SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #ifndef bd_h
00002 #define bd_h
00005 // Basic-Macro-Definitions
00006 #define forever for(;;)
00009 // Basic-Type-Definitions
00010 typedef unsigned char uchar;
00011 typedef unsigned int uint;
00012 typedef unsigned long ulong;
00013 typedef unsigned short ushort;
00015 typedef float sdouble;
00016 typedef long double ldouble;
00017 typedef FILE* TFileId;
00019 typedef char int8;
00020 typedef short int16;
00021 typedef int int32;
00022 #ifdef GLib_WIN32
00023 typedef __int64 int64;
00024 #elif defined(GLib_GLIBC)
00025 typedef int64_t int64;
00026 #else
00027 typedef long long int64;
00028 #endif
00030 typedef unsigned char uint8;
00031 typedef unsigned short uint16;
00032 typedef unsigned int uint32;
00033 #ifdef GLib_WIN32
00034 typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
00035 #elif defined(GLib_GLIBC)
00036 typedef u_int64_t uint64;
00037 #else
00038 typedef unsigned long long uint64;
00039 #endif
00041 #if (!defined(__ssize_t_defined) && !defined(GLib_MACOSX))
00042 typedef ptrdiff_t ssize_t;
00043 #endif
00045 #if defined(GLib_UNIX)
00046 #define _isnan(x) isnan(x)
00047 #if defined(GLib_MACOSX)
00048   #define _finite(x) isfinite(x)
00049 #else
00050   #define _finite(x) finite(x)
00051 #endif
00052 #endif
00054 #if defined(GLib_WIN32)
00055 #define _vsnprintf vsnprintf
00056 #endif
00058 typedef size_t TSize;
00059 #define TSizeMx SIZE_MAX
00062 // Localization
00063 typedef enum {lUndef, lUs, lSi} TLoc;
00066 // Messages
00067 void WrNotify(const char* CaptionCStr, const char* NotifyCStr);
00068 void SaveToErrLog(const char* MsgCStr);
00070 inline void InfoNotify(const char* NotifyCStr){
00071   WrNotify("Information", NotifyCStr);}
00072 inline void WarnNotify(const char* NotifyCStr){
00073   WrNotify("Warning", NotifyCStr);}
00074 inline void ErrNotify(const char* NotifyCStr){
00075   WrNotify("Error", NotifyCStr);}
00076 inline void StatNotify(const char* NotifyCStr){
00077   WrNotify("Status", NotifyCStr);}
00080 // Compiler-Options
00081 #if defined (GLib_WIN)
00082   #define snprintf _snprintf
00083   #define vsnprintf  _vsnprintf
00084   // disable warning 'debug symbol greater than 255 chars'
00085   #pragma warning(disable: 4786)
00086   // disable warning 'return type for 'identifier::operator->'
00087   // is not a UDT or reference to a UDT.
00088   //#pragma warning(disable: 4284)
00089   // 'declaration' : function differs from 'declaration'
00090   // only by calling convention
00091   //#pragma warning(disable: 4666)
00092   #pragma warning(disable: 4996)
00093 #endif
00095 #if defined (GLib_GCC)
00096   #define _CONSOLE
00097 #endif
00099 // use console output if console already exists, otherwise
00100 // define GLib_COUT to use console (class COut)
00101 #if defined(_CONSOLE)||defined(__CONSOLE__)
00102   #define GLib_Console
00103 #endif
00105 // create console if want to output but there is no console allocated
00106 #if defined(GLib_Console) && (! (defined(__CONSOLE__)||defined(_CONSOLE)))
00107   #define GLib_CreateConsole
00108 #endif
00111 // Class-Definition
00112 #define ClassT(TNm) \
00113 class TNm{
00115 #define ClassTV(TNm, TNmV) \
00116 class TNm; \
00117 typedef TVec<TNm> TNmV; \
00118 class TNm{
00120 #define ClassTVQ(TNm, TNmV, TNmQ) \
00121 class TNm; \
00122 typedef TVec<TNm> TNmV; \
00123 typedef TQQueue<TNm> TNmQ; \
00124 class TNm{
00126 #define ClassTP(TNm, PNm) \
00127 class TNm; \
00128 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm; \
00129 class TNm{ \
00130 private: \
00131   TCRef CRef; \
00132 public: \
00133   friend class TPt<TNm>;
00135 #define ClassHdTP(TNm, PNm) \
00136 class TNm; \
00137 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm;
00139 #define ClassTPE(TNm, PNm, ENm) \
00140 class TNm; \
00141 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm; \
00142 class TNm: public ENm{ \
00143 private: \
00144   TCRef CRef; \
00145 public: \
00146   friend class TPt<TNm>;
00148 #define ClassTPEE(TNm, PNm, ENm1, ENm2) \
00149 class TNm; \
00150 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm; \
00151 class TNm: public ENm1, public ENm2{ \
00152 private: \
00153   TCRef CRef; \
00154 public: \
00155   friend class TPt<TNm>;
00157 #define ClassTE(TNm, ENm) \
00158 class TNm; \
00159 class TNm: public ENm{ \
00160 public: \
00162 #define ClassTPV(TNm, PNm, TNmV) \
00163 class TNm; \
00164 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm; \
00165 typedef TVec<PNm> TNmV; \
00166 class TNm{ \
00167 private: \
00168   TCRef CRef; \
00169 public: \
00170   friend class TPt<TNm>;
00172 #define ClassHdTPV(TNm, PNm, TNmV) \
00173 class TNm; \
00174 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm; \
00175 typedef TVec<PNm> TNmV;
00177 #define ClassTPVL(TNm, PNm, TNmV, TNmL, TNmLN) \
00178 class TNm; \
00179 typedef TPt<TNm> PNm; \
00180 typedef TVec<PNm> TNmV; \
00181 typedef TLst<PNm> TNmL; \
00182 typedef TLstNd<PNm>* TNmLN; \
00183 class TNm{ \
00184 private: \
00185   TCRef CRef; \
00186 public: \
00187   friend class TPt<TNm>;
00190 // Forward-Definitions
00191 class TSIn;
00192 class TSOut;
00193 class TStr;
00194 class TXmlObjSer;
00195 class TXmlObjSerTagNm;
00196 template <class TRec> class TPt;
00197 ClassHdTP(TXmlTok, PXmlTok)
00198 ClassHdTP(TExcept, PExcept)
00199 ClassHdTP(TXmlDoc, PXmlDoc)
00202 // DefaultConstructor/CopyConstructor/AssignmentOperator-UnDefinition
00203 #define UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TNm) \
00204 private: \
00205   TNm(){} \
00206   TNm(const TNm&); \
00207   TNm& operator=(const TNm&)
00209 #define UndefCopyAssign(TNm) \
00210 private: \
00211   TNm(const TNm&); \
00212   TNm& operator=(const TNm&)
00214 #define UndefCopy(TNm) \
00215 private: \
00216   TNm(const TNm&)
00218 #define UndefAssign(TNm) \
00219 private: \
00220   TNm& operator=(const TNm&)
00223 // Assertions
00224 class TOnExeStop{
00225 private:
00226   typedef bool (*TOnExeStopF)(char* MsgCStr);
00227   static TOnExeStopF OnExeStopF;
00228 public:
00229   static bool IsOnExeStopF(){return OnExeStopF!=NULL;}
00230   static void PutOnExeStopF(TOnExeStopF _OnExeStopF){OnExeStopF=_OnExeStopF;}
00231   static TOnExeStopF GetOnExeStopF(){return OnExeStopF;}
00232 };
00234 void ExeStop(
00235  const char* MsgStr, const char* ReasonStr,
00236  const char* CondStr, const char* FNm, const int& LnN);
00238 #define Fail ExeStop(NULL, NULL, "Fail", __FILE__, __LINE__)
00240 #define FailR(Reason) ExeStop((Reason), NULL, "Fail", __FILE__, __LINE__)
00241 #define FailRA(Reason, ArgStr) \
00242   ExeStop((TStr(Reason)+" ("+ArgStr+")").CStr(), NULL, "Fail", __FILE__, __LINE__)
00244 #define EFail TExcept::ThrowFull("", TStr("[")+ TStr(__FILE__) + " line " + TInt::GetStr(__LINE__) + "]")
00246 #define EFailR(Reason) TExcept::ThrowFull(Reason, TStr("[")+TStr(__FILE__)+" line "+TInt::GetStr(__LINE__)+"]")
00248 #ifdef NDEBUG
00249 #define Assert(Cond)
00250 #else
00251 #define Assert(Cond) \
00252   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : ExeStop(NULL, NULL, #Cond, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00253 #endif
00255 #ifdef NDEBUG
00256 #define AssertR(Cond, Reason)
00257 #else
00258 #define AssertR(Cond, Reason) ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : \
00259   ExeStop(NULL, TStr(Reason).CStr(), #Cond, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00260 #endif
00262 #define IAssert(Cond) \
00263   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : ExeStop(NULL, NULL, #Cond, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00265 #define IAssertR(Cond, Reason) \
00266   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : ExeStop(NULL, TStr(Reason).CStr(), #Cond, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00268 #define WAssert(Cond, MsgCStr) \
00269   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : WarnNotify(MsgCStr))
00271 #define SAssert(Cond) \
00272   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : ExeStop(TSysStr::GetLastMsgCStr(), NULL, #Cond, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00274 #define FAssert(Cond, MsgCStr) \
00275   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : ExeStop(TStr(MsgCStr).CStr(), NULL, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00277 #define FSAssert(Cond) \
00278   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : ExeStop(TSysStr::GetLastMsgCStr(), NULL, NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__))
00280 #define EAssert(Cond) \
00281   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : TExcept::ThrowFull(#Cond, TStr(__FILE__) + " line " + TInt::GetStr(__LINE__) +": "+ TStr(#Cond)))
00283 #define EAssertR(Cond, MsgStr) \
00284   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : TExcept::ThrowFull(MsgStr, TStr(__FILE__)+" line "+TInt::GetStr(__LINE__)+": "+TStr(#Cond)))
00286 #define EAssertRA(Cond, MsgStr, ArgStr) \
00287   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : TExcept::Throw(MsgStr, ArgStr))
00289 #define EAssertRAA(Cond, MsgStr, ArgStr1, ArgStr2) \
00290   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : TExcept::Throw(MsgStr, ArgStr1, ArgStr2))
00292 #define ESAssert(Cond) \
00293   ((Cond) ? static_cast<void>(0) : TExcept::Throw(TSysStr::GetLastMsgCStr(), \
00294   TStr(__FILE__) + " line " + TInt::GetStr(__LINE__) +": "+ TStr(#Cond)))
00296 // compile time assert
00297 // #define STATIC_ASSERT(x) { const char temp[ (((x) == 0) ? 0 : 1) ] = {'\0'}; }
00298 template <bool BoolVal> struct TStaticAssert;
00299 template <> struct TStaticAssert<true> { enum { value = 1 }; };
00300 template<int IntVal> struct TStaticAssertTest{};
00302 #define CAssert(Cond) \
00303   { typedef TStaticAssertTest<sizeof(TStaticAssert<(Cond)==0?false:true>)> TestStaticAssert; }
00306 // Xml-Object-Serialization
00307 template <class TRec>
00308 bool IsXLoadFromFileOk(const TStr& FNm, const TStr& Nm, TRec& Rec, TStr& MsgStr);
00309 template <class TRec>
00310 void XLoadFromFile(const TStr& FNm, const TStr& Nm, TRec& Rec);
00312 #define XLoadHd(Nm) \
00313   {TStr TypeNm=TXmlObjSer::GetTagNm(TStr(typeid(*this).name())); \
00314   TXmlObjSer::AssertXmlHd(XmlTok, Nm, TypeNm);}
00315 #define XLoad(Nm) \
00316   Nm.LoadXml(XmlTok->GetTagTok(#Nm), #Nm);
00318 #define XSaveHd(Nm) \
00319   TStr _TypeNm=TXmlObjSer::GetTagNm(TStr(typeid(*this).name())); \
00320   TXmlObjSerTagNm XmlObjSerTagNm(SOut, false, Nm, _TypeNm);
00321 #define XSaveHdArg(Nm, ArgNm, ArgVal) \
00322   TStr _TypeNm=TXmlObjSer::GetTagNm(TStr(typeid(*this).name())); \
00323   TXmlObjSerTagNm XmlObjSerTagNm(SOut, false, Nm, _TypeNm, ArgNm, ArgVal);
00324 #define XSaveBETag(Nm) \
00325   TStr _TypeNm=TXmlObjSer::GetTagNm(TStr(typeid(*this).name())); \
00326   TXmlObjSerTagNm XmlObjSerTagNm(SOut, true, Nm, _TypeNm);
00327 #define XSaveBETagArg(Nm, ArgNm, ArgVal) \
00328   TStr _TypeNm=TXmlObjSer::GetTagNm(TStr(typeid(*this).name())); \
00329   TXmlObjSerTagNm XmlObjSerTagNm(SOut, true, Nm, _TypeNm, ArgNm, ArgVal);
00330 #define XSaveBETagArg4(Nm, ArgNm1, ArgVal1, ArgNm2, ArgVal2, ArgNm3, ArgVal3, ArgNm4, ArgVal4) \
00331   TStr _TypeNm=TXmlObjSer::GetTagNm(TStr(typeid(*this).name())); \
00332   TXmlObjSerTagNm XmlObjSerTagNm(SOut, true, Nm, _TypeNm, ArgNm1, ArgVal1, ArgNm2, ArgVal2, ArgNm3, ArgVal3, ArgNm4, ArgVal4);
00333 #define XSave(Nm) \
00334   Nm.SaveXml(SOut, #Nm)
00335 #define XSaveToFile(Nm, FNm) \
00336   {TFOut SOut(FNm); Nm.SaveXml(SOut, #Nm);}
00339 // Basic-Operators
00340 typedef enum {loUndef, loNot, loAnd, loOr} TLogOp;
00341 typedef enum {roUndef, roLs, roLEq, roEq, roNEq, roGEq, roGt} TRelOp;
00344 // Comparation-Macros
00345 #ifndef min
00346   #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
00347 #endif
00349 #ifndef max
00350   #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
00351 #endif
00354 // Comparator-Definitions
00355 template<class T>
00356 class TEq{
00357 public:
00358   bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const {return x==y;}
00359 };
00361 template<class T>
00362 class TNEq{
00363 public:
00364   bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const {return x!=y;}
00365 };
00367 template<class T>
00368 class TLss{
00369 public:
00370   bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const {return x<y;}
00371   int Cmp(const T& d1, const T& d2) const {
00372     if (d1<d2){return -1;}
00373     else if (d2<d1){return 1;}
00374     else {return 0;}
00375   }
00376 };
00378 template<class T>
00379 class TLEq{
00380 public:
00381   bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const {return x<=y;}
00382 };
00384 template<class T>
00385 class TGtr{
00386 public:
00387   bool operator() (const T& x, const T& y) const { return x>y; }
00388   int Cmp(const T& d1, const T& d2) const { //** vprasaj Janeza za uporabo
00389     if (d1<d2){return 1;}
00390     else if (d2<d1){return -1;}
00391     else {return 0;}
00392   }
00393 };
00395 template<class T>
00396 class TGEq{
00397 public:
00398   bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const {return x>=y;}
00399 };
00401 template<class T>
00402 class TCmp{
00403 public:
00404   int operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const {
00405     if (x < y){return -1;}
00406     else if (x > y){return 1;}
00407     else {return 0;}
00408   }
00409 };
00412 // Operator-Definitions
00413 template <class TRec>
00414 bool operator!=(const TRec& Rec1, const TRec& Rec2){return !(Rec1==Rec2);}
00416 template <class TRec>
00417 bool operator>(const TRec& Rec1, const TRec& Rec2){return Rec2<Rec1;}
00419 template <class TRec>
00420 bool operator<=(const TRec& Rec1, const TRec& Rec2){return !(Rec2<Rec1);}
00422 template <class TRec>
00423 bool operator>=(const TRec& Rec1, const TRec& Rec2){return !(Rec1<Rec2);}
00425 template <class TRec>
00426 bool Cmp(const int& RelOp, const TRec& Rec1, const TRec& Rec2){
00427   switch (RelOp){
00428     case roLs: return Rec1<Rec2;
00429     case roLEq: return Rec1<=Rec2;
00430     case roEq: return Rec1==Rec2;
00431     case roNEq: return Rec1!=Rec2;
00432     case roGEq: return Rec1>=Rec2;
00433     case roGt: return Rec1>Rec2;
00434     default: Fail; return false;
00435   }
00436 }
00439 // Reference-Count
00440 class TCRef{
00441 private:
00442   int Refs;
00443 private:
00444   TCRef& operator=(const TCRef&);
00445   TCRef(const TCRef&);
00446 public:
00447   TCRef(): Refs(0){}
00448   ~TCRef(){Assert(Refs==0);}
00450   void MkRef(){Refs++;}
00451   void UnRef(){Assert(Refs>0); Refs--;}
00452   bool NoRef() const {return Refs==0;}
00453   int GetRefs() const {return Refs;}
00454 };
00457 // Smart-Pointer-With-Reference-Count
00458 template <class TRec>
00459 class TPt{
00460 public:
00461   typedef TRec TObj;
00462 private:
00463   TRec* Addr;
00464   void MkRef() const {
00465     if (Addr!=NULL){
00466       Addr->CRef.MkRef();
00467     }
00468   }
00469   void UnRef() const {
00470     if (Addr!=NULL){
00471       Addr->CRef.UnRef();
00472       if (Addr->CRef.NoRef()){delete Addr;}
00473     }
00474   }
00475 public:
00476   TPt(): Addr(NULL){}
00477   TPt(const TPt& Pt): Addr(Pt.Addr){MkRef();}
00478   TPt(TRec* _Addr): Addr(_Addr){MkRef();}
00479   static TPt New(){return TObj::New();}
00480   ~TPt(){UnRef();}
00481   explicit TPt(TSIn& SIn);
00482   explicit TPt(TSIn& SIn, void* ThisPt);
00483   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const;
00484   void LoadXml(const TPt<TXmlTok>& XmlTok, const TStr& Nm);
00485   void SaveXml(TSOut& SOut, const TStr& Nm) const;
00487   TPt& operator=(const TPt& Pt){
00488     if (this!=&Pt){Pt.MkRef(); UnRef(); Addr=Pt.Addr;} return *this;}
00489   bool operator==(const TPt& Pt) const {return *Addr==*Pt.Addr;}
00490   bool operator!=(const TPt& Pt) const {return *Addr!=*Pt.Addr;}
00491   bool operator<(const TPt& Pt) const {return *Addr<*Pt.Addr;}
00493   TRec* operator->() const {Assert(Addr!=NULL); return Addr;}
00494   TRec& operator*() const {Assert(Addr!=NULL); return *Addr;}
00495   TRec& operator[](const int& RecN) const {
00496     Assert(Addr!=NULL); return Addr[RecN];}
00497   TRec* operator()() const {return Addr;}
00498   //const TRec* operator()() const {return Addr;}
00499   //TRec* operator()() {return Addr;}
00501   bool Empty() const {return Addr==NULL;}
00502   void Clr(){UnRef(); Addr=NULL;}
00503   int GetRefs() const {
00504     if (Addr==NULL){return -1;} else {return Addr->CRef.GetRefs();}}
00506   int GetPrimHashCd() const {return Addr->GetPrimHashCd();}
00507   int GetSecHashCd() const {return Addr->GetSecHashCd();}
00509   TPt<TRec> Clone(){return MkClone(*this);}
00510 };
00513 // Simple-String
00514 class TSStr{
00515 private:
00516   char* Bf;
00517 public:
00518   TSStr(): Bf(NULL){
00519     Bf=new char[0+1]; Bf[0]=0;}
00520   TSStr(const TSStr& SStr): Bf(NULL){
00521     Bf=new char[strlen(SStr.Bf)+1]; strcpy(Bf, SStr.Bf);}
00522   TSStr(const char* _Bf): Bf(NULL){
00523     Bf=new char[strlen(_Bf)+1]; strcpy(Bf, _Bf);}
00524   ~TSStr(){delete[] Bf;}
00526   TSStr& operator=(const TSStr& SStr){
00527     if (this!=&SStr){
00528       delete[] Bf; Bf=new char[strlen(SStr.Bf)+1]; strcpy(Bf, SStr.Bf);}
00529     return *this;}
00531   char* CStr() {return Bf;}
00532   const char* CStr() const {return Bf;}
00533   bool Empty() const {return Bf[0]==0;}
00534   int Len() const {return int(strlen(Bf));}
00535 };
00538 // Conversion-Pointer64-To-Integers32
00539 class TConv_Pt64Ints32{
00540 private:
00541   union{
00542     void* Pt;
00543     uint64 UInt64;
00544     struct {uint Ls; uint Ms;} UInt32;
00545   } Val;
00546   UndefCopyAssign(TConv_Pt64Ints32);
00547 public:
00548   TConv_Pt64Ints32(){
00549     Val.Pt=0; Val.UInt32.Ms=0; Val.UInt32.Ls=0;}
00550   TConv_Pt64Ints32(void* Pt){
00551     Val.UInt32.Ms=0; Val.UInt32.Ls=0; Val.Pt=Pt;}
00552   TConv_Pt64Ints32(const uint& Ms, const uint& Ls){
00553     Val.Pt=0; Val.UInt32.Ms=Ms; Val.UInt32.Ls=Ls;}
00555   void PutPt(void* Pt){Val.Pt=Pt;}
00556   void* GetPt() const {return Val.Pt;}
00557   void PutUInt64(const uint64& _UInt64){Val.UInt64=_UInt64;}
00558   uint64 GetUInt64() const {return Val.UInt64;}
00559   void PutMsUInt32(const uint& Ms){Val.UInt32.Ms=Ms;}
00560   uint GetMsUInt32() const {return Val.UInt32.Ms;}
00561   void PutLsUInt32(const uint& Ls){Val.UInt32.Ls=Ls;}
00562   uint GetLsUInt32() const {return Val.UInt32.Ls;}
00563 };
00566 // Swap
00567 template <class TRec>
00568 void Swap(TRec& Rec1, TRec& Rec2){
00569   TRec Rec=Rec1; Rec1=Rec2; Rec2=Rec;
00570 }
00577 class TPairHashImpl1 {
00578 public:
00579   static inline int GetHashCd(const int hc1, const int hc2) {
00580     unsigned long long sum = ((unsigned long long) hc1) + ((unsigned long long) hc2);
00581     unsigned long long c = ((sum * (sum + 1)) >> 1) + hc1;
00582     return (int) (c % 0x7fffffffULL); }
00583 };
00588 class TPairHashImpl2 {
00589 public:
00590   static inline int GetHashCd(const int hc1, const int hc2) {
00591     unsigned long long sum = ((unsigned long long) hc1) + ((unsigned long long) hc2);
00592     unsigned long long c = ((sum * (sum + 1)) >> 1) + hc1;
00593     unsigned int R = (unsigned int) (c >> 31), Q = (unsigned int) (c & 0x7fffffffULL);
00594     if ((R & 0x80000000U) != 0) R -= 0x7fffffffU;
00595     unsigned int RQ = R + Q;
00596     if (RQ < 0x7fffffffU) return (int) RQ;
00597     RQ -= 0x7fffffffU;
00598     return (RQ == 0x7fffffffU) ? 0 : (int) RQ; }
00599 };
00601 // Depending on the platform and compiler settings choose the faster implementation (of the same hash function)
00602 #if (defined(GLib_64Bit)) && ! (defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG))
00603   typedef TPairHashImpl1 TPairHashImpl;
00604 #else
00605   typedef TPairHashImpl2 TPairHashImpl;
00606 #endif
00609 #endif