SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference
2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
AddNode(const int &ParentNodeId, const TVal &NodeVal=TVal()) | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
AddRoot(const TVal &NodeVal=TVal()) | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
Clr() | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
CopyTree(const int &SrcNodeId, TTree &DstTree, const int &DstParentNodeId=-1) | TTree< TVal > | |
DelNode(const int &NodeId) | TTree< TVal > | |
GenRandomTree(const int &Nodes, TRnd &Rnd) | TTree< TVal > | |
GetChildNodeId(const int &NodeId, const int &ChildN) const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetChildren(const int &NodeId) const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetMemUsed() const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetNodeIdV(TIntV &NodeIdV, const int &NodeId=0) | TTree< TVal > | |
GetNodes() const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetNodeVal(const int &NodeId) | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetParentNodeId(const int &NodeId) const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetPrimHashCd() const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
GetSecHashCd() const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
LoadXml(const PXmlTok &XmlTok, const TStr &Nm="") | TTree< TVal > | |
NodeV | TTree< TVal > | [private] |
operator<(const TTree &Tree) const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
operator=(const TTree &Tree) | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
operator==(const TTree &Tree) const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
Save(TSOut &SOut) const | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
SaveXml(TSOut &SOut, const TStr &Nm) const | TTree< TVal > | |
TTree() | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
TTree(const TTree &Tree) | TTree< TVal > | [inline] |
TTree(TSIn &SIn) | TTree< TVal > | [inline, explicit] |
WrTree(const int &NodeId=0, const int &Lev=0) | TTree< TVal > |