
00051   void PutSeg(const uchar& _Seg){Seg=_Seg;}
00052   uchar GetSeg() const {return Seg;}
00053   void PutAddr(const uint& _Addr){Addr=_Addr;}
00054   uint GetAddr() const {return Addr;}
00055   void PutFlag(const int& FlagN, const bool& Val);
00056   bool IsFlag(const int& FlagN) const;
00057   void MergeFlags(const TBlobPt& Pt){
00058     FSet1|=Pt.FSet1; FSet2|=Pt.FSet2; FSet3|=Pt.FSet3;}
00059   void PutFSet(const int& FSetN, const TB8Set& FSet);
00060   TB8Set GetFSet(const int& FSetN);
00062   static TBlobPt Load(const PFRnd& FRnd){
00063     uchar Seg=FRnd->GetUCh(); uint Addr=FRnd->GetUInt();
00064     TB8Set B8Set1(FRnd->GetUCh()); TB8Set B8Set2(FRnd->GetUCh());
00065     TB8Set B8Set3(FRnd->GetUCh());
00066     return TBlobPt(Seg, Addr, B8Set1, B8Set2, B8Set3);}
00067   void Save(const PFRnd& FRnd) const {
00068     FRnd->PutUCh(Seg); FRnd->PutUInt(Addr);
00069     FRnd->PutUCh(FSet1.GetUCh()); FRnd->PutUCh(FSet2.GetUCh());
00070     FRnd->PutUCh(FSet3.GetUCh());}
00071   static TBlobPt LoadAddr(const PFRnd& FRnd, const uchar& Seg=0){
00072     return TBlobPt(Seg, FRnd->GetUInt());}
00073   void SaveAddr(const PFRnd& FRnd) const {
00074     FRnd->PutUInt(Addr);}
00076   TStr GetAddrStr() const {
00077     TChA AddrChA; AddrChA+=TInt::GetStr(Seg); AddrChA+=':';
00078     AddrChA+=TUInt::GetStr(Addr); return AddrChA;}
00080   TStr GetStr() const;
00081 };
00084 // Blob-Base
00085 typedef enum {bbsUndef, bbsOpened, bbsClosed} TBlobBsState;
00086 typedef enum {btUndef, btBegin, btEnd} TBlobTag;
00087 typedef enum {bsUndef, bsActive, bsFree} TBlobState;
00089 ClassTPV(TBlobBs, PBlobBs, TBlobBsV)//{
00090 public:
00091   static const int MnBlobBfL;
00092   static const int MxBlobFLen;
00093   UndefCopyAssign(TBlobBs);
00094 public:
00095   TBlobBs(){}
00096   virtual ~TBlobBs(){}
00097   TBlobBs(TSIn&){Fail;}
00098   static PBlobBs Load(TSIn&){Fail; return NULL;}
00099   void Save(TSOut&) const {Fail;}
00101   virtual TStr GetVersionStr() const=0;
00102   void PutVersionStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs);
00103   void AssertVersionStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs);
00105   TStr GetBlobBsStateStr(const TBlobBsState& BlobBsState);
00106   int GetStateStrLen(){return 6;}
00107   void PutBlobBsStateStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobBsState& State);
00108   void AssertBlobBsStateStr(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobBsState& State);
00110   static const TStr MxSegLenVNm;
00111   void PutMxSegLen(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const int& MxSegLen);
00112   int GetMxSegLen(const PFRnd& FBlobBs);
00114   static const TStr BlockLenVNm;
00115   void GenBlockLenV(TIntV& BlockLenV);
00116   void PutBlockLenV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TIntV& BlockLenV);
00117   void GetBlockLenV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, TIntV& BlockLenV);
00119   static const TStr FFreeBlobPtVNm;
00120   void GenFFreeBlobPtV(const TIntV& BlockLenV, TBlobPtV& FFreeBlobPtV);
00121   void PutFFreeBlobPtV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobPtV& FFreeBlobPtV);
00122   void GetFFreeBlobPtV(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, TBlobPtV& FFreeBlobPtV);
00124   void GetAllocInfo(
00125    const int& BfL, const TIntV& BlockLenV, int& MxBfL, int& FFreeBlobPtN);
00127   uint GetBeginBlobTag(){return 0xABCDEFFF;}
00128   uint GetEndBlobTag(){return 0xFFFEDCBA;}
00129   void PutBlobTag(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobTag& BlobTag);
00130   void AssertBlobTag(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobTag& BlobTag);
00132   void PutBlobState(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobState& State);
00133   TBlobState GetBlobState(const PFRnd& FBlobBs);
00134   void AssertBlobState(const PFRnd& FBlobBs, const TBlobState& State);
00136   void AssertBfCsEqFlCs(const TCs& BfCs, const TCs& FCs);
00138   virtual TBlobPt PutBlob(const PSIn& SIn)=0;
00139   TBlobPt PutBlob(const TStr& Str){
00140     PSIn SIn=TStrIn::New(Str); return PutBlob(SIn);}
00141   virtual TBlobPt PutBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt, const PSIn& SIn)=0;
00142   virtual PSIn GetBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt)=0;
00143   virtual void DelBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt)=0;
00145   virtual TBlobPt GetFirstBlobPt()=0;
00146   virtual TBlobPt FFirstBlobPt()=0;
00147   virtual bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, TBlobPt& BlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn)=0;
00148   bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn){
00149     TBlobPt BlobPt; return FNextBlobPt(TrvBlobPt, BlobPt, BlobSIn);}
00150 };
00153 // General-Blob-Base
00154 class TGBlobBs: public TBlobBs{
00155 private:
00156   PFRnd FBlobBs;
00157   TFAccess Access;
00158   int MxSegLen;
00159   TIntV BlockLenV;
00160   TBlobPtV FFreeBlobPtV;
00161   TBlobPt FirstBlobPt;
00162   static TStr GetNrBlobBsFNm(const TStr& BlobBsFNm);
00163 public:
00164   TGBlobBs(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& _Access=faRdOnly,
00165    const int& _MxSegLen=-1);
00166   static PBlobBs New(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& Access=faRdOnly,
00167    const int& MxSegLen=-1){
00168     return PBlobBs(new TGBlobBs(BlobBsFNm, Access, MxSegLen));}
00169   ~TGBlobBs();
00171   TGBlobBs& operator=(const TGBlobBs&){Fail; return *this;}
00173   TStr GetVersionStr() const {return TStr("General Blob Base Format 1.0");}
00174   TBlobPt PutBlob(const PSIn& SIn);
00175   TBlobPt PutBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt, const PSIn& SIn);
00176   PSIn GetBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt);
00177   void DelBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt);
00179   TBlobPt GetFirstBlobPt(){return FirstBlobPt;}
00180   TBlobPt FFirstBlobPt();
00181   bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, TBlobPt& BlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn);
00183   static bool Exists(const TStr& BlobBsFNm);
00184 };
00187 // Multiple-File-Blob-Base
00188 class TMBlobBs: public TBlobBs{
00189 private:
00190   TFAccess Access;
00191   int MxSegLen;
00192   TStr NrFPath, NrFMid;
00193   TBlobBsV SegV;
00194   int CurSegN;
00195   static void GetNrFPathFMid(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, TStr& NrFPath, TStr& NrFMid);
00196   static TStr GetMainFNm(const TStr& NrFPath, const TStr& NrFMid);
00197   static TStr GetSegFNm(const TStr& NrFPath, const TStr& NrFMid, const int& SegN);
00198   void LoadMain(int& Segs);
00199   void SaveMain() const;
00200 public:
00201   TMBlobBs(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& _Access=faRdOnly,
00202    const int& _MxSegLen=-1);
00203   static PBlobBs New(const TStr& BlobBsFNm, const TFAccess& Access=faRdOnly,
00204    const int& MxSegLen=-1){
00205     return PBlobBs(new TMBlobBs(BlobBsFNm, Access, MxSegLen));}
00206   ~TMBlobBs();
00208   TMBlobBs& operator=(const TMBlobBs&){Fail; return *this;}
00210   TStr GetVersionStr() const {
00211     return TStr("Multiple-File Blob Base Format 1.0");}
00212   TBlobPt PutBlob(const PSIn& SIn);
00213   TBlobPt PutBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt, const PSIn& SIn);
00214   PSIn GetBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt);
00215   void DelBlob(const TBlobPt& BlobPt);
00217   TBlobPt GetFirstBlobPt();
00218   TBlobPt FFirstBlobPt();
00219   bool FNextBlobPt(TBlobPt& TrvBlobPt, TBlobPt& BlobPt, PSIn& BlobSIn);
00221   static bool Exists(const TStr& BlobBsFNm);
00222 };