SNAP Library 2.0, User Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00002 // Approximate Neighborhood Function.
00003 namespace TSnap {
00010 template <class PGraph> void GetAnf(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir, const int& NApprox=32); 
00017 template <class PGraph> void GetAnf(const PGraph& Graph, TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir, const int& NApprox=32);
00020 template <class PGraph> double GetAnfEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const bool& IsDir, const double& Percentile, const int& NApprox);
00023 template <class PGraph> double GetAnfEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int NRuns=1, int NApprox=-1);
00024 } // namespace TSnap
00032 template <class PGraph>
00033 class TGraphAnf {
00034 private:
00035   typedef TVec<uint64> TAnfBitV;
00036   THash<TInt, uint64> NIdToBitPosH;  // NId to byte(!) offset in BitV
00037   TInt NApprox;                      // maintain N parallel approximations (multiple of 8)
00038   TInt NBits, MoreBits, ApproxBytes; // NBits=logNodes+MoreBits;  MoreBits: additional R bits;  ApproxBytes: Approx/8;
00039   PGraph Graph;
00040   TRnd Rnd;
00041 private:
00042   UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TGraphAnf);
00043 public:
00044   TGraphAnf(const PGraph& GraphPt, const int& Approx=32, const int& moreBits=5, const int& RndSeed=0) :
00045     NApprox(Approx), MoreBits(moreBits), Graph(GraphPt), Rnd(RndSeed) { IAssert(NApprox%8==0);  IAssert(sizeof(uint)==4); }
00046   uint64 GetNIdOffset(const int& NId) const { return NIdToBitPosH.GetDat(NId); }
00047   void InitAnfBits(TAnfBitV& BitV);
00048   void Union(TAnfBitV& BitV1, const uint64& NId1Offset, TAnfBitV& BitV2, const uint64& NId2Offset) const;
00049   double AvgLstZero(const TAnfBitV& BitV, const uint64& NIdOffset) const;
00050   double GetCount(const TAnfBitV& BitV, const uint64& NIdOffset) const {
00051     return pow(2.0, AvgLstZero(BitV, NIdOffset)) / 0.77351; }
00057   void GetNodeAnf(const int& SrcNId, TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir);
00063   void GetGraphAnf(TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir);
00064 };
00066 template <class PGraph>
00067 void TGraphAnf<PGraph>::InitAnfBits(TAnfBitV& BitV) {
00068   const int NNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
00069   const int LogNodes = int(ceil(TMath::Log2(NNodes)));
00070   ApproxBytes = NApprox / 8;
00071   NBits = LogNodes + MoreBits; // bits per node
00072   const int BytesPerNd = ApproxBytes * NBits; // total bytes per node
00073   int64 VSize = ((static_cast<int64>(NNodes) * static_cast<int64>(BytesPerNd))/sizeof(uint)) + 1;
00074   IAssertR(VSize <= TInt::Mx,
00075     TStr::Fmt("Your graph is too large for Approximate Neighborhood Function, %s is larger than %d",
00076     TUInt64::GetStr(VSize).CStr(),TInt::Mx));
00077   printf("size %d\n", static_cast<int>(VSize));
00078   BitV.Gen((const int)VSize);  IAssert(BitV.BegI() != NULL);
00079   BitV.PutAll(0);
00080   int SetBit = 0;
00081   uint64 NodeOff = 0;
00082   uchar* BitVPt = (uchar *) BitV.BegI();
00083   // for each node: 1st bits of all approximations are at BitV[Offset+0], 2nd bits at BitV[Offset+NApprox/32], ...
00084   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI != Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00085     NIdToBitPosH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), NodeOff);
00086     // init vertex bits
00087     for (int approx = 0; approx < NApprox; approx++) {
00088       const int RndNum = Rnd.GetUniDevInt();
00089       for (SetBit = 0; (RndNum & (1<<SetBit))==0 && SetBit < NBits; SetBit++) { }
00090       if (SetBit >= NBits) SetBit = NBits-1;
00091       const int BitPos = ApproxBytes * SetBit + approx / 8;
00092       *(BitVPt + NodeOff + BitPos) |= (1<<(approx % 8)); // magically works better than code below (see anf.c)
00093     }
00094     NodeOff += BytesPerNd;
00095   }
00096 }
00098 template <class PGraph>
00099 void TGraphAnf<PGraph>::Union(TAnfBitV& BitV1, const uint64& NId1Offset, TAnfBitV& BitV2, const uint64& NId2Offset) const {
00100   uchar* DstI = (uchar *) BitV1.BegI() + NId1Offset;
00101   uchar* SrcI = (uchar *) BitV2.BegI() + NId2Offset;
00102   for (int b=0; b < ApproxBytes*NBits; b++, DstI++, SrcI++) { *DstI |= *SrcI; }
00103 }
00105 // Average least zero bit position (least significant zero)
00106 template <class PGraph>
00107 double TGraphAnf<PGraph>::AvgLstZero(const TAnfBitV& BitV, const uint64& NIdOffset) const { //average least zero bit position (least significant zero)
00108   int approx, bit, AvgBitPos = 0;
00109   uchar* BitVPt = (uchar *) BitV.BegI();
00110   for (approx = 0; approx < NApprox; approx++) {
00111     for (bit = 0; bit < NBits; bit++) {
00112       if ((*(BitVPt+NIdOffset + ApproxBytes*bit + approx/8) & (1<<(approx%8))) == 0) break; } // found zero
00113     if (bit > NBits) bit = NBits;
00114     AvgBitPos += bit;
00115   }
00116   return AvgBitPos/double(NApprox) ;
00117 }
00119 template <class PGraph>
00120 void TGraphAnf<PGraph>::GetNodeAnf(const int& SrcNId, TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir) {
00121   //const int NNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
00122   TAnfBitV CurBitsV, LastBitsV;
00123   InitAnfBits(CurBitsV);          IAssert(CurBitsV.BegI() != NULL);
00124   LastBitsV.Gen(CurBitsV.Len());  IAssert(LastBitsV.BegI() != NULL);
00125   DistNbrsV.Clr();
00126   DistNbrsV.Add(TIntFltKd(1, Graph->GetNI(SrcNId).GetOutDeg()));
00127   for (int dist = 1; dist < (MxDist==-1 ? TInt::Mx : MxDist); dist++) {
00128     memcpy(LastBitsV.BegI(), CurBitsV.BegI(), sizeof(uint)*CurBitsV.Len()); //LastBitsV = CurBitsV;
00129     for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00130       const uint64 NIdOffset = GetNIdOffset(NI.GetId());
00131       for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
00132         const uint64 NId2Offset = GetNIdOffset(NI.GetOutNId(e));
00133         Union(CurBitsV, NIdOffset,  LastBitsV, NId2Offset);
00134       }
00135       if (! IsDir) {
00136         for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
00137           const uint64 NId2Offset = GetNIdOffset(NI.GetInNId(e));
00138           Union(CurBitsV, NIdOffset,  LastBitsV, NId2Offset);
00139         }
00140       }
00141     }
00142     DistNbrsV.Add(TIntFltKd(dist, GetCount(CurBitsV, GetNIdOffset(SrcNId))));
00143     if (DistNbrsV.Len() > 1 && DistNbrsV.Last().Dat < 1.001*DistNbrsV[DistNbrsV.Len()-2].Dat) break; // 0.1%  change
00144   }
00145 }
00147 template <class PGraph>
00148 void TGraphAnf<PGraph>::GetGraphAnf(TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir) {
00149   TAnfBitV CurBitsV, LastBitsV;
00150   InitAnfBits(CurBitsV);          IAssert(CurBitsV.BegI() != NULL);
00151   LastBitsV.Gen(CurBitsV.Len());  IAssert(LastBitsV.BegI() != NULL);
00152   int v, e;
00153   double NPairs = 0.0;
00154   DistNbrsV.Clr();
00155   DistNbrsV.Add(TIntFltKd(0, Graph->GetNodes()));
00156   DistNbrsV.Add(TIntFltKd(1, Graph->GetEdges()));
00157   //TExeTm ExeTm;
00158   for (int dist = 2; dist < (MxDist==-1 ? TInt::Mx : MxDist); dist++) {
00159     //printf("ANF dist %d...", dist);  ExeTm.Tick();
00160     memcpy(LastBitsV.BegI(), CurBitsV.BegI(), sizeof(uint)*CurBitsV.Len()); //LastBitsV = CurBitsV;
00161     for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00162       const uint64 NIdOffset = GetNIdOffset(NI.GetId());
00163       for (e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
00164         const uint64 NId2Offset = GetNIdOffset(NI.GetOutNId(e));
00165         Union(CurBitsV, NIdOffset,  LastBitsV, NId2Offset);
00166       }
00167       if (! IsDir) {
00168         for (e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
00169           const uint64 NId2Offset = GetNIdOffset(NI.GetInNId(e));
00170           Union(CurBitsV, NIdOffset,  LastBitsV, NId2Offset);
00171         }
00172       }
00173     }
00174     NPairs = 0.0;
00175     for (v = NIdToBitPosH.FFirstKeyId(); NIdToBitPosH.FNextKeyId(v); ) {
00176       NPairs += GetCount(CurBitsV, NIdToBitPosH[v]);
00177     }
00178     DistNbrsV.Add(TIntFltKd(dist, NPairs));
00179     //printf("pairs: %g  %s\n", NPairs, ExeTm.GetTmStr());
00180     if (NPairs == 0) { break; }
00181     if (DistNbrsV.Len() > 1 && NPairs < 1.001*DistNbrsV.LastLast().Dat) { break; } // 0.1%  change
00182     //TGnuPlot::SaveTs(DistNbrsV, "", "HOPS, REACHABLE PAIRS");
00183   }
00184 }
00186 // Approximate Neighborhood Function
00187 namespace TSnap {
00189 namespace TSnapDetail {
00191 double CalcEffDiam(const TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsCdfV, const double& Percentile=0.9);
00193 double CalcEffDiam(const TFltPrV& DistNbrsCdfV, const double& Percentile=0.9);
00195 double CalcEffDiamPdf(const TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsPdfV, const double& Percentile=0.9);
00197 double CalcEffDiamPdf(const TFltPrV& DistNbrsPdfV, const double& Percentile=0.9);
00199 double CalcAvgDiamPdf(const TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsPdfV);
00201 double CalcAvgDiamPdf(const TFltPrV& DistNbrsPdfV);
00202 } // TSnapDetail
00204 template <class PGraph>
00205 void GetAnf(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir, const int& NApprox) {
00206   TGraphAnf<PGraph> Anf(Graph, NApprox, 5, 0);
00207   Anf.GetNodeAnf(SrcNId, DistNbrsV, MxDist, IsDir);
00208 }
00210 template <class PGraph>
00211 void GetAnf(const PGraph& Graph, TIntFltKdV& DistNbrsV, const int& MxDist, const bool& IsDir, const int& NApprox) {
00212   TGraphAnf<PGraph> Anf(Graph, NApprox, 5, 0);
00213   Anf.GetGraphAnf(DistNbrsV, MxDist, IsDir);
00214 }
00216 template <class PGraph>
00217 double GetAnfEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const bool& IsDir, const double& Percentile, const int& NApprox) {
00218   TIntFltKdV DistNbrsV;
00219   TGraphAnf<PGraph> Anf(Graph, NApprox, 5, 0);
00220   Anf.GetGraphAnf(DistNbrsV, -1, IsDir);
00221   return TSnap::TSnapDetail::CalcEffDiam(DistNbrsV, Percentile);
00222 }
00224 template<class PGraph>
00225 double GetAnfEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int NRuns, int NApprox) {
00226   //return TSnap::GetEffDiam(Graph, IsDir, 0.9, 32);
00227   TMom Mom;
00228   if (NApprox == -1) {
00229     if (Graph->GetNodes() < 100000) { NApprox = 64; }
00230     else if (Graph->GetNodes() < 1000000) { NApprox = 32; }
00231     else { NApprox = 16; }
00232   }
00233   const bool IsDir = false;
00234   for (int r = 0; r < NRuns; r++) {
00235     Mom.Add(TSnap::GetAnfEffDiam(Graph, IsDir, 0.9, NApprox));
00236   }
00237   Mom.Def();
00238   return Mom.GetMean();
00239 }
00241 template <class PGraph> void TestAnf() {
00242   PGraph Graph = PGraph::TObj::New();
00243   //Graph:
00244   //  0    2 ----> 3
00245   //       ^       |
00246   //       |       |
00247   //       |       ^
00248   //  1    5 <---- 4
00249   for (int v = 0; v < 6; v++) { Graph->AddNode(v); }
00250   Graph->AddEdge(2, 3);
00251   Graph->AddEdge(3, 4);
00252   Graph->AddEdge(4, 5);
00253   Graph->AddEdge(5, 2);
00254   TFltV AnfV;
00255   for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
00256     TGraphAnf<PGraph> Anf(Graph, 128, 5, t+1);
00257     TIntFltKdV DistToNbrsV;
00258     Anf.GetGraphAnf(DistToNbrsV, 5, true);
00259     printf("\n--seed: %d---------------------\n", t+1);
00260     for (int i = 0; i < DistToNbrsV.Len(); i++) {
00261       printf("dist: %d\t hops:%f\n", DistToNbrsV[i].Key(), DistToNbrsV[i].Dat());
00262     }
00263     AnfV.Add(DistToNbrsV.Last().Dat);
00264   }
00265   TMom Mom(AnfV);
00266   printf("-----------\nAvgAnf: %f  StDev:  %f\n", Mom.GetMean(), Mom.GetSDev());//*/
00267   // const int NApprox = 32;
00268   /*printf("\nANF vs. SAMPLE diam test (10 runs of ANF, NApprox=%d):\n", NApprox);
00269   //Graph = TGGen<PGraph>::GenGrid(20, 20);
00270   Graph = TGAlg::GetMxWcc(TGGen<PGraph>::GenRnd(1000, 10000));
00271   TFltV FullAnf, EffAnf;
00272   for (int tryn = 0; tryn < 10; tryn++) {
00273     FullAnf.Add(GetEffDiam(Graph, false, 1.0, NApprox));
00274     EffAnf.Add(GetEffDiam(Graph, false, 0.9, NApprox));
00275   }
00276   TMom FullMom(FullAnf);
00277   TMom AnfMom(EffAnf);
00278   printf("  Sample FullDiam:      %d\n", TGAlg::GetBfsFullDiam(Graph, 100, false));
00279   printf("  Anf    FullDiam:      %f  [%f]\n", FullMom.GetMean(), FullMom.GetSDev());
00280   printf("  Sample EffDiam [90%%]: %f\n", TGAlg::GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, 100, false));
00281   printf("  Anf    EffDiam [90%%]: %f  [%f]\n", AnfMom.GetMean(), AnfMom.GetSDev());
00282   // epinions
00283   printf("\nEpinions graph:\n");
00284   { typedef PNGraph PGraph;
00285   PGraph G = TGGen<PGraph>::GenEpinions();
00286   TIntFltKdV DistToPairsV;
00287   GetAnf(G, DistToPairsV, 50, true);
00288   for(int i = 0; i < DistToPairsV.Len(); i++) {
00289     printf("\t%d\t%f\n", DistToPairsV[i].Key, DistToPairsV[i].Dat); }
00290   printf("\nUndir\n");
00291   TAnf<PGraph>::GetAnf(G, DistToPairsV, 50, false);
00292   for(int j = 0; j < DistToPairsV.Len(); j++) {
00293     printf("\t%d\t%f\n", DistToPairsV[j].Key, DistToPairsV[j].Dat); }
00294   }//*/
00295 }
00297 } // namespace TSnap