SNAP Library 2.1, User Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
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00002 // Lexical-Chars
00003 void TLxChDef::SetUcCh(const TStr& Str){
00004   for (int CC=1; CC<Str.Len(); CC++){
00005     UcChV[Str[CC]-TCh::Mn]=TCh(Str[0]);}
00006 }
00008 void TLxChDef::SetChTy(const TLxChTy& ChTy, const TStr& Str){
00009   for (int CC=0; CC<Str.Len(); CC++){
00010     ChTyV[Str[CC]-TCh::Mn]=TInt(ChTy);}
00011 }
00013 TLxChDef::TLxChDef(const TLxChDefTy& ChDefTy):
00014   ChTyV(TCh::Vals), UcChV(TCh::Vals){
00016   if (ChDefTy==lcdtUsAscii){
00017     // Character-Types
00018     ChTyV.PutAll(TInt(lctSpace));
00019     SetChTy(lctNum, "0123456789");
00021     SetChTy(lctAlpha, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
00022     SetChTy(lctAlpha, "@_");
00023     SetChTy(lctSSym, "\"'.,:;+-*/%!#|&<=>?()[]{}");
00024     SetChTy(lctTerm, TStr(TCh::CrCh));
00025     SetChTy(lctTerm, TStr(TCh::LfCh));
00026     SetChTy(lctTerm, TStr(TCh::EofCh));
00028     // Upper-Case
00029     for (int Ch=TCh::Mn; Ch<=TCh::Mx; Ch++){UcChV[Ch-TCh::Mn]=TCh(char(Ch));}
00030     SetUcCh("Aa"); SetUcCh("Bb"); SetUcCh("Cc"); SetUcCh("Dd"); SetUcCh("Ee");
00031     SetUcCh("Ff"); SetUcCh("Gg"); SetUcCh("Hh"); SetUcCh("Ii"); SetUcCh("Jj");
00032     SetUcCh("Kk"); SetUcCh("Ll"); SetUcCh("Mm"); SetUcCh("Nn"); SetUcCh("Oo");
00033     SetUcCh("Pp"); SetUcCh("Qq"); SetUcCh("Rr"); SetUcCh("Ss"); SetUcCh("Tt");
00034     SetUcCh("Uu"); SetUcCh("Vv"); SetUcCh("Ww"); SetUcCh("Xx"); SetUcCh("Yy");
00035     SetUcCh("Zz");
00036   } else
00037   if (ChDefTy==lcdtYuAscii){
00038     // Character-Types
00039     ChTyV.PutAll(TInt(lctSpace));
00040     SetChTy(lctNum, "0123456789");
00041     SetChTy(lctAlpha, "ABC^]D\\EFGHIJKLMNOPQRS[TUVWXYZ@");
00042     SetChTy(lctAlpha, "abc~}d|efghijklmnopqrs{tuvwxyz`");
00043     SetChTy(lctAlpha, "_");
00044     SetChTy(lctSSym, "\".,:;+-*/%!#&<=>?()");
00045     SetChTy(lctTerm, TStr(TCh::CrCh));
00046     SetChTy(lctTerm, TStr(TCh::LfCh));
00047     SetChTy(lctTerm, TStr(TCh::EofCh));
00049     // Upper-Case
00050     for (int Ch=TCh::Mn; Ch<=TCh::Mx; Ch++){UcChV[Ch-TCh::Mn]=TCh(char(Ch));}
00051     SetUcCh("Aa"); SetUcCh("Bb"); SetUcCh("Cc"); SetUcCh("^~"); SetUcCh("]}");
00052     SetUcCh("Dd"); SetUcCh("\\|"); SetUcCh("Ee"); SetUcCh("Ff"); SetUcCh("Gg");
00053     SetUcCh("Hh"); SetUcCh("Ii"); SetUcCh("Jj"); SetUcCh("Kk"); SetUcCh("Ll");
00054     SetUcCh("Mm"); SetUcCh("Nn"); SetUcCh("Oo"); SetUcCh("Pp"); SetUcCh("Qq");
00055     SetUcCh("Rr"); SetUcCh("Ss"); SetUcCh("[{"); SetUcCh("Tt"); SetUcCh("Uu");
00056     SetUcCh("Vv"); SetUcCh("Ww"); SetUcCh("Xx"); SetUcCh("Yy"); SetUcCh("Zz");
00057     SetUcCh("@`");
00058   } else {
00059     Fail;
00060   }
00061 }
00063 bool TLxChDef::IsNmStr(const TStr& Str) const {
00064   if (Str.Len()==0){return false;}
00065   if (!IsAlpha(Str.GetCh(0))){return false;}
00066   for (int ChN=1; ChN<Str.Len(); ChN++){
00067     if (!IsAlNum(Str.GetCh(ChN))){return false;}}
00068   return true;
00069 }
00071 TStr TLxChDef::GetUcStr(const TStr& Str) const {
00072   TChA UcStr;
00073   for (int ChN=0; ChN<Str.Len(); ChN++){
00074     UcStr.AddCh(GetUc(Str.GetCh(ChN)));}
00075   return UcStr;
00076 }
00079 PLxChDef TLxChDef::GetChDef(const TLxChDefTy& ChDefTy){
00080   static PLxChDef UsAsciiChDef=NULL;
00081   static PLxChDef YuAsciiChDef=NULL;
00082   switch (ChDefTy){
00083     case lcdtUsAscii:
00084       if (UsAsciiChDef.Empty()){UsAsciiChDef=TLxChDef::New(lcdtUsAscii);}
00085       return UsAsciiChDef;
00086     case lcdtYuAscii:
00087       if (YuAsciiChDef.Empty()){YuAsciiChDef=TLxChDef::New(lcdtYuAscii);}
00088       return YuAsciiChDef;
00089     default: Fail; return NULL;
00090   }
00091 }
00093 //TLxChDef& TLxChDef::GetChDefRef(const TLxChDefTy& ChDefTy){
00094 //  switch (ChDefTy){
00095 //    case lcdtUsAscii: return *UsAsciiChDef;
00096 //    case lcdtYuAscii: return *YuAsciiChDef;
00097 //    default: Fail; return *UsAsciiChDef;;
00098 //  }
00099 //}
00102 // Lexical-Symbols
00103 const TStr TLxSymStr::UndefStr="<undefined>";
00104 const TStr TLxSymStr::LnStr="<line>";
00105 const TStr TLxSymStr::TabStr="<tab>";
00106 const TStr TLxSymStr::IntStr="<integer>";
00107 const TStr TLxSymStr::FltStr="<float>";
00108 const TStr TLxSymStr::StrStr="<string>";
00109 const TStr TLxSymStr::IdStrStr="<id-string>";
00110 const TStr TLxSymStr::QStrStr="<q-string>";
00111 const TStr TLxSymStr::PeriodStr=".";
00112 const TStr TLxSymStr::DPeriodStr="..";
00113 const TStr TLxSymStr::CommaStr=",";
00114 const TStr TLxSymStr::ColonStr=":";
00115 const TStr TLxSymStr::DColonStr="::";
00116 const TStr TLxSymStr::SemicolonStr=";";
00117 const TStr TLxSymStr::PlusStr="+";
00118 const TStr TLxSymStr::MinusStr="-";
00119 const TStr TLxSymStr::AsteriskStr="*";
00120 const TStr TLxSymStr::SlashStr="/";
00121 const TStr TLxSymStr::PercentStr="%";
00122 const TStr TLxSymStr::ExclamationStr="!";
00123 const TStr TLxSymStr::VBarStr="|";
00124 const TStr TLxSymStr::AmpersandStr="&";
00125 const TStr TLxSymStr::QuestionStr="?";
00126 const TStr TLxSymStr::HashStr="#";
00127 const TStr TLxSymStr::EqStr="=";
00128 const TStr TLxSymStr::NEqStr="<>";
00129 const TStr TLxSymStr::LssStr="<";
00130 const TStr TLxSymStr::GtrStr=">";
00131 const TStr TLxSymStr::LEqStr="<=";
00132 const TStr TLxSymStr::GEqStr=">=";
00133 const TStr TLxSymStr::LParenStr="(";
00134 const TStr TLxSymStr::RParenStr=")";
00135 const TStr TLxSymStr::LBracketStr="[";
00136 const TStr TLxSymStr::RBracketStr="]";
00137 const TStr TLxSymStr::LBraceStr="{";
00138 const TStr TLxSymStr::RBraceStr="}";
00139 const TStr TLxSymStr::EolnStr="<end-of-line>";
00140 const TStr TLxSymStr::EofStr="<end-of-file>";
00142 TStr TLxSymStr::GetSymStr(const TLxSym& Sym){
00143   switch (Sym){
00144     case syUndef: return UndefStr;
00145     case syLn: return LnStr;
00146     case syTab: return TabStr;
00147     case syInt: return IntStr;
00148     case syFlt: return FltStr;
00149     case syStr: return StrStr;
00150     case syIdStr: return IdStrStr;
00151     case syQStr: return QStrStr;
00152     case syPeriod: return PeriodStr;
00153     case syDPeriod: return DPeriodStr;
00154     case syComma: return CommaStr;
00155     case syColon: return ColonStr;
00156     case syDColon: return DColonStr;
00157     case sySemicolon: return SemicolonStr;
00158     case syPlus: return PlusStr;
00159     case syMinus: return MinusStr;
00160     case syAsterisk: return AsteriskStr;
00161     case sySlash: return SlashStr;
00162     case syPercent: return PercentStr;
00163     case syExclamation: return ExclamationStr;
00164     case syVBar: return VBarStr;
00165     case syAmpersand: return AmpersandStr;
00166     case syQuestion: return QuestionStr;
00167     case syHash: return HashStr;
00168     case syEq: return EqStr;
00169     case syNEq: return NEqStr;
00170     case syLss: return LssStr;
00171     case syGtr: return GtrStr;
00172     case syLEq: return LEqStr;
00173     case syGEq: return GEqStr;
00174     case syLParen: return LParenStr;
00175     case syRParen: return RParenStr;
00176     case syLBracket: return LBracketStr;
00177     case syRBracket: return RBracketStr;
00178     case syLBrace: return LBraceStr;
00179     case syRBrace: return RBraceStr;
00180     case syEoln: return EolnStr;
00181     case syEof: return EofStr;
00182     default: Fail; return TStr();
00183   }
00184 }
00186 TLxSym TLxSymStr::GetSSym(const TStr& Str){
00187   static TStrIntH StrToLxSymH(100);
00188   if (StrToLxSymH.Len()==0){
00189     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(PeriodStr, syPeriod);
00190     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(DPeriodStr, syDPeriod);
00191     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(CommaStr, syComma);
00192     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(ColonStr, syColon);
00193     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(DColonStr, syDColon);
00194     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(SemicolonStr, sySemicolon);
00195     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(PlusStr, syPlus);
00196     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(MinusStr, syMinus);
00197     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(AsteriskStr, syAsterisk);
00198     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(SlashStr, sySlash);
00199     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(PercentStr, syPercent);
00200     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(ExclamationStr, syExclamation);
00201     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(VBarStr, syVBar);
00202     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(AmpersandStr, syAmpersand);
00203     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(QuestionStr, syQuestion);
00204     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(HashStr, syHash);
00205     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(EqStr, syEq);
00206     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(NEqStr, syNEq);
00207     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LssStr, syLss);
00208     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(GtrStr, syGtr);
00209     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LEqStr, syLEq);
00210     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(GEqStr, syGEq);
00211     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LParenStr, syLParen);
00212     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(RParenStr, syRParen);
00213     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LBracketStr, syLBracket);
00214     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(RBracketStr, syRBracket);
00215     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(LBraceStr, syLBrace);
00216     StrToLxSymH.AddDat(RBraceStr, syRBrace);
00217   }
00218   int KeyId=StrToLxSymH.GetKeyId(Str);
00219   if (KeyId==-1){
00220     return syUndef;
00221   } else {
00222     return TLxSym(int(StrToLxSymH[KeyId]));
00223   }
00224 }
00226 bool TLxSymStr::IsSep(const TLxSym& PrevSym, const TLxSym& Sym){
00227   static TFSet SepPrevSymSet=TFSet()|
00228     syUndef|syColon|syDColon|syEq|
00229     syLParen|syRParen|syLBracket|syRBracket|syLBrace|syRBrace|
00230     syEoln|syEof;
00232   static TFSet SepSymSet=TFSet()|
00233     syPeriod|syComma|syColon|syDColon|sySemicolon|
00234     syEq|
00235     syExclamation|syQuestion|
00236     syLParen|syRParen|syLBracket|syRBracket|syLBrace|syRBrace|
00237     syEoln|syEof;
00239   return !SepPrevSymSet.In(PrevSym) && !SepSymSet.In(Sym);
00240 }
00243 // Lexical-Symbol-State
00244 TILxSymSt::TILxSymSt():
00245   Sym(syUndef),
00246   Str(), UcStr(), CmtStr(),
00247   Bool(false), Int(0), Flt(0),
00248   SymLnN(-1), SymLnChN(-1), SymChN(-1){}
00250 TILxSymSt::TILxSymSt(const TILxSymSt& SymSt):
00251   Sym(SymSt.Sym),
00252   Str(SymSt.Str), UcStr(SymSt.UcStr), CmtStr(SymSt.CmtStr),
00253   Bool(SymSt.Bool), Int(SymSt.Int), Flt(SymSt.Flt),
00254   SymLnN(SymSt.SymLnN), SymLnChN(SymSt.SymLnChN), SymChN(SymSt.SymChN){Fail;}
00256 TILxSymSt::TILxSymSt(TILx& Lx):
00257   Sym(Lx.Sym),
00258   Str(Lx.Str), UcStr(Lx.UcStr), CmtStr(Lx.CmtStr),
00259   Bool(Lx.Bool), Int(Lx.Int), Flt(Lx.Flt),
00260   SymLnN(Lx.SymLnN), SymLnChN(Lx.SymLnChN), SymChN(Lx.SymChN){}
00262 void TILxSymSt::Restore(TILx& Lx){
00263   Lx.Sym=Sym;
00264   Lx.Str=Str; Lx.UcStr=UcStr; Lx.CmtStr=CmtStr;
00265   Lx.Bool=Bool; Lx.Int=Int; Lx.Flt=Flt;
00266   Lx.SymLnN=SymLnN; Lx.SymLnChN=SymLnChN; Lx.SymChN=Lx.SymChN;}
00269 // Lexical-Input
00270 TILx::TILx(const PSIn& _SIn, const TFSet& OptSet, const TLxChDefTy& ChDefTy):
00271   ChDef(TLxChDef::GetChDef(ChDefTy)),
00272   SIn(_SIn), RSIn(*SIn),
00273   PrevCh(' '), Ch(' '), LnN(0), LnChN(0-1), ChN(0-1),
00274   PrevSymStStack(), RwStrH(50),
00275   IsCmtAlw(false), IsRetEoln(false), IsSigNum(false),
00276   IsUniStr(false), IsCsSens(false), IsExcept(false),
00277   IsTabSep(false), IsList(false),
00278   Sym(syUndef),
00279   Str(), UcStr(), CmtStr(),
00280   Bool(false), Int(0), Flt(0),
00281   SymLnN(-1), SymLnChN(-1), SymChN(-1){
00282   for (int Opt=0; Opt<iloMx; Opt++){
00283     if (OptSet.In(Opt)){SetOpt(Opt, true);}}
00284 }
00286 void TILx::SetOpt(const int& Opt, const bool& Val){
00287   switch (Opt){
00288     case iloCmtAlw: IsCmtAlw=Val; break;
00289     case iloRetEoln: IsRetEoln=Val; break;
00290     case iloSigNum: IsSigNum=Val; break;
00291     case iloUniStr: IsUniStr=Val; break;
00292     case iloCsSens: IsCsSens=Val; break;
00293     case iloExcept: IsExcept=Val; break;
00294     case iloTabSep: IsTabSep=Val; break;
00295     case iloList: IsList=Val; break;
00296     default: Fail;
00297   }
00298 }
00300 TLxSym TILx::AddRw(const TStr& Str){
00301   IAssert(RwStrH.Len()<syMxRw-syMnRw+1);
00302   TStr UcStr=ChDef->GetUcStr(Str);
00303   IAssert(!RwStrH.IsKey(UcStr));
00304   TLxSym RwSym=TLxSym(syMnRw+RwStrH.Len());
00305   RwStrH.AddDat(Str, TInt(int(RwSym)));
00306   return RwSym;
00307 }
00309 PSIn TILx::GetSIn(const char& SepCh){
00310   IAssert(PrevSymStStack.Empty());
00311   while ((Ch!=TCh::EofCh)&&(Ch!=SepCh)){GetCh();}
00312   return SIn;
00313 }
00315 TLxSym TILx::GetSym(const TFSet& Expect){
00316   CmtStr.Clr();
00317   if (!PrevSymStStack.Empty()){
00318     // symbols already on the stack
00319     PrevSymStStack.Top().Restore(*this); PrevSymStStack.Pop();
00320   } else
00321   if (Expect.In(syLn)){
00322     // symbol is the whole line string
00323     if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){
00324       Sym=syEof;
00325     } else {
00326       Str.Clr();
00327       if (IsBof()){GetCh();}
00328       while (!ChDef->IsTerm(Ch)){Str.AddCh(Ch); GetCh();}
00329       bool _IsRetEoln=IsRetEoln; IsRetEoln=true;
00330       GetSym(TFSet()|syEoln|syEof); Sym=syLn;
00331       IsRetEoln=_IsRetEoln;
00332     }
00333   } else
00334   if (IsTabSep){
00335     // symbol is between tab characters
00336     if (IsBof()){GetCh();}
00337     if (Ch==TCh::TabCh){ // tab character
00338       Sym=syTab; GetCh();
00339     } else
00340     if (ChDef->IsTerm(Ch)){ // eoln & eof characters
00341       bool _IsRetEoln=IsRetEoln; IsRetEoln=true; IsTabSep=false;
00342       GetSym(TFSet()|syEoln|syEof);
00343       IsRetEoln=_IsRetEoln; IsTabSep=true;
00344     } else {
00345       Str.Clr();
00346       while ((!ChDef->IsTerm(Ch))&&(Ch!=TCh::TabCh)){
00347         Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
00348       Sym=syStr; QuoteP=false;
00349     }
00350   } else {
00351     // usual symbol
00352     while (ChDef->IsSpace(Ch)){GetCh();}
00353     SymLnN=LnN; SymLnChN=LnChN; SymChN=ChN;
00355     if (ChDef->IsAlpha(Ch)){
00356       if (IsUniStr){Sym=syStr;} else {Sym=syIdStr;}
00357       Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr(); QuoteP=false;
00358       do {Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch));}
00359       while (ChDef->IsAlNum(GetCh()));
00360       if (!RwStrH.Empty()){
00361         TStr RwStr=Str; if (!IsCsSens){RwStr=UcStr;}
00362         int SymKeyId=RwStrH.GetKeyId(RwStr);
00363         if (SymKeyId!=-1){Sym=TLxSym(int(RwStrH[SymKeyId]));}
00364       }
00365       if (Expect.In(syBool)){
00366         Sym=syBool; IAssert(TBool::IsValStr(Str));
00367         Bool=TBool::GetValFromStr(Str);
00368       }
00369     } else
00370     if ((Ch=='"')||(Ch=='\'')){
00371       if (IsUniStr){Sym=syStr;} else {Sym=syQStr;}
00372       Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr(); QuoteP=true; QuoteCh=Ch;
00373       GetCh();
00374       forever{
00375         while ((Ch!=QuoteCh)&&(Ch!='\\')&&(Ch!=TCh::EofCh)){
00376           Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
00377         if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){
00378           Sym=syUndef; break;
00379         } else if (Ch==QuoteCh){
00380           GetCh(); break;
00381         } else {
00382           GetCh();
00383           switch (Ch){
00384             case '"': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00385             case '\\': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00386             case '\'': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00387             case '/': Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00388             case 'b': Str.AddCh('\b'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00389             case 'f': Str.AddCh('\f'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00390             case 'n': Str.AddCh('\n'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00391             case 'r': Str.AddCh('\r'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00392             case 't': Str.AddCh('\t'); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh(); break;
00393             case 'u': {
00394               // unicode character, represented using 4 hexadecimal digits
00395               GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
00396               int UChCd = TCh::GetHex(Ch);
00397               GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
00398               UChCd = 16 * UChCd + TCh::GetHex(Ch);
00399               GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
00400               UChCd = 16 * UChCd + TCh::GetHex(Ch);
00401               GetCh(); EAssertR(TCh::IsHex(Ch), "Invalid hexadecimal digit in unicode escape");
00402               UChCd = 16 * UChCd + TCh::GetHex(Ch);
00403               // get as UTF8 encoded characters
00404               TUnicode::EncodeUtf8(UChCd, Str);
00405                           TUnicode::EncodeUtf8(UChCd, UcStr); }
00406               GetCh(); break; 
00407             default: Sym=syUndef; break;
00408           }
00409           if (Sym==syUndef){
00410             throw PExcept(new TExcept("Invalid Escape Sequence in Quoted String"));}
00411         }
00412       }
00413     } else
00414     if ((ChDef->IsNum(Ch))||(IsSigNum&&((Ch=='+')||(Ch=='-')))){
00415       Str.Clr(); bool IntP=true;
00416       do {Str.AddCh(Ch);} while (ChDef->IsNum(GetCh()));
00417       if (Expect.In(syFlt)){
00418         if (Ch=='.'){
00419           Str.AddCh(Ch); IntP=false;
00420           while (ChDef->IsNum(GetCh())){Str.AddCh(Ch);}
00421         }
00422         if ((Ch=='e')||(Ch=='E')){
00423           Str.AddCh(Ch); GetCh(); IntP=false;
00424           if ((Ch=='+')||(Ch=='-')){Str.AddCh(Ch); GetCh();}
00425           while (ChDef->IsNum(Ch)){Str.AddCh(Ch); GetCh();}
00426         }
00427       }
00428       UcStr=Str;
00429       if (IntP&&(Expect.In(syInt))){
00430         Sym=syInt; Int=atoi(Str.CStr());
00431       } else {
00432         Sym=syFlt; Flt=atof(Str.CStr());
00433       }
00434     } else
00435     if ((Ch==TCh::CrCh)||(Ch==TCh::LfCh)){
00436       Sym=syEoln;
00437       if (Ch==TCh::CrCh){if (GetCh()==TCh::LfCh){GetCh();}} else
00438       if (Ch==TCh::LfCh){if (GetCh()==TCh::CrCh){GetCh();}}
00439       LnN++; LnChN=0; if (!IsRetEoln){GetSym(Expect);}
00440     } else
00441     if (Ch=='/'){
00442       GetCh();
00443       if ((IsCmtAlw)&&(Ch=='/')){
00444         TChA _CmtStr;
00445         do {_CmtStr+=GetCh();} while (!ChDef->IsTerm(Ch));
00446         _CmtStr.Pop(); _CmtStr.Trunc();
00447         if (Ch==TCh::CrCh){
00448           if (GetCh()==TCh::LfCh){GetCh();}
00449         } else
00450         if (Ch==TCh::LfCh){
00451           if (GetCh()==TCh::CrCh){GetCh();}
00452         }
00453         if (IsRetEoln){Sym=syEoln;} else {GetSym(Expect);}
00454         CmtStr=_CmtStr;
00455       } else
00456       if (Ch=='*'){
00457         TChA _CmtStr;
00458         do {
00459           while (GetCh()!='*'){_CmtStr+=Ch;}
00460           _CmtStr+=GetCh();
00461         } while (Ch!='/');
00462         _CmtStr.Pop(); _CmtStr.Pop(); _CmtStr.Trunc();
00463         GetCh(); GetSym(Expect);
00464         CmtStr=_CmtStr;
00465       } else {
00466         Sym=sySlash;
00467       }
00468     } else
00469     if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){
00470       Sym=syEof;
00471     } else {
00472       switch (Ch){
00473         case '.':
00474           if (GetCh()=='.'){Sym=syDPeriod; GetCh();}
00475           else {Sym=syPeriod;} break;
00476         case ',': Sym=syComma; GetCh(); break;
00477         case ':':
00478           if (GetCh()==':'){Sym=syDColon; GetCh();}
00479           else {Sym=syColon;} break;
00480         case ';': Sym=sySemicolon; GetCh(); break;
00481         case '+': Sym=syPlus; GetCh(); break;
00482         case '-': Sym=syMinus; GetCh(); break;
00483         case '*': Sym=syAsterisk; GetCh(); break;
00484         case '/': Sym=sySlash; GetCh(); break;
00485         case '%': Sym=syPercent; GetCh(); break;
00486         case '!': Sym=syExclamation; GetCh(); break;
00487         case '|': Sym=syVBar; GetCh(); break;
00488         case '&': Sym=syAmpersand; GetCh(); break;
00489         case '=': Sym=syEq; GetCh(); break;
00490         case '<':
00491           GetCh();
00492           if (Ch=='='){Sym=syLEq; GetCh();}
00493           else if (Ch=='>'){Sym=syNEq; GetCh();}
00494           else {Sym=syLss;} break;
00495         case '>':
00496           if (GetCh()=='='){Sym=syGEq; GetCh();}
00497           else {Sym=syGtr;} break;
00498         case '?': Sym=syQuestion; GetCh(); break;
00499         case '#':
00500           if (IsCmtAlw){
00501             TChA _CmtStr;
00502             do {_CmtStr+=GetCh();} while (!ChDef->IsTerm(Ch));
00503             _CmtStr.Pop(); _CmtStr.Trunc();
00504             if (Ch==TCh::CrCh){
00505               if (GetCh()==TCh::LfCh){GetCh();}
00506             } else
00507             if (Ch==TCh::LfCh){
00508               if (GetCh()==TCh::CrCh){GetCh();}
00509             }
00510             if (IsRetEoln){Sym=syEoln;} else {GetSym(Expect);}
00511             CmtStr=_CmtStr;
00512           } else {
00513             Sym=syHash; GetCh();
00514           }
00515           break;
00516         case '(': Sym=syLParen; GetCh(); break;
00517         case ')': Sym=syRParen; GetCh(); break;
00518         case '[': Sym=syLBracket; GetCh(); break;
00519         case ']': Sym=syRBracket; GetCh(); break;
00520         case '{': Sym=syLBrace; GetCh(); break;
00521         case '}': Sym=syRBrace; GetCh(); break;
00522         default: Sym=syUndef; GetCh(); break;
00523       }
00524     }
00525   }
00527   if ((!Expect.In(Sym))&&(!Expect.Empty())){
00528     if (IsExcept){
00529      TStr MsgStr=
00530       TStr("Unexpected symbol (")+GetSymStr()+") ["+GetFPosStr()+"]";
00531      throw PExcept(new TExcept(MsgStr));
00532     } else {
00533       Fail;
00534     }
00535   }
00536   return Sym;
00537 }
00539 TStr TILx::GetStrToCh(const char& ToCh){
00540   Sym=syStr; Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr();
00541   while ((Ch!=ToCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::EofCh)){
00542     Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
00543   return Str;
00544 }
00546 TStr TILx::GetStrToEolnOrCh(const char& ToCh){
00547   Sym=syStr; Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr();
00548   while ((Ch!=ToCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::CrCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::LfCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::EofCh)){
00549     Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
00550   return Str;
00551 }
00553 TStr TILx::GetStrToEoln(const bool& DoTrunc){
00554   Sym=syStr; Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr();
00555   while ((Ch!=TCh::CrCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::LfCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::EofCh)){
00556     Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
00557   if (DoTrunc){Str.ToTrunc(); UcStr.ToTrunc();}
00558   return Str;
00559 }
00561 TStr TILx::GetStrToEolnAndCh(const char& ToCh){
00562   Sym=syStr; Str.Clr(); UcStr.Clr();
00563   if (IsBof()){GetCh();}
00564   forever {
00565     if (Ch==TCh::EofCh){break;}
00566     if (((ChN==0)||(PrevCh==TCh::CrCh)||(PrevCh==TCh::LfCh))&&(Ch==ToCh)){
00567       GetCh(); break;}
00568     else {Str.AddCh(Ch); UcStr.AddCh(ChDef->GetUc(Ch)); GetCh();}
00569   }
00570   return Str;
00571 }
00573 void TILx::SkipToEoln(){
00574   while ((Ch!=TCh::CrCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::LfCh)&&(Ch!=TCh::EofCh)){
00575     GetCh();}
00576   if (Ch==TCh::CrCh){if (GetCh()==TCh::LfCh){GetCh();}} else
00577   if (Ch==TCh::LfCh){if (GetCh()==TCh::CrCh){GetCh();}}
00578 }
00580 TLxSym TILx::PeekSym(const int& Syms){
00581   TILxSymSt CurSymSt(*this);
00582   TSStack<TILxSymSt> SymStStack;
00583   for (int SymN=0; SymN<Syms; SymN++){
00584     GetSym(); SymStStack.Push(TILxSymSt(*this));}
00585   TLxSym PeekedSym=Sym;
00586   while (!SymStStack.Empty()){
00587     SymStStack.Top().Restore(*this); SymStStack.Pop();
00588     PutSym();
00589   }
00590   CurSymSt.Restore(*this);
00591   return PeekedSym;
00592 }
00594 TStr TILx::GetSymStr() const {
00595   switch (Sym){
00596     case syInt: return Str;
00597     case syFlt: return Str;
00598     case syStr: return Str;
00599     case syIdStr: return Str;
00600     case syQStr: return Str;
00601     default:
00602       if ((syMnRw<=Sym)&&(Sym<=syMxRw)){return Str;}
00603       else {return TLxSymStr::GetSymStr(Sym);}
00604   }
00605 }
00607 TStr TILx::GetFPosStr() const {
00608   TChA ChA;
00609   ChA+="File:"; ChA+=SIn->GetSNm();
00610   ChA+=" Line:"; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnN+1);
00611   ChA+=" Char:"; ChA+=TInt::GetStr(LnChN);
00612   return ChA;
00613 }
00615 TStr TILx::GetQStr(const TStr& Str, const bool& QuoteP, const char& QuoteCh){
00616   if (QuoteP){
00617     TChA ChA;
00618     ChA+=QuoteCh;
00619     int StrLen=Str.Len();
00620     for (int ChN=0; ChN<StrLen; ChN++){
00621       char Ch=Str.CStr()[ChN];
00622       if (Ch==QuoteCh){ChA+=QuoteCh; ChA+=QuoteCh;}
00623       else {ChA+=Ch;}
00624     }
00625     ChA+=QuoteCh;
00626     return ChA;
00627   } else {
00628     return Str;
00629   }
00630 }
00632 void TILx::GetVarBoolV(const TStr& VarNm, TBoolV& BoolV, const bool& NewLn){
00633   BoolV.Clr();
00634   GetVar(VarNm, true, NewLn);
00635   while (GetSym(syRBracket, syBool)==syQStr){
00636     BoolV.Add(Bool); if (NewLn){GetEoln();}}
00637   if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00638 }
00640 void TILx::GetVarIntV(const TStr& VarNm, TIntV& IntV, const bool& NewLn){
00641   IntV.Clr();
00642   GetVar(VarNm, true, NewLn);
00643   while (GetSym(syRBracket, syInt)==syInt){
00644     IntV.Add(Int); if (NewLn){GetEoln();}}
00645   if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00646 }
00648 void TILx::GetVarFltV(const TStr& VarNm, TFltV& FltV, const bool& NewLn){
00649   FltV.Clr();
00650   GetVar(VarNm, true, NewLn);
00651   while (GetSym(syRBracket, syFlt)==syFlt){
00652     FltV.Add(Flt); if (NewLn){GetEoln();}}
00653   if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00654 }
00656 void TILx::GetVarStrV(const TStr& VarNm, TStrV& StrV, const bool& NewLn){
00657   StrV.Clr();
00658   GetVar(VarNm, true, NewLn);
00659   while (GetSym(syRBracket, syQStr)==syQStr){
00660     StrV.Add(Str); if (NewLn){GetEoln();}}
00661   if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00662 }
00664 void TILx::GetVarStrPrV(const TStr& VarNm, TStrPrV& StrPrV, const bool& NewLn){
00665   StrPrV.Clr();
00666   GetVar(VarNm, true, NewLn);
00667   while (GetSym(syRBracket, syLBracket)==syLBracket){
00668     TStr Str1=GetQStr(); TStr Str2=GetQStr();
00669     GetSym(syRBracket);
00670     StrPrV.Add(TStrPr(Str1, Str2)); if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00671   }
00672   if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00673 }
00675 void TILx::GetVarStrVV(const TStr& VarNm, TVec<TStrV>& StrVV, const bool& NewLn){
00676   StrVV.Clr();
00677   GetVar(VarNm, true, NewLn);
00678   while (GetSym(syRBracket, syLBracket)==syLBracket){
00679     StrVV.Add();
00680     while (GetSym(syQStr, syRBracket)==syQStr){
00681       StrVV.Last().Add(Str);}
00682     if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00683   }
00684   if (NewLn){GetEoln();}
00685 }
00687 void TILx::GetLnV(const TStr& FNm, TStrV& LnV){
00688   TFIn SIn(FNm); LnV.Clr(); TChA Ln;
00689   if (!SIn.Eof()){
00690     char Ch=SIn.GetCh();
00691     while (!SIn.Eof()){
00692       if ((Ch==TCh::CrCh)||(Ch==TCh::LfCh)){
00693         if (!SIn.Eof()){
00694           char PrevCh=Ch; Ch=SIn.GetCh();
00695           if (!SIn.Eof()){
00696             if (PrevCh==TCh::CrCh){if (Ch==TCh::LfCh){Ch=SIn.GetCh();}} else
00697             if (PrevCh==TCh::LfCh){if (Ch==TCh::CrCh){Ch=SIn.GetCh();}}
00698           }
00699         }
00700         LnV.Add(Ln); Ln.Clr();
00701       } else {
00702         Ln+=Ch; Ch=SIn.GetCh();
00703       }
00704     }
00705     if (!Ln.Empty()){
00706       LnV.Add(Ln);}
00707   }
00708 }
00711 // Lexical-Output
00712 void TOLx::PutSep(const TLxSym& Sym){
00713   if (TLxSymStr::IsSep(PrevSym, Sym)){
00714     if (IsTabSep){RSOut.PutCh(TCh::TabCh);} else {RSOut.PutCh(' ');}}
00715   PrevSym=Sym;
00716 }
00718 TOLx::TOLx(const PSOut& _SOut, const TFSet& OptSet, const TLxChDefTy& ChDefTy):
00719   ChDef(TLxChDef::GetChDef(ChDefTy)), SOut(_SOut), RSOut(*SOut),
00720   IsCmtAlw(false), IsFrcEoln(false), IsSigNum(false),
00721   IsUniStr(false), IsCsSens(false), IsTabSep(false), IsVarIndent(false),
00722   VarIndentLev(0),
00723   RwStrH(50), RwSymH(50), PrevSym(syUndef){
00724   for (int Opt=0; Opt<oloMx; Opt++){
00725     if (OptSet.In(Opt)){SetOpt(Opt, true);}}
00726 }
00728 void TOLx::SetOpt(const int& Opt, const bool& Val){
00729   switch (Opt){
00730     case oloCmtAlw: IsCmtAlw=Val; break;
00731     case oloFrcEoln: IsFrcEoln=Val; break;
00732     case oloSigNum: IsSigNum=Val; break;
00733     case oloUniStr: IsUniStr=Val; break;
00734     case oloCsSens: IsCsSens=Val; break;
00735     case oloTabSep: IsTabSep=Val; break;
00736     case oloVarIndent: IsVarIndent=Val; break;
00737     default: Fail;
00738   }
00739 }
00741 TLxSym TOLx::AddRw(const TStr& Str){
00742   IAssert(RwStrH.Len()<syMxRw-syMnRw+1);
00743   TStr UcStr=ChDef->GetUcStr(Str);
00744   IAssert(!RwStrH.IsKey(UcStr));
00745   TLxSym RwSym=TLxSym(syMnRw+RwStrH.Len());
00746   RwStrH.AddDat(Str, TInt(int(RwSym)));
00747   RwSymH.AddDat(TInt(int(RwSym)), Str);
00748   return RwSym;
00749 }
00751 void TOLx::PutSym(const TLxSym& Sym){
00752   TStr Str;
00753   if ((syMnRw<=Sym)&&(Sym<=syMxRw)){
00754     Str=Str=RwSymH[Sym];
00755   } else {
00756     Str=TLxSymStr::GetSymStr(Sym);
00757   }
00758   PutSep(Sym); RSOut.PutStr(Str);
00759 }
00761 void TOLx::PutVarBoolV(const TStr& VarNm, const TBoolV& BoolV,
00762  const bool& NewLn, const bool& CheckIdStr){
00763   PutVar(VarNm, true, NewLn, CheckIdStr);
00764   for (int BoolN=0; BoolN<BoolV.Len(); BoolN++){
00765     if (IsVarIndent){PutIndent(VarIndentLev);}
00766     PutBool(BoolV[BoolN]);
00767     if (NewLn){PutLn();}
00768   }
00769   PutVarEnd(true, NewLn);
00770 }
00772 void TOLx::PutVarIntV(const TStr& VarNm, const TIntV& IntV,
00773  const bool& NewLn, const bool& CheckIdStr){
00774   PutVar(VarNm, true, NewLn, CheckIdStr);
00775   for (int IntN=0; IntN<IntV.Len(); IntN++){
00776     if (IsVarIndent){PutIndent(VarIndentLev);}
00777     PutInt(IntV[IntN]);
00778     if (NewLn){PutLn();}
00779   }
00780   PutVarEnd(true, NewLn);
00781 }
00783 void TOLx::PutVarFltV(const TStr& VarNm, const TFltV& FltV,
00784  const bool& NewLn, const bool& CheckIdStr){
00785   PutVar(VarNm, true, NewLn, CheckIdStr);
00786   for (int FltN=0; FltN<FltV.Len(); FltN++){
00787     if (IsVarIndent){PutIndent(VarIndentLev);}
00788     PutFlt(FltV[FltN]);
00789     if (NewLn){PutLn();}
00790   }
00791   PutVarEnd(true, NewLn);
00792 }
00794 void TOLx::PutVarStrV(const TStr& VarNm, const TStrV& StrV,
00795  const bool& NewLn, const bool& CheckIdStr){
00796   PutVar(VarNm, true, NewLn, CheckIdStr);
00797   for (int StrN=0; StrN<StrV.Len(); StrN++){
00798     if (IsVarIndent){PutIndent(VarIndentLev);}
00799     PutQStr(StrV[StrN]);
00800     if (NewLn){PutLn();}
00801   }
00802   PutVarEnd(true, NewLn);
00803 }
00805 void TOLx::PutVarStrPrV(const TStr& VarNm, const TStrPrV& StrPrV,
00806  const bool& NewLn, const bool& CheckIdStr){
00807   PutVar(VarNm, true, NewLn, CheckIdStr);
00808   for (int StrPrN=0; StrPrN<StrPrV.Len(); StrPrN++){
00809     if (IsVarIndent){PutIndent(VarIndentLev);}
00810     PutSym(syLBracket);
00811     PutQStr(StrPrV[StrPrN].Val1); PutQStr(StrPrV[StrPrN].Val2);
00812     PutSym(syRBracket);
00813     if (NewLn){PutLn();}
00814   }
00815   PutVarEnd(true, NewLn);
00816 }
00818 void TOLx::PutVarStrVV(const TStr& VarNm, const TVec<TStrV>& StrVV,
00819  const bool& NewLn, const bool& CheckIdStr){
00820   PutVar(VarNm, true, NewLn, CheckIdStr);
00821   for (int StrVN=0; StrVN<StrVV.Len(); StrVN++){
00822     if (IsVarIndent){PutIndent(VarIndentLev);}
00823     PutSym(syLBracket);
00824     for (int StrN=0; StrN<StrVV[StrVN].Len(); StrN++){
00825       PutQStr(StrVV[StrVN][StrN]);}
00826     PutSym(syRBracket);
00827     if (NewLn){PutLn();}
00828   }
00829   PutVarEnd(true, NewLn);
00830 }
00833 // Preprocessor
00834 char TPreproc::GetCh(){
00835   Assert(Ch!=TCh::EofCh);
00836   PrevCh=Ch;
00837   Ch=((SIn->Eof()) ? TCh::EofCh : SIn->GetCh());
00838   //putchar(Ch);
00839   return Ch;
00840 }
00842 bool TPreproc::IsSubstId(const TStr& SubstId, TStr& SubstValStr) const {
00843   if (SubstIdToKeyIdValPrVH.IsKey(SubstId)){
00844     const TStrPrV& KeyIdValPrV=SubstIdToKeyIdValPrVH.GetDat(SubstId);
00845     for (int KeyN=0; KeyN<KeyIdValPrV.Len(); KeyN++){
00846       if (SubstKeyIdV.IsIn(KeyIdValPrV[KeyN].Val1)){
00847         SubstValStr=KeyIdValPrV[KeyN].Val2;
00848         return true;
00849       }
00850     }
00851     return false;
00852   } else {
00853     return false;
00854   }
00855 }
00857 TPreproc::TPreproc(const TStr& InFNm, const TStr& OutFNm,
00858  const TStr& SubstFNm, const TStrV& _SubstKeyIdV):
00859   SIn(), SubstKeyIdV(_SubstKeyIdV),
00860   PrevCh('\0'), Ch('\0'){
00861   // load substitution file
00862   if (!SubstFNm.Empty()){
00863     PXmlDoc XmlDoc=TXmlDoc::LoadTxt(SubstFNm);
00864     // get list of substitutions
00865     TXmlTokV SubstTokV; XmlDoc->GetTok()->GetTagTokV("Subst", SubstTokV);
00866     for (int SubstTokN=0; SubstTokN<SubstTokV.Len(); SubstTokN++){
00867       PXmlTok SubstTok=SubstTokV[SubstTokN];
00868       // get substitution-id
00869       TStr SubstId=SubstTok->GetArgVal("Id", "");
00870       if (!SubstId.Empty()){
00871         // create substitution
00872         TStrPrV& KeyIdValPrV=SubstIdToKeyIdValPrVH.AddDat(SubstId);
00873         // get list of substitution-strings
00874         TXmlTokV StrTokV; SubstTok->GetTagTokV("Str", StrTokV);
00875         for (int StrTokN=0; StrTokN<StrTokV.Len(); StrTokN++){
00876           PXmlTok StrTok=StrTokV[StrTokN];
00877           // get key-value pair
00878           TStr KeyId=StrTok->GetArgVal("Key", "");
00879           TStr ValStr=StrTok->GetTokStr(false);
00880           // assign key-value-pair
00881           if (!KeyId.Empty()){
00882             KeyIdValPrV.Add(TStrPr(KeyId, ValStr));
00883           }
00884         }
00885       }
00886     }
00887   }
00888   // substitution
00889   // open files
00890   SIn=TFIn::New(InFNm);
00891   PSOut SOut=TFOut::New(OutFNm);
00892   // set copy & ignore mode
00893   bool CopyModeP=false; bool IgnoreModeP=false;
00894   GetCh();
00895   while (Ch!=TCh::EofCh){
00896     if (isalpha(Ch)||(((PrevCh=='\0')||(PrevCh=='\r')||(PrevCh=='\n'))&&(Ch=='#'))){
00897       // collect identifier
00898       TChA IdChA;
00899       do {
00900         IdChA+=Ch; GetCh();
00901       } while ((Ch!=TCh::EofCh)&&(isalnum(Ch)));
00902       // check identifier
00903       if (IdChA=="#ifdef"){
00904         // collect condition-key-id
00905         TChA CondKeyIdChA;
00906         while ((Ch!=TCh::EofCh)&&(Ch!='\n')&&(Ch!='\r')){
00907           CondKeyIdChA+=Ch; GetCh();}
00908         // skip eoln
00909         if (Ch=='\n'){GetCh(); if (Ch=='\r'){GetCh();}}
00910         else if (Ch=='\r'){GetCh(); if (Ch=='\n'){GetCh();}}
00911         // check for key
00912         CondKeyIdChA.Trunc();
00913         IAssert(CopyModeP==false);
00914         IAssert(IgnoreModeP==false);
00915         if (SubstKeyIdV.IsIn(CondKeyIdChA)){
00916           CopyModeP=true; IgnoreModeP=false;
00917         } else {
00918           CopyModeP=false; IgnoreModeP=true;
00919         }
00920       } else
00921       if (IdChA=="#endif"){
00922         // move to eoln
00923         while ((Ch!=TCh::EofCh)&&(Ch!='\n')&&(Ch!='\r')){
00924           GetCh();}
00925         // skip eoln
00926         if (Ch=='\n'){GetCh(); if (Ch=='\r'){GetCh();}}
00927         else if (Ch=='\r'){GetCh(); if (Ch=='\n'){GetCh();}}
00928         // reset copy&ignore modes
00929         IAssert(CopyModeP||IgnoreModeP);
00930         CopyModeP=false; IgnoreModeP=false;
00931       } else {
00932         // substitution or add id-as-seen
00933         TStr SubstValStr;
00934         if ((!CopyModeP)&&(IsSubstId(IdChA, SubstValStr))){
00935           if (!IgnoreModeP){SOut->PutStr(SubstValStr);}
00936         } else {
00937           if (!IgnoreModeP){SOut->PutStr(IdChA);}
00938         }
00939       }
00940     } else {
00941       // single character
00942       if (!IgnoreModeP){SOut->PutCh(Ch);}
00943       GetCh();
00944     }
00945   }
00946 }