SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00003 class TGUtil {
00004 public:
00005   static void GetCdf(const TIntPrV& PdfV, TIntPrV& CdfV);
00006   static void GetCdf(const TFltPrV& PdfV, TFltPrV& CdfV);
00007   static void GetCdf(const TIntFltKdV& PdfV, TIntFltKdV& CdfV);
00008   static TIntPrV GetCdf(const TIntPrV& PdfV);
00009   static TFltPrV GetCdf(const TFltPrV& PdfV);
00011   static void GetCCdf(const TIntPrV& PdfV, TIntPrV& CCdfV);
00012   static void GetCCdf(const TFltPrV& PdfV, TFltPrV& CCdfV);
00013   static void GetCCdf(const TIntFltKdV& PdfV, TIntFltKdV& CCdfV);
00014   static TIntPrV GetCCdf(const TIntPrV& PdfV);
00015   static TFltPrV GetCCdf(const TFltPrV& PdfV);
00017   static void GetPdf(const TIntPrV& CdfV, TIntPrV& PdfV);
00018   static void GetPdf(const TFltPrV& CdfV, TFltPrV& PdfV);
00019   static void GetPdf(const TIntFltKdV& CdfV, TIntFltKdV& PdfV);
00021   static void Normalize(TFltPrV& PdfV);
00022   static void Normalize(TIntFltKdV& PdfV);
00024   static void MakeExpBins(const TFltPrV& XYValV, TFltPrV& ExpXYValV,
00025     const double& BinFactor = 2, const double& MinYVal = 1);
00026   static void MakeExpBins(const TFltKdV& XYValV, TFltKdV& ExpXYValV,
00027     const double& BinFactor = 2, const double& MinYVal = 1);
00028   static void MakeExpBins(const TFltV& YValV, TFltV& ExpYValV, const double& BinFactor = 1.01);
00029   static void MakeExpBins(const TIntV& YValV, TIntV& ExpYValV, const double& BinFactor = 1.01);
00030 };
00032 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00034 class TStrUtil {
00035 public:
00036   static TChA& GetXmlTagVal(TXmlLx& XmlLx, const TChA& TagNm);
00037   static void GetXmlTagNmVal(TXmlLx& XmlLx, TChA& TagNm, TChA& TagVal);
00038   static bool GetXmlTagNmVal2(TXmlLx& XmlLx, TChA& TagNm, TChA& TagVal, const bool& TakeTagNms);
00039   static TChA GetDomNm(const TChA& UrlChA);  //
00040   static TChA GetDomNm2(const TChA& UrlChA); // also strip starting www.
00041   static TChA GetWebsiteNm(const TChA& UrlChA); // get website (GetDomNm2 or blog url)
00042   static bool GetNormalizedUrl(const TChA& UrlIn, const TChA& BaseUrl, TChA& UrlOut);
00043   static bool StripEnd(const TChA& Str, const TChA& SearchStr, TChA& NewStr);
00045   static TChA GetShorStr(const TChA& LongStr, const int MaxLen=50);
00046   static TChA GetCleanStr(const TChA& ChA);
00047   static TChA GetCleanWrdStr(const TChA& ChA);
00048   static int CountWords(const char* CStr);
00049   static int CountWords(const TChA& ChA);
00050   static int CountWords(const TChA& ChA, const TStrHash<TInt>& StopWordH);
00051   static int SplitWords(TChA& ChA, TVec<char *>& WrdV, const bool& SplitOnWs=true);
00052   static int SplitOnCh(TChA& ChA, TVec<char *>& WrdV, const char& Ch, const bool& SkipEmpty=false);
00053   static int SplitLines(TChA& ChA, TVec<char *>& LineV, const bool& SkipEmpty=false);
00054   static int SplitSentences(TChA& ChA, TVec<char *>& SentenceV);
00055   static void RemoveHtmlTags(const TChA& HtmlStr, TChA& TextStr);
00056   static bool IsLatinStr(const TChA& Str, const double& MinAlFrac);
00057   static void GetWIdV(const TStrHash<TInt>& StrH, const char *CStr, TIntV& WIdV);
00058   static void GetAddWIdV(TStrHash<TInt>& StrH, const char *CStr, TIntV& WIdV);
00060   static bool GetTmFromStr(const char* TmStr, TSecTm& Tm);
00063   static TStr GetStdName(TStr AuthorName);
00065   static void GetStdNameV(TStr AuthorNames, TStrV& StdNameV);
00066 };
00068 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00071 #if defined(GLib_UNIX)
00073 static int WriteN(int fd, char *ptr, int nbytes) {
00074   int nleft;
00075   int nwritten;
00077   nleft = nbytes;
00078   while (nleft > 0) {
00079     nwritten = write(fd, ptr, nleft);
00080     if (nwritten <= 0) {
00081       return nwritten;
00082     }
00083     nleft -= nwritten;
00084     ptr += nwritten;
00085   }
00086   return (nbytes-nleft);
00087 }
00090 template <class TVal, class TSizeTy>
00091 int SendVec(const TVec<TVal, TSizeTy>& V, int FileDesc) {
00092   int l;
00093   int n;
00094   TSizeTy Vals;
00095   int ChunkSize = 25600;
00097   Vals = V.Len();
00099   l = 0;
00100   l += WriteN(FileDesc, (char *) &Vals, (int) sizeof(TSizeTy));
00101   l += WriteN(FileDesc, (char *) &Vals, (int) sizeof(TSizeTy));
00102   for (TSizeTy ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN += ChunkSize) {
00103     n = ChunkSize;
00104     if ((Vals - ValN) < ChunkSize) {
00105       n = Vals - ValN;
00106     }
00107     l += WriteN(FileDesc, (char *) &V[ValN], (int) (n*sizeof(TVal)));
00108   }
00109   return l;
00110 }
00111 #endif