SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
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00002 // ZIP Input-File
00004 #if defined(GLib_WIN)
00005   TStr TZipIn::SevenZipPath = "C:\\7Zip";
00006 #elif defined(GLib_CYGWIN)
00007   TStr TZipIn::SevenZipPath = "/usr/bin";
00008 #elif defined(GLib_MACOSX) 
00009   TStr TZipIn::SevenZipPath = "/opt/local/bin";
00010 #else 
00011   TStr TZipIn::SevenZipPath = "/usr/bin";
00012 #endif
00015 TStrStrH TZipIn::FExtToCmdH;
00016 const int TZipIn::MxBfL=32*1024;
00018 void TZipIn::CreateZipProcess(const TStr& Cmd, const TStr& ZipFNm) {
00019   const TStr CmdLine = TStr::Fmt("%s %s", Cmd.CStr(), ZipFNm.CStr());
00020   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00022   STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
00023   ZeroMemory( &piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
00024   ZeroMemory( &siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
00025   siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
00026   siStartInfo.hStdOutput = ZipStdoutWr;
00027   siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
00028   // Create the child process.
00029   const BOOL FuncRetn = CreateProcess(NULL,
00030     (LPSTR) CmdLine.CStr(),  // command line
00031     NULL,          // process security attributes
00032     NULL,          // primary thread security attributes
00033     TRUE,          // handles are inherited
00034     0,             // creation flags
00035     NULL,          // use parent's environment
00036     NULL,          // use parent's current directory
00037     &siStartInfo,  // STARTUPINFO pointer
00038     &piProcInfo);  // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION
00039   EAssertR(FuncRetn!=0, TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
00040   CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hProcess);
00041   CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread);
00042   #else
00043   ZipStdoutRd = popen(CmdLine.CStr(), "r");
00044   if (ZipStdoutRd == 0) { // try using SevenZipPath
00045     ZipStdoutRd = popen((TZipIn::SevenZipPath+"/"+CmdLine).CStr(), "r");
00046   }
00047   EAssertR(ZipStdoutRd != NULL,  TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
00048   #endif
00049 }
00051 void TZipIn::FillBf(){
00052   EAssertR(CurFPos < FLen, "End of file "+GetSNm()+" reached.");
00053   EAssertR((BfC==BfL)/*&&((BfL==-1)||(BfL==MxBfL))*/, "Error reading file '"+GetSNm()+"'.");
00054   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00055   // Read output from the child process
00056   DWORD BytesRead;
00057   EAssert(ReadFile(ZipStdoutRd, Bf, MxBfL, &BytesRead, NULL) != 0);
00058   #else
00059   size_t BytesRead = fread(Bf, 1, MxBfL, ZipStdoutRd);
00060   EAssert(BytesRead != 0);
00061   #endif
00062   BfL = (int) BytesRead;
00063   CurFPos += BytesRead;
00064   EAssertR((BfC!=0)||(BfL!=0), "Error reading file '"+GetSNm()+"'.");
00065   BfC = 0;
00066 }
00068 TZipIn::TZipIn(const TStr& FNm) : TSBase(FNm.CStr()), TSIn(FNm), ZipStdoutRd(NULL), ZipStdoutWr(NULL),
00069   FLen(0), CurFPos(0), Bf(NULL), BfC(0), BfL(0) {
00070   EAssertR(! FNm.Empty(), "Empty file-name.");
00071   EAssertR(TFile::Exists(FNm), TStr::Fmt("File %s does not exist", FNm.CStr()).CStr());
00072   FLen = TZipIn::GetFLen(FNm);
00073   if (FLen == 0) { return; } // empty file
00074   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00075   // create pipes
00077   saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
00078   saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
00079   saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
00080     // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.
00081   const int PipeBufferSz = 32*1024;
00082   EAssertR(CreatePipe(&ZipStdoutRd, &ZipStdoutWr, &saAttr, PipeBufferSz), "Stdout pipe creation failed");
00083   // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited.
00084   SetHandleInformation(ZipStdoutRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
00085   #else
00086   // no implementation needed
00087   #endif
00088   CreateZipProcess(GetCmd(FNm), FNm);
00089   Bf = new char[MxBfL]; BfC = BfL=-1;
00090   FillBf();
00091 }
00093 TZipIn::TZipIn(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP) : TSBase(FNm.CStr()), TSIn(FNm), ZipStdoutRd(NULL), ZipStdoutWr(NULL),
00094   FLen(0), CurFPos(0), Bf(NULL), BfC(0), BfL(0) {
00095   EAssertR(! FNm.Empty(), "Empty file-name.");
00096   FLen = TZipIn::GetFLen(FNm);
00097   OpenedP = TFile::Exists(FNm);
00098   if (OpenedP) {
00099     #ifdef GLib_WIN
00101     saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
00102     saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
00103     saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
00104     // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.
00105     EAssertR(CreatePipe(&ZipStdoutRd, &ZipStdoutWr, &saAttr, 0), "Stdout pipe creation failed");
00106     // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited.
00107     SetHandleInformation(ZipStdoutRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
00108     #else
00109     // no implementation needed
00110     #endif
00111     CreateZipProcess(GetCmd(FNm.GetFExt()), FNm);
00112     Bf = new char[MxBfL]; BfC = BfL=-1;
00113     FillBf();
00114   }
00115 }
00117 PSIn TZipIn::New(const TStr& FNm) {
00118   return PSIn(new TZipIn(FNm));
00119 }
00121 PSIn TZipIn::New(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP){
00122   return PSIn(new TZipIn(FNm, OpenedP));
00123 }
00125 TZipIn::~TZipIn(){
00126   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00127   if (ZipStdoutRd != NULL) {
00128     EAssertR(CloseHandle(ZipStdoutRd), "Closing read-end of pipe failed"); }
00129   if (ZipStdoutWr != NULL) {
00130     EAssertR(CloseHandle(ZipStdoutWr)!=0, "Closing write-end of pipe failed"); }
00131   #else
00132   if (ZipStdoutRd != NULL) {
00133     EAssertR(pclose(ZipStdoutRd) != -1, "Closing of the process failed"); }
00134   #endif
00135   if (Bf != NULL) { delete[] Bf; }
00136 }
00138 int TZipIn::GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL){
00139   int LBfS=0;
00140   if (TSize(BfC+LBfL)>TSize(BfL)){
00141     for (TSize LBfC=0; LBfC<LBfL; LBfC++){
00142       if (BfC==BfL){FillBf();}
00143       LBfS+=((char*)LBf)[LBfC]=Bf[BfC++];}
00144   } else {
00145     for (TSize LBfC=0; LBfC<LBfL; LBfC++){
00146       LBfS+=(((char*)LBf)[LBfC]=Bf[BfC++]);}
00147   }
00148   return LBfS;
00149 }
00151 // Gets the next line to LnChA.
00152 // Returns true, if LnChA contains a valid line.
00153 // Returns false, if LnChA is empty, such as end of file was encountered.
00154 bool TZipIn::GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA) {
00155   int Status;
00156   int BfN;        // new pointer to the end of line
00157   int BfP;        // previous pointer to the line start
00158   LnChA.Clr();
00159   do {
00160     if (BfC >= BfL) { BfP = 0; } // reset the current pointer, FindEol() will read a new buffer
00161     else { BfP = BfC; }
00162     Status = FindEol(BfN);
00163     if (Status >= 0) {
00164       LnChA.AddBf(&Bf[BfP],BfN-BfP);
00165       if (Status == 1) { return true; } // got a complete line
00166     }
00167     // get more data, if the line is incomplete
00168   } while (Status == 0);
00169   // eof or the last line has no newline
00170   return !LnChA.Empty();
00171 }
00173 // Sets BfN to the end of line or end of buffer. Reads more data, if needed.
00174 // Returns 1, when an end of line was found, BfN is end of line.
00175 // Returns 0, when an end of line was not found and more data is required,
00176 //    BfN is end of buffer.
00177 // Returns -1, when an end of file was found, BfN is not defined.
00178 int TZipIn::FindEol(int& BfN) {
00179   char Ch;
00180   if (BfC >= BfL) { // check for eof, read more data
00181     if (Eof()) { return -1; }
00182     FillBf();
00183   }
00184   while (BfC < BfL) {
00185     Ch = Bf[BfC++];
00186     if (Ch=='\n') { BfN = BfC-1; return 1; }
00187     if (Ch=='\r' && Bf[BfC+1]=='\n') {
00188       BfC++;  BfN = BfC-2;  return 1; }
00189   }
00190   BfN = BfC;
00191   return 0;
00192 }
00194 bool TZipIn::IsZipExt(const TStr& FNmExt) {
00195   if (FExtToCmdH.Empty()) FillFExtToCmdH();
00196   return FExtToCmdH.IsKey(FNmExt);
00197 }
00199 void TZipIn::FillFExtToCmdH() {
00200   // 7za decompress: "e -y -bd -so";
00201   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00202   const char* ZipCmd = "7z.exe e -y -bd -so";
00203   #else
00204   const char* ZipCmd = "7za e -y -bd -so";
00205   #endif
00206   if (FExtToCmdH.Empty()) {
00207     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".gz",  ZipCmd);
00208     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".7z",  ZipCmd);
00209     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".rar", ZipCmd);
00210     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".zip", ZipCmd);
00211     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".cab", ZipCmd);
00212     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".arj", ZipCmd);
00213     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".bzip2", ZipCmd);
00214     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".bz2", ZipCmd);
00215   }
00216 }
00218 TStr TZipIn::GetCmd(const TStr& ZipFNm) {
00219   if (FExtToCmdH.Empty()) FillFExtToCmdH();
00220   const TStr Ext = ZipFNm.GetFExt().GetLc();
00221   EAssertR(FExtToCmdH.IsKey(Ext), TStr::Fmt("Unsupported file extension '%s'", Ext.CStr()));
00222   return FExtToCmdH.GetDat(Ext);
00223 }
00225 uint64 TZipIn::GetFLen(const TStr& ZipFNm) {
00226   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00227   HANDLE ZipStdoutRd, ZipStdoutWr;
00228   // create pipes
00230   saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
00231   saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
00232   saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
00233     // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.
00234   const int PipeBufferSz = 32*1024;
00235   EAssertR(CreatePipe(&ZipStdoutRd, &ZipStdoutWr, &saAttr, PipeBufferSz), "Stdout pipe creation failed");
00236   // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited.
00237   SetHandleInformation(ZipStdoutRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
00238   //CreateZipProcess(GetCmd(FNm), FNm);
00239   { const TStr CmdLine = TStr::Fmt("7z.exe l %s", ZipFNm.CStr());
00241   STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
00242   ZeroMemory( &piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
00243   ZeroMemory( &siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
00244   siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
00245   siStartInfo.hStdOutput = ZipStdoutWr;
00246   siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
00247   // Create the child process.
00248   const BOOL FuncRetn = CreateProcess(NULL, (LPSTR) CmdLine.CStr(),
00249     NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &siStartInfo, &piProcInfo);
00250   EAssertR(FuncRetn!=0, TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
00251   CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hProcess);
00252   CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread); }
00253   #else
00254   const TStr CmdLine = TStr::Fmt("7za l %s", ZipFNm.CStr());
00255   FILE* ZipStdoutRd = popen(CmdLine.CStr(), "r");
00256   if (ZipStdoutRd == NULL) { // try using SevenZipPath
00257     ZipStdoutRd = popen((TZipIn::SevenZipPath+"/"+CmdLine).CStr(), "r");
00258   }
00259   EAssertR(ZipStdoutRd != NULL, TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
00260   #endif
00261   // Read output from the child process
00262   const int BfSz = 32*1024;
00263   char* Bf = new char [BfSz];
00264   int BfC=0, BfL=0;
00265   memset(Bf, 0, BfSz);
00266   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00267   DWORD BytesRead;
00268   EAssert(ReadFile(ZipStdoutRd, Bf, MxBfL, &BytesRead, NULL) != 0);
00269   #else
00270   size_t BytesRead = fread(Bf, 1, MxBfL, ZipStdoutRd);
00271   EAssert(BytesRead != 0);
00272   EAssert(pclose(ZipStdoutRd) != -1);
00273   #endif
00274   BfL = (int) BytesRead;  IAssert((BfC!=0)||(BfL!=0));
00275   BfC = 0; Bf[BfL] = 0;
00276   // find file lenght
00277   TStr Str(Bf);  delete [] Bf;
00278   TStrV StrV; Str.SplitOnWs(StrV);
00279   int n = StrV.Len()-1;
00280   while (n > 0 && ! StrV[n].IsPrefix("-----")) { n--; }
00281   if (n-7 <= 0) {
00282     WrNotify(TStr::Fmt("Corrupt file %s: MESSAGE:\n", ZipFNm.CStr()).CStr(), Str.CStr());
00283     SaveToErrLog(TStr::Fmt("Corrupt file %s. Message:\n:%s\n", ZipFNm.CStr(), Str.CStr()).CStr());
00284     return 0;
00285   }
00286   return StrV[n-7].GetInt64();
00287 }
00290 // Output-File
00291 TStrStrH TZipOut::FExtToCmdH;
00292 const TSize TZipOut::MxBfL=4*1024;
00294 void TZipOut::FlushBf() {
00295   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00296   DWORD BytesOut;
00297   EAssertR(WriteFile(ZipStdinWr, Bf, DWORD(BfL), &BytesOut, NULL)!=0, "Error writting to the file '"+GetSNm()+"'.");
00298   #else
00299   size_t BytesOut = fwrite(Bf, 1, BfL, ZipStdinWr);
00300   #endif
00301   EAssert(BytesOut == BfL);
00302   BfL = 0;
00303 }
00305 void TZipOut::CreateZipProcess(const TStr& Cmd, const TStr& ZipFNm) {
00306   const TStr CmdLine = TStr::Fmt("%s %s", Cmd.CStr(), ZipFNm.CStr());
00307   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00309   STARTUPINFO siStartInfo;
00310   ZeroMemory( &piProcInfo, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
00311   ZeroMemory( &siStartInfo, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
00312   siStartInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
00313   siStartInfo.hStdInput = ZipStdinRd;
00314   siStartInfo.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
00315   // Create the child process.
00316   const BOOL FuncRetn = CreateProcess(NULL,
00317     (LPSTR) CmdLine.CStr(),  // command line
00318     NULL,          // process security attributes
00319     NULL,          // primary thread security attributes
00320     TRUE,          // handles are inherited
00321     0,             // creation flags
00322     NULL,          // use parent's environment
00323     NULL,          // use parent's current directory
00324     &siStartInfo,  // STARTUPINFO pointer
00325     &piProcInfo);  // receives PROCESS_INFORMATION
00326   EAssertR(FuncRetn!=0, TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
00327   CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hProcess);
00328   CloseHandle(piProcInfo.hThread);
00329   #else
00330   ZipStdinWr = popen(CmdLine.CStr(),"w");
00331   if (ZipStdinWr == NULL) { // try using SevenZipPath
00332     ZipStdinWr = popen((TZipIn::SevenZipPath+"/"+CmdLine).CStr(), "r");
00333   }
00334   EAssertR(ZipStdinWr != NULL,  TStr::Fmt("Can not execute '%s'", CmdLine.CStr()).CStr());
00335   #endif
00336 }
00338 TZipOut::TZipOut(const TStr& FNm) : TSBase(FNm.CStr()), TSOut(FNm), ZipStdinRd(NULL), ZipStdinWr(NULL), Bf(NULL), BfL(0){
00339   EAssertR(! FNm.Empty(), "Empty file-name.");
00340   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00341   // create pipes
00343   saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
00344   saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
00345   saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
00346   // Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.
00347   EAssertR(CreatePipe(&ZipStdinRd, &ZipStdinWr, &saAttr, 0), "Stdout pipe creation failed");
00348   // Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited.
00349   SetHandleInformation(ZipStdinWr, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
00350   #else
00351   // no implementation necessary
00352   #endif
00353   CreateZipProcess(GetCmd(FNm), FNm);
00354   Bf=new char[MxBfL];  BfL=0;
00355 }
00357 PSOut TZipOut::New(const TStr& FNm){
00358   return PSOut(new TZipOut(FNm));
00359 }
00361 TZipOut::~TZipOut() {
00362   if (BfL!=0) { FlushBf(); }
00363   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00364   if (ZipStdinWr != NULL) { EAssertR(CloseHandle(ZipStdinWr), "Closing write-end of pipe failed"); }
00365   if (ZipStdinRd != NULL) { EAssertR(CloseHandle(ZipStdinRd), "Closing read-end of pipe failed"); }
00366   #else
00367   if (ZipStdinWr != NULL) { EAssertR(pclose(ZipStdinWr) != -1, "Closing of the process failed"); }
00368   #endif
00369   if (Bf!=NULL) { delete[] Bf; }
00370 }
00372 int TZipOut::PutCh(const char& Ch){
00373   if (BfL==MxBfL) {FlushBf();}
00374   return Bf[BfL++]=Ch;
00375 }
00377 int TZipOut::PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL){
00378   int LBfS=0;
00379   if (BfL+LBfL>MxBfL){
00380     for (TSize LBfC=0; LBfC<LBfL; LBfC++){
00381       LBfS+=PutCh(((char*)LBf)[LBfC]);}
00382   } else {
00383     for (TSize LBfC=0; LBfC<LBfL; LBfC++){
00384       LBfS+=(Bf[BfL++]=((char*)LBf)[LBfC]);}
00385   }
00386   return LBfS;
00387 }
00389 void TZipOut::Flush(){
00390   FlushBf();
00391   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00392   EAssertR(FlushFileBuffers(ZipStdinWr)!=0, "Can not flush file '"+GetSNm()+"'.");
00393   #else
00394   EAssertR(fflush(ZipStdinWr)==0, "Can not flush file '"+GetSNm()+"'.");
00395   #endif
00396 }
00398 bool TZipOut::IsZipExt(const TStr& FNmExt) {
00399   if (FExtToCmdH.Empty()) FillFExtToCmdH();
00400   return FExtToCmdH.IsKey(FNmExt);
00401 }
00403 void TZipOut::FillFExtToCmdH() {
00404    // 7za compress: "a -y -bd -si{CompressedFNm}"
00405   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00406   const char* ZipCmd = "7z.exe a -y -bd -si";
00407   #else
00408   const char* ZipCmd = "7za a -y -bd -si";
00409   #endif
00410   if (FExtToCmdH.Empty()) {
00411     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".gz",  ZipCmd);
00412     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".7z",  ZipCmd);
00413     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".rar", ZipCmd);
00414     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".zip", ZipCmd);
00415     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".cab", ZipCmd);
00416     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".arj", ZipCmd);
00417     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".bzip2", ZipCmd);
00418     FExtToCmdH.AddDat(".bz2", ZipCmd);
00419   }
00420 }
00422 TStr TZipOut::GetCmd(const TStr& ZipFNm) {
00423   if (FExtToCmdH.Empty()) FillFExtToCmdH();
00424   const TStr Ext = ZipFNm.GetFExt().GetLc();
00425   EAssertR(FExtToCmdH.IsKey(Ext), TStr::Fmt("Unsupported file extension '%s'", Ext.CStr()));
00426   return FExtToCmdH.GetDat(Ext)+ZipFNm.GetFMid();
00427 }