SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
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00002 // Wide-Char
00003 class TWCh{
00004 private:
00005   uchar MsVal;
00006   uchar LsVal;
00007 public:
00008   static const TWCh Mn;
00009   static const TWCh Mx;
00010   static const int Vals;
00012   TWCh(): MsVal(0), LsVal(0){}
00013   TWCh(const uchar& _LsVal): MsVal(0), LsVal(_LsVal){}
00014   TWCh(const uchar& _MsVal, const uchar& _LsVal):
00015     MsVal(_MsVal), LsVal(_LsVal){}
00016   TWCh(const int& _MsVal, const int& _LsVal):
00017     MsVal(uchar(_MsVal)), LsVal(uchar(_LsVal)){}
00018   operator char() const {return LsVal;}
00019   TWCh(TSIn& SIn){SIn.Load(MsVal); SIn.Load(LsVal);}
00020   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const {SOut.Save(MsVal); SOut.Save(MsVal);}
00022   TWCh& operator=(const TWCh& WCh){
00023     MsVal=WCh.MsVal; LsVal=WCh.LsVal; return *this;}
00024   bool operator==(const TWCh& WCh) const {
00025     return (MsVal==WCh.MsVal)&&(LsVal==WCh.LsVal);}
00026   bool operator<(const TWCh& WCh) const {
00027     return (MsVal<WCh.MsVal)||((MsVal==WCh.MsVal)&&(LsVal<WCh.LsVal));}
00028   int GetMemUsed() const {return sizeof(MsVal)+sizeof(LsVal);}
00030   int GetPrimHashCd() const {return LsVal;}
00031   int GetSecHashCd() const {return MsVal;}
00033   char GetCh() const {
00034     if (MsVal==TCh::NullCh){return LsVal;} else {return '#';}}
00036   static TWCh LoadTxt(const PSIn& SIn){
00037     uchar LsVal=SIn->GetCh(); uchar MsVal=SIn->GetCh();
00038     return TWCh(MsVal, LsVal);}
00039   void SaveTxt(const PSOut& SOut) const {
00040     SOut->PutCh(MsVal); SOut->PutCh(LsVal);}
00042   static const TWCh StartWCh;
00043   static const TWCh TabWCh;
00044   static const TWCh LfWCh;
00045   static const TWCh CrWCh;
00046   static const TWCh SpaceWCh;
00047 };
00048 typedef TVec<TWCh> TWChV;
00051 // Wide-Char-Array
00052 class TWChA{
00053 private:
00054   TWChV WChV;
00055   void AddCStr(const char* CStr);
00056   void PutCStr(const char* CStr);
00057 public:
00058   TWChA(const int& MxWChs=0): WChV(MxWChs, 0){}
00059   TWChA(const TWChA& WChA): WChV(WChA.WChV){}
00060   TWChA(const TWChV& _WChV): WChV(_WChV){}
00061   TWChA(const char* CStr): WChV(){PutCStr(CStr);}
00062   TWChA(const TChA& ChA): WChV(){PutCStr(ChA.CStr());}
00063   TWChA(const TStr& Str): WChV(){PutCStr(Str.CStr());}
00064   ~TWChA(){}
00065   TWChA(TSIn& SIn): WChV(SIn){}
00066   void Save(TSOut& SOut){WChV.Save(SOut);}
00068   TWChA& operator=(const TWChA& WChA){
00069     if (this!=&WChA){WChV=WChA.WChV;} return *this;}
00070   TWChA& operator=(const char* CStr){PutCStr(CStr); return *this;}
00071   TWChA& operator=(const TChA& ChA){PutCStr(ChA.CStr()); return *this;}
00072   TWChA& operator=(const TStr& Str){PutCStr(Str.CStr()); return *this;}
00073   bool operator==(const TWChA& WChA) const {return WChV==WChA.WChV;}
00074   bool operator==(const char* CStr) const {return strcmp(GetStr().CStr(), CStr)!=0;}
00075   TWChA& operator+=(const char& Ch){WChV.Add(TWCh(Ch)); return *this;}
00076   TWChA& operator+=(const TWCh& WCh){WChV.Add(WCh); return *this;}
00077   TWChA& operator+=(const char* CStr){AddCStr(CStr); return *this;}
00078   TWChA& operator+=(const TChA& ChA){AddCStr(ChA.CStr()); return *this;}
00079   TWChA& operator+=(const TStr& Str){AddCStr(Str.CStr()); return *this;}
00080   TWChA& operator+=(const TWChA& WChA){WChV.AddV(WChA.WChV); return *this;}
00081   TWCh operator[](const int& ChN) const {return WChV[ChN];}
00082   int GetMemUsed(){return WChV.GetMemUsed();}
00084   void Clr(){WChV.Clr();}
00085   int Len() const {return WChV.Len();}
00086   bool Empty() const {return WChV.Empty();}
00087   TStr GetStr() const;
00089   void GetSubWChA(const int& BChN, const int& EChN, TWChA& WChA) const {
00090     WChV.GetSubValV(BChN, EChN, WChA.WChV);}
00091   void InsStr(const int& BChN, const TStr& Str);
00092   void DelSubStr(const int& BChN, const int& EChN);
00093   bool DelStr(const TStr& Str);
00094   void SplitOnCh(TStr& LStr, const char& SplitCh, TStr& RStr) const;
00096   int SearchCh(const TWCh& WCh, const int& BChN=0) const {
00097     return WChV.SearchForw(WCh, BChN);}
00098   int SearchStr(const TWChA& WChA, const int& BChN=0) const {
00099     return WChV.SearchVForw(WChA.WChV, BChN);}
00100   bool IsChIn(const char& Ch) const {return SearchCh(Ch)!=-1;}
00101   bool IsStrIn(const TWChA& WChA) const {return SearchStr(WChA)!=-1;}
00102   bool IsPrefix(const TWChA& WChA) const {
00103     TWChV SubWChV; WChV.GetSubValV(0, WChA.Len()-1, SubWChV);
00104     return SubWChV==WChA.WChV;}
00105   bool IsSufix(const TWChA& WChA) const {
00106     TWChV SubWChV; WChV.GetSubValV(Len()-WChA.Len(), Len()-1, SubWChV);
00107     return SubWChV==WChA.WChV;}
00108   int ChangeStr(const TStr& SrcStr, const TStr& DstStr, const int& BChN=0);
00109   int ChangeStrAll(const TStr& SrcStr, const TStr& DstStr);
00111   static void LoadTxt(const PSIn& SIn, TWChA& WChA);
00112   void SaveTxt(const PSOut& SOut) const;
00114   static TWChA EmptyWChA;
00115 };