SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
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TCallbackNotify Member List
This is the complete list of members for TCallbackNotify, including all inherited members.
CallbackFTCallbackNotify [private]
DfOnNotify(const TNotifyType &Type, const TStr &MsgStr)TNotify [static]
GetTypeStr(const TNotifyType &Type, const bool &Brief=true)TNotify [static]
New(const TCallbackF &CallbackF)TCallbackNotify [inline, static]
NullNotifyTNotify [static]
OnLn(const TStr &)TNotify [inline, virtual]
OnLn(const PNotify &Notify, const TStr &MsgStr)TNotify [inline, static]
OnLnFmt(const char *FmtStr,...)TNotify
OnNotify(const TNotifyType &Type, const TStr &MsgStr)TCallbackNotify [inline, virtual]
TNotify::OnNotify(const PNotify &Notify, const TNotifyType &Type, const TStr &MsgStr)TNotify [inline, static]
OnNotifyFmt(const TNotifyType &Type, const char *FmtStr,...)TNotify
OnStatus(const TStr &MsgStr)TCallbackNotify [inline, virtual]
TNotify::OnStatus(const PNotify &Notify, const TStr &MsgStr)TNotify [inline, static]
OnStatusFmt(const char *FmtStr,...)TNotify
OnTxt(const TStr &)TNotify [inline, virtual]
OnTxt(const PNotify &Notify, const TStr &MsgStr)TNotify [inline, static]
OnTxtFmt(const char *FmtStr,...)TNotify
StdErrNotifyTNotify [static]
StdNotifyTNotify [static]
TCallbackNotify(const TCallbackF &_CallbackF)TCallbackNotify [inline]
TNotify()TNotify [inline]
TPt< TNotify > classTNotify [friend]
~TNotify()TNotify [inline, virtual]